Janna's Comments

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At 1:47pm on April 22, 2011, Danielle gave Janna a gift
At 7:10pm on January 3, 2011, Nikki said…
Hi Janna:

Thanks so much for your note. I to am not on AW that often. I try to remember to check - but time sometimes escapes me.

Let me know if you do end up coming to Vancouver. I know I am a lot older than your daughter - but perhaps meeting someone else with a similar problem would help. And if she meets my mom (also has alopecia) and can see that I am her daughter with the same problem..... whatever you think is best. I know some little girls in Alberta with the same problem. Breaks my heart.

I hope you had a great holiday. I look forward to meeting you one day. Let me know if you make it across the water.

Your friend Nikki
At 1:49pm on November 15, 2010, Nikki said…
Hi Janna:

That is so sad about your daughter. I have a daughter age 6 and it's my worst fear that she to will get Alopecia. My mom has it to. So it's on my mind a lot. How does she cope? Does she want to wear hair or go au naturel?? With me... mine started at 11 and I made it through school and even my wedding. But shortly after that I had to wear a hair piece. Now...some 18 years later I am good with it. My husband loves that I don't spend hours in the bathroom and there is never hair all over the floor. So some positives. I would love to meet one day. Actually I am supposed to be in Victoria for business at the end of the Nov. Not sure 100% if it's going to work - but I would love to meet up with you. If I don't end up coming - do you ever come to Vancouver?? I have organized a meet and greet (it was in the summer). Only one person came. I will try and do it again though. It's nice to know that there is others with the same problem.

Thanks so much for getting back to me. I look forward to talking more to.
At 2:14am on November 10, 2010, kastababy said…
Hey Janna!

SO glad to hear from you and glad to see that Lynnea, Isley, and Fiona are doing great!

Hope you're enjoying the winter -- how is Nnea's hair doing?

Hugs, YoKasta
At 10:17pm on August 8, 2010, kastababy said…
Hi Janna!!

Just dropping by to say hello to you, Graeme, Lynnea, Isley, and baby Fiona!! Hope things are going well for you guys!! Give my favorite girls lots of hugs and kisses for me -- perhaps one day we will finally meet at the NAAF Conference??? :)

At 3:04pm on March 27, 2010, kastababy said…
Hey there Janna!

How are Graeme and the girls doing?? I was outside on this lovely spring day here in TN and thought about you and the girls and just wanted to say hello! Hope all is well!

Hugs, YoKasta
At 10:44pm on December 23, 2009, Essence said…
thank you soo much :D <3

Merry Christmas to you too , i hope you and your family have a wonderful holiday !

xoxo , Essence .
At 11:37am on December 18, 2009, kastababy said…
I am so glad to hear that your baby is doing wonderful! I'm also glad to see that Nnea's hair is still growing too! I will be doing some serious blogging this weekend catching everyone up on what is going on in my life, so please stay tuned!

Tell Graeme I am sorry to hear of him losing his beloved father; I lost my own father 8 years ago and there isn't a day that goes by that I don't think of him -- he was my biggest supporter growing up and really was my bestest friend in the world -- I sometimes feel like every day that he's been gone has been really hard, and although you never get used to the idea of someone that close to you being gone, it does get easier knowing that he isn't suffering or sick or hurting in any way any more!

Please don't be a stranger; and Happy Holidays!
At 1:29am on December 18, 2009, kastababy said…
Hey Janna!

How are my favorite little girls on Alopecia World doing?? By now you should have had the new baby; how is he/she doing? What did you name him/her? As long as he's healthy, I'm overjoyed for you and your family!

If I don't hear from you soon, Merry Christmas and Happy Boxing Day! BTW, can somebody explain to me just what the hell Boxing Day is???

At 4:40pm on July 16, 2009, Christina Bostwick said…
thank you for taking the timeto respond to my questions. yeah i heard the same thing form my dermo. i am just so scared they will have alopecia i guess i just worry to much but i guess that comes with the mommy job. well i hope if they ever do show signs i can hold myself together to get them tru it b/c when it happened to me twice now i was devastaed both times. i also hope they will be as happy as your little girl and copes as well as she has. well thanks again and please tell your daugheter i think she is beautiul and her smile is just gorgeous!! thanks agin. :)
At 11:32am on July 16, 2009, kastababy said…
Hey Janna,

I am SO excited to hear about the baby!!! You definitely HAVE been busy since we talked last! And I am even more excited to hear about Lynnea's hair -- you have to send a picture of the "Friar Tuck" look -- as cute as she is, I'm sure she's pulling it off! Glad to hear Isley's doing well too -- have they helped you pick out baby names??

I haven't been on in a while either; my mother had a stroke in March and I've been helping her out quite a bit with her recovery. I will be blogging a bit more now that I have my mornings free again -- so glad to hear from you!

All the best to you and your babies!

At 6:45pm on April 13, 2009, Karen( Mom) said…
Hi Janna, we talked back in Feb. I took your advise and found a natropath. My 8yr daughter is lacking iodine and her connective tissues are weak. We started on vegetable iodine and already see improvement in her overall health. We haven't seen any signs of hair growth but it may take some time. Thanks again for the advise.
At 12:05pm on March 11, 2009, Christina Bostwick said…
Hello my name is chrisitna and this is the 2nd time in my life i have been diagnosed with AAi am yet again devastated. I did not ever think my Aa would come back but i am even more scared now..see i had a daughter a year ago and i never knew that AA could be passed from mother to child of course as a parent you try and prevent everything bad from happening to your child but this i can't prevent..i am soo scared she will have to face what i am facing and have faced i nthe past. So my ? is does anyone in your family have this disorder or do you know the chance of it being pased from mom to daughter... i have an appt. with a dermotologist to ask all these ?'s that have been driving me crazy since i noticed my first spot...but as i am sure you know getting in to see a dermotologist is a waitng game so if there is any info you are willing to share about symptoms or signs tests etc...that could help me or really any info at this point would be a blessing. i feel childish feeling the way i do when i see your young daughter looking so happy and beautiful i think if this young child has no porblem being bald why should I. well if you could help with any info it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time and my god give your family the strangth it needs to face this god bless you and your family.:)
At 11:40am on February 21, 2009, kastababy said…
Hey Janna!

How are Lynnea and Isley?? I haven't had much of a chance to sign on and say hello lately, and for that I apologize -- I definitely think of you and your babies every time I sign on though!! I moved back home to Nashville from Memphis a few months ago, and if you check out my blogs, you'll see that I've been VERY busy!!! At any rate, just wanted to say hello to you! Give your girls a big hug and a kiss for me!

At 4:38pm on February 17, 2009, Billie said…
I hear ya! I look forward to being friends with you too. Life is a bit topsy turvy right now and I don't log on all the time either. but I do check in as much as I can.
At 1:39pm on February 6, 2009, Tracy said…
Hey there! Where abouts do you live? My 8 year old daughter has Alopecia. She currently has lost about 70 % of her hair but is losing more daily. I find it harder than she does thats for sure! Anyways, if you are not close to me but want to make pen pals with out daughters feel free to contact me!
At 10:13am on February 4, 2009, Karen( Mom) said…
Hi, from all that you have done I have some new stuff to ask about when we see our DR. soon. Thanks, all the info we can get is great.
At 2:48pm on January 14, 2009, Karen( Mom) said…
HI Janna, newer to the site and came across your page. Are you still using a naturopath? If so what are you using? We have recently found out our daughter (8) has AA and are trying to find our way thru this new experience. We live in Edmonton but are from the coast. Your photos are beautiful and your daughters are beautiful.
At 12:50pm on November 14, 2008, Billie said…
Hi. Thanks so much for sharing your little ones. It brought tears to my eyes when reading your blog. You have two very beautiful special gifts that God has blessed you with. Enjoy each and every moment for you blink and they are grown. I have two boys, 17 a Senior in high school, and a 21 year old with a 4 year old son. Every day now, I miss the years when they were little.
Bless you and your family!
At 4:39am on October 5, 2008, Faye(mom of joanna} said…
Thats so nice.. a beautiful picture of your daughter. I have two kids 9 yrs boy and now a 22 month old joanna. I notice when 16 mo she loosing her hair, before doctor said its just a cycle wait for 3 months. My dj keep loosing her hair. She just diagnos 20 month old. Dr, gave her cream for 3 weeks didnt change . Im so worried its so hard for me to accept it, people think my dj on tretment . I need to explain to them..this and that ,and people sometimes starring with my dj to think she's sick.I m going to ask my Dr. about naturopath


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