Caroline (Taylor's Mom)'s Comments

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At 4:17pm on May 4, 2011, Tracy said…
She looks beautiful and with time she will adjust. I started having problems with alopecia when I was turning 12 years old and I am now 43. She is also brave. I have never been out without anything on my head in my life. It looks like you are doing all the right things for her to feel as confident and secure as she looks. Great job and keep up the good work Mom. Tell Taylor I said hello.
At 10:54pm on April 15, 2010, Marte Carlson said…
Taylor is so cute!! My little girl is 3 and has also lost all of her hair. I guess my positive would be is that she really never had a lot of begin with so we didnt have to go threw that much of the "loss" per say. These kids are so dang cute. I hope to go to Alopeciapolooza next year so Maliya can see kids just like her!!
At 7:02pm on December 22, 2009, Samantha said…
Sorry for not talking to you .
At 3:29pm on August 11, 2009, Monique (Mom) said…
We would love too. It was great meeting you too.
At 4:26pm on August 10, 2009, Laura Hudson said…
Here's one of my girls!!!! I'm so glad you found me on here. Please keep in touch!
At 7:27pm on June 5, 2009, Samantha said…
Hi Caroline, I am Samantha. thank you for the friend request. How are you?
At 8:53pm on June 3, 2009, Monique (Mom) said…
Yeah. Where in P.A.? We'll go. Thanks for telling me. Where can I get more info. I will go onto the site and see what I can find out. Thanks!!!!
At 9:36pm on February 28, 2009, ErinMichele said…
Your daughter is gorgeous and so strong to be going through this at her age. I am 22 and having a really hard time with it. We can all support each other, that is what this website is for. Good luck to you both.
At 1:52am on February 7, 2009, Paula Bowman said…
You have a very pretty daughter...
At 3:35am on January 30, 2009, Roger said…
I agree. Shes sweet =)
At 5:24pm on January 26, 2009, Kelly said…
She's a sweetie, with or without her wig !
At 12:31am on December 30, 2008, Christina (Mom of Becky) said…
What a beautiful daughter you have!!! I know how hard this is for you. Actually for me at least it's harder on me then it is on my daughter Becky. My daughter is 13 and has a great group of friends, does very well in school and surprisingly has adjusted a lot better then I have. I do know that Becky does see and feel my sadness so I do try to keep that from her as much as possible. This Website is awesome and so comforting to know that we are not alone.
At 9:07am on December 21, 2008, Cindy said…
I love Taylor's new wig. Where did you get it?
At 10:34am on December 17, 2008, Maygensmom said…
Wow.....her first pic on the photo share looks like my daughters hair right now. We are possibly going to shave it off next week and get her fitted for a wig. This is a big step for us, for her. Her dad is going to go as well and he is going to shave his off too. He is a great dad. I am letting mine grow out so I can cut it off and possibly use both our hair and my sister in laws to have her a wig made. Your daughter is beautiful. Is the second pic a hairpiece? If so where did you get it?
At 10:38pm on December 16, 2008, Amber Lounder said…
What a darling!! You have a shining smile I have 4 children I think you are very brave Taylor
I hope santa brings you everything you want :)))xox
At 12:29pm on December 11, 2008, Cindy said…
Caroline, I was reading that your daughter went to school today with a wig. My daughter is 6 and has been wearing one for just a year. And, I can tell you that she has never been picked on and not many people even know it is not her hair. Your daughter just needs to go about her day as normal. I know my daughter spends zero time thinking about her hair. She just wants to play with her friends. She is experiencing regrowth 3 derms later. The creams did not work my daughter and suddenly I found her with little hair. This time last year we stated Squaric Acid and by the summer her hair started to grow. Now, if those darn brows and lashes would stop hiding on us!!

In case you did not know the Hair Club for men has a kids club and they make great hair replacements for the kids. I am waiting for our 2nd and hopefully last one. It is easy to maintain, put on and comfy. They give 3 free replacements a year and 8 free services.

If you haven't done so already check out Children's Alopecia Project. They maybe able to hook you up with a family in your area.,They are having their first kids conference this summer in Pittsburgh.

Like Trina, I give Sam aloe juice in OJ and I also giver her 5000mg biotin and a teaspoon of cod liver oil daily..

I hope some of this info helps..Cindy
At 9:19am on December 11, 2008, Trina said…

I find that Rogaine really does nothing for us. I am in Clinton, MD... not that close just the same state well its not that big. My daughter had to rotate and use one steroid during the day and one at night. Neither worked alone but together she regrew her hair within about 2 months. She used protopic and cordran lotion. I am so sorry about your daughter this is such a hard thing to deal with right now more for you than her. I would suggest a second opinion just to be on the safe side. I give my daughter aloe vera juice with orange juice.
At 8:55am on December 11, 2008, Trina said…
Hi Caroline,
We are not to far from each other. I too have a daughter who has endured Alopecia and I myself have AU as if anyone could tell. This is a hard thing to endure for a parent but here you have people who understand what you ar going through. With each day that passes you will get stronger. Whether her hair grows or not she is beautiful and make sure and always tell her so. Is she using any treatments?
At 9:17pm on December 10, 2008, Mia said…
Your daughter is beautiful with or with out hair!! Its so hard to deal with this but remember we are not alone I am glad to meet you. I hope you best
At 2:49pm on December 8, 2008, MARIA (mom of Savanna) said…
Caroline it was good to hear back from you and you are right your daughter is absolutley beautiful, but wheather she loses all her hair or it grows all back, she is still the same lil girl and she will always be beautiful. I know how frustrating it is to see all their hair fall out and there is nothing you can do to stop it, or to watch it start to grow back just to watch it fall out again...I have been there it seems like an up and down battle. I do not treat Savanna AU, because as every one knows there is no cure for it, just treatments and usually it is a 50/50 chance it will grow and stay. Savanna has very senstive skin and I am afraid any treatment might be more harmful then good, So i choose not to do anything, instead we have gone the route of wigs. She wears one from the KIds Club...(www.hairclubformen) look up the website and call the #800 number and tell them you have a 6yr old lil girl and would like to sign up for the kids club and get a consultation, everything is free and they get 3 wigs a year and i think 10 free session, which include geting their wigs cleaned, fixing their wigs for special occassions etc. The wigs are taped on. you need to call and make an appt, it will be worth it.

I wouldnt go with LOCKS OF LOVE...the process takes forever and they said they would be vaccumed sealed and savanna didnt even vaccum on her head, we waited and waited for it and when we got we were disappointed...I love the kids club, i would have to say it is the best place we have found...I wish you and taylor the best of luck in such a stressful situation...Stay Strong...Maria


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