Lynn's Comments

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At 11:47pm on May 27, 2010, JeffreySF said…
Hi Lynn,

Stopped in to say hello.

At 12:10am on May 25, 2010, Roger said…
Hi Lynn.

How are you?

At 11:46am on April 30, 2010, Jessica said…
hey Lynn,

I m so sorry about your hair, I totally remember running my hands through my hair and coming out with like 50 or more hairs ugh...
I wear a vacuum wig , but i Alopecia Universalis now before it all fell out i would shave my head every morning.
Hey I really like the synthetic wigs too both human hair and synthetic wigs have there pro's and con's you just have to see what works for you. I have 4 kids so synthetic wigs are easy to get up and go so I can get the kids to school etc. However I really like how the the way the human hair feels and looks.
If you need a few web site to check out you can see what styles there are and by the way if you get one off the wed sites there are cheaper then going to a slaon.

hang in there too bad you don't live in my area myself and a few other ladies started getting together last year for support and now this year we have more then 20 in our group we get together once a month for a meeting but will often hangout other times becesue we have become close friends.. if you have the oppertunity to do something like this by you I would it's really helped me.
well hope your day gets a bit brighter
At 10:51am on April 30, 2010, Alexandra said…
Lynn.....I have gotten all my wigs from IWig for the last 5 years. They are amazing and I love them. After wearing wigs for the last 15 years, they by far are the best ones I've ever had.
At 3:37pm on April 29, 2010, Mark S. Hansen said…
Hi Lynn. My name is Mark, I am single, 54 and live on the east side of Milwaukee. I have had alopecia universalis (total body hair loss) My condition started in about the 4th grade and I have had no hair anywhere for about for about 40 years. My parents bought me my first wig when I was about 15. And I wore one until about 6 years ago when I finally took it off and threw it away. Now, the problem is that I wear a baseball cap everywhere because I feel too exposed with nothing on my head. In any case I know what you may be going through. My wig really never helped me much over the years because it was supposed to give me confidence to approach women, at work, school, etc. But mostly it really only inhibited me from doing so (taking chances) for years at a time because I knew that I would have to tell them eventually anyways. Now I dont know if I am better off without it or not. But I won't wear one again. Well, got to go. Hang in there.
(we are not defined by our condition) later, (your friend) Mark.
At 1:41pm on April 29, 2010, Jessica said…
Hey Lynn,

I know what you mean... been in those shoes, ugh no fun at all... hope you start feeling better soon, AW really helped me out over the years. Anytime you need to vent, cry, chat or laugh let me know. really never feel bad for how you feel some days can be really hard to deal with but they start becoming fewer and more far between them .
At 1:36pm on April 28, 2010, Deepak said…
Hi Lynn,

How are you doing? You look wonderful.. would like to see you smile a bit more for the pics though :)

How r u coping with AA? Have a gr8 day :)
At 11:06am on April 26, 2010, Erica said…
Hi Lynn,
I saw you'd sent a message with your friend request but it disappeared when I accepted. I think you asked me something about securing my wig?

The first time I got a wig, they basically sent me away and said to just use kirby grips (bobby pins might be the term in the US, I'm not sure) to hold it on. But I went to a different salon in January and the lady there talked me through some different options for securing it. My wigs have a plastic band across the forehead hairline that you can use to attach double sided wig tape but as I still have hair there, that wasn't very useful for me. So the lady at the salon sewed a small comb clip on my wig at the front that I just use to clip on to the hair I've still got. She also sewed on a plastic material section to both my temple areas so that I can attach tape there and stick it all on securely. This works for me as I like to feel that my wig is properly attached and it means that can take sweaters off up over my head etc without it coming off. The lady at this salon was great as she properly fitted the wig and then explained that if more of my hair comes out and the clip being placed there is no longer working for me, just to go back and she'll adjust or look at different options.

This works for me but one of my friends who has alopecia universalis doesn't bother even taping her wigs on, she just sticks them on and goes. Our wigs are just acrylic ones although they are monofilament. I know that a lot of folk on here who have lost all their hair have looked into getting 'freedom' wigs which work with a vacuum: you get them specially fitted to your head and they kind of suck on from what I understand. I think you can sleep with these on and they sound pretty cool if you can afford them and/or need them.

Best thing would be to see if anyone here has a recommendation for a salon near you that is good at understanding alopecian needs!

Hope this helps, Erica.
At 1:26pm on April 25, 2010, LeslieAnn Butler said…
Lynn, thanks for the compliment on my wig. It's a virgin European human hair wig and I got it from Brenda Kay.
Let me know if you need advice or support. I've had universalis for 25 years.
At 2:28pm on April 22, 2010, Roger said…
A late welcome.

At 6:02pm on March 28, 2009, LeslieAnn Butler said…
Hello and welcome, Lynn!
How are you today?
At 11:40pm on March 25, 2009, Cheryl, Co-founder said…
Hi Lynn, I wanted to take this opportunity to welcome you to Alopecia World. I have been living with Alopecia Areata since 1991 and know full well the struggle it can be. I look forward to getting to know you. Cheryl, Co-founder


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