Karen's Comments

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At 5:37pm on February 17, 2010, MiNAH said…
I could never wear synthetic wigs or regular wigs.Not only because the synthetic made me allergic and wheezy with asthma!
The prosthesis is fitting perfectly and suctions as the next thing best to skin..although it's too hot in the dreaded summers.
I shave and always go out bald anyway....as I don't care what anyone thinks about my image.
At 3:36pm on November 24, 2009, Felicity said…
Hi Karen, I know exactly what you mean about the cold as I am in Derbyshire too! I am going to take a look now at the site you have reccomended - Thankyou x
At 9:15am on October 25, 2009, sonia said…
hi karen, hope your well the sun is great today no need to put the heating on today. well i'm really new to this chatting lark but i'll give a go seen as your a fellow chessie lass lol, i'm pretty open and feel it would be good to share this weird baldiness. look forward to hearing from you and i'll try to get a pic sorted so you can see who the heck i am.
At 8:26pm on May 17, 2009, Brandy Snap said…
Whew! I finally found the pattern. It was in a May 2004 magazine. I took a picture of it and now have it saved as a PDF. It was either that or type it all out by hand. I hope this works to upload a file. Wiggies pattern.jpg
At 6:13pm on May 15, 2009, lynne said…
hello there, how u doin,
i hope ur well, hope we can chat sn, take care x
At 11:39am on May 10, 2009, Nicole Mosley said…
Hi Karen, When you create a new profile on Facebook, it will ask you for a city or region which is associated with a network. This is how you can add yourself to the UK networks. You can also search for friends by their name and see what network they are on and who else is on that network. You can only be assigned to one network at a time I think, but you can join as many groups/discussions and add as many friends from anywhere in the world! For example, you can search for Nicole Mosley and there may be more than one "Nicole Mosley", but I am the only one on the Phoenix, AZ, US Network. Hope this helps :)
At 7:38am on May 7, 2009, Julia McDowell said…
I'm fine, thank you. I've had AA/AT/AU in various combinations for over 10 years and am now completely bald but with eyelashes and some (sparse) eyebrows, which I pencil in. I'm completely accepting now, but it hasn't always been that way. How about you?
At 5:40am on May 5, 2009, Julia McDowell said…
Hi Karen,
I'm an ex-pat Brit from Bromley in Kent, now living in Ottawa, Canada. Nice to see you here. Stay strong!
Julia :)
At 1:37pm on May 4, 2009, Tatina Paddington said…
Hi Karen,Thanks for your comments, nice to know more people in UK. I also have broken & split nails - i just keep filing & covering with polish!
At 6:07pm on April 6, 2009, Laura said…
Hi Karen,
Just wanted to say thanks for your message on my profile. I'm getting mine in 3 days which is also when my hairdresser will be shaving my head. I'm looking forward to it now as the current system I wear is uncomfortable (although it looks good which is something I guess!) so I can't wait to have it removed! I hope you are finding this site as helpful as I am I can't believe how many people suffer with this condition and I thought I was the only one!
Laura x
At 9:29pm on April 5, 2009, Cindy (Duncan's Mom) said…
Hi Karen! Thanks so much for the welcome! We are so excited to find Alopecia World. Have a blessed day! Cindy
At 2:33pm on March 29, 2009, Tina said…
Nice to meet you! I am also new to Alopecia World. I think we're in good company here!

For me, I have found that scarves are a great way to cover. The styles and sizes and fabrics are endless! There are so many different ways to tie them.

#1 If you tie them properly, they won't blow off your head at 60kph! My husband like to take the weekly bike ride to the beach!

#2 They are such a popular accessory and can be worn for all occasions without drawing attention to yourself.

#3 Finally........if and when the hair grows back, we can still wear them as great accessories rather than necessities!

#4 They will also come in handy for a bad hair day!

Think of it that way......Plus, what will you do with a wig if your hair grows back?........... someday...hopefully the scarves will only be a great reminder to ourselves.......An accessory worn .....kinda like a badge of courage!
Best wishes!

At 11:25pm on March 28, 2009, JeffreySF said…
I so looked like Charlie brown when I first shaved my head. I think all the Peanuts caracture have alopecia. LOL

At 8:20pm on March 28, 2009, LeslieAnn Butler said…
Hello and welcome, Karen!
I know how hard it can be. I have had alopecia for about 30 years. After I became the spokesperson for the National Alopecia Areata Foundation, a lot of women were needing my help and support, so I wrote a book called, "If Your Hair Falls Out, Keep Dancing!" It's a good read. You can find out more on my page -- and let me know if there's anything else I can do!
At 3:10pm on March 27, 2009, JeffreySF said…
Hi Karen,

You will find lots of support here.
What are squirel chops?

At 2:32pm on March 27, 2009, JeffreySF said…
Hi Karen,

Welcome to Alopecia World.

At 2:31pm on March 26, 2009, Hugh said…
Hi Karen,

Welcome to Alopecia World!

Have you tried a Buff? Great piece of headware!



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