Lori M's Comments

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At 1:32pm on October 17, 2008, Linda said…
And, you're going to have to take the cakes off your page, lol, everytime I click on your page I gain 5 pounds! LOL
At 1:31pm on October 17, 2008, Linda said…
Hey Lori, thanks for the compliment, my grand angels are 6,7,&8. They are Nana's Loves, you know, God's second chance to Moms, lol!
At 6:19pm on October 16, 2008, Celeste Edwards said…
Hum!! I think Little Red Corvette was one, Gett Off, Kiss, Cream and the Diamond and Pearls album :) You know, all the songs HE won't sign anymore!! :)

I'm also LOVING Pink's new song So What!! That one I played too.
Still feel GREAT about my decision!! Maybe it's because I'M back in control and it's not controlling me any longer!!

UGGG!! My dear husband just walked in and IS HUNGRY!!! So, better go for now.

Take Care!
At 6:28am on October 16, 2008, as said…
Hallo Lori M,
it are very beautiful things that the do you do.Certainly also very good.Admire your cleverness.Congratulate!My mummy and wife also bake beautiful and good sweets.Finest,but does my daughter.Beautiful greeting from Czech republic. as
At 8:10pm on October 15, 2008, Esther said…
Hi lori,
did you make those cakes? they are amazing! anyway this week has been tough, the change is obvious and people are noticing but i'm surviving. I haven't put any pics up yet but I soon as I get some new pics i will post them up.
At 7:35pm on October 15, 2008, Linda said…
The acid burned a scab over the spot, the doctor said it would stimulate hair growth, it didn't, it hurt, oozed and bled. When it healed the scab was gone and there were no scars. No hair either, my new doctor told me the old one had damaged my skin and hair would never grow there again. So I have no thoughts that hair will ever grow in the back.
At 5:47pm on October 15, 2008, Lori M said…
You are too kind and in the end it is only icing....and cake...LOL
At 5:16pm on October 15, 2008, Cheryl, Co-founder said…
WOW! What do you mean you can't add your name to the talent group!!!!!
At 4:01pm on October 15, 2008, Linda said…
Hi Lori, I'm sure the little one is up from her nap by now, sorry it took so long, I had a persistant client who wanted to tell me her life story. Being the soft hearted person I am, I listened, lol, okay she had a juicy story! Hairsisters.com is just one of many that sell decent wigs, synthetic wigs are not made to be worn forever and if we had hair we'd spend money at the hair salon and on hair dye, etc. The wigs pay for themselves, most last for about 4 months with constant wear and about 6-12 months worn intermittently. My hair fell out in the same pattern yours did, then my dermatologist burned my scalp in the back by applying salycidic acid
At 2:29pm on October 15, 2008, Linda said…
Lori, try hairsisters.com, they take a while to ship your order, but they are very reasonable. I've seen the same wigs I've paid under $20 bucks for in high end wig shops for $150. Try the short, tri-colored half wigs, like a pixie cut, I'm sure you'll knock 'em dead in one of those. The half wigs fit my "peanut" the best and you can find short half wigs too! Before I found this site I didn't know I had a problem, lol!
At 10:00am on October 15, 2008, Linda said…
Comfy Grip is a gel filled band that you put around your head to keep your wig from slipping, it closes with velcro. Mine was too big for my "peanut head" and it didn't keep my wig on like the ad promised. I was out $35 and stuck with a product that didn't work for me, the way I shop for wigs, that was 3 wigs...easily ;-)
At 10:08pm on October 14, 2008, CSue said…
LOL - Big Hair! When you have thin hair almost anything seems big in comparison - at least that's what I tell myself whenever I start to think that my wigs are too full. Whenever I get a new wig I always dislike it at first, then I'll take it off & put it away for a few weeks, then get it out & try it on again. I go through this process off & on for weeks until I finally get used to it & decide that I like it. I have two right now that I'm not wearing - trying to decide whether I'll get used to them or should return them.
At 9:44pm on October 14, 2008, Linda said…
LOL, Lori, you're good...that was Sheena!
At 8:10pm on October 14, 2008, Celeste Edwards said…
All I have time for right now to say is that....drum roll PLEASE!!! I shaved the shit off!!!!!!!!!! A Xanax, a few beers and Prince and all is D-O-N-E!!! Time to move forward!!!
At 5:01pm on October 9, 2008, Celeste Edwards said…
Hi Lori!!

Thanks for your comments :) It's funny, everytime I sit down to write, I'm not exactly sure what to say!!! I'm sure you can relate. Thank goodness for this group!! Without it, i would feel completely isolated!! Even my hubby said today how happy (relatively speeking) he was that I am here and have people I can share with. Truth be told, I'd have MUCH rather met all of you on better/different terms :)

As I sit here, I am having an internal debate on whether or not to just go upstairs, grab my husbands clippers and shave this pittyful shit off my head!! In less than two weeks, I have have lost 75%!!!?? UNREAL!! So, I can't deal with myself...so, I'm going to help you :)

Your daughter is BEAUTIFUL!!! Children are an absolute blessing!! Enjoy every minute!! Cause as they say, It goes SOOOOOO fast!! Somehow my "babies" are now 8 & 4!

Don't stress too much about what you're going to do when you go back to work ... You still have time!! I am a COWARD!! I can't do the scarf thing in public ... Hell,I can't hardly do it in private ;) So, I prefer the wig. Dropped a small fortune on one yesterday!! I LOVE it .. yet, I sit and stew about the fact that it's FAKE .. No one knows but me ... But until I come to terms with this ... that's MY burden!! Ya know. Last round of this, NO ONE knew!! I can't tell you how many times I was complemented! How many gals actually INVIED me and my hair ... HA! I'll tell ya where to go buy it for yourself!! That's what I WANTED to say!! But, I am gracious and just said, Thank You!! SOOOOOOOOOOO...my point ... MOST will NEVER ever notice you have a wig!! It's a battle with YOU and ony YOU that you'll have to be willing to challenge and eventually overcome! Find your STRENGTH!! WE ARE SO MUCH MORE THAN OUR HAIR!! Download india Arie's song "I am Not My Hair" Cause WE Are!! Yes!! We are!! Keep telling yourself that!! Start confiding in your friends! Hug your daughter when you feel like losing it! She could care less if you have hair ... right!! Your hubby! He LOVES you too! 19 years!! That's something to CELEBRATE!! Have more sex! I mean this!! Seriously!! It does WONDERS! ;) Keep a journal or blog!! RELEASE all the garbage!! Just let it OUT!!

Hang in there Babe!! Know that YOU are NOT alone!! Oh, you are NOT alone!!

Hang in there!! Brighter days are a commin!!
At 10:07am on August 30, 2008, Diane said…
ho no!! waking up vey early in town instead of waking up late in the country... not the same!!

You are absolutly right about the importance of keeping in touch with others adoptive families, especially the ones from the travel group... my 1st daugther once explain to a friend that these others girls have known her for a very long time...even before mom and dad!

Plus when I was at the NAAF conference, I felt so good being surrounded by people that look like me... it was the 1st time I've met others alopecian, although I have had alopecia for almost all my life. It made me realized the importance of exposing my kids to others Asian-look people. An other positive thing about this conference!

Keep on phoning your dermatologist to get an appointment. Insists on the secretary and if you have time, you might even go in person.... it's easier to say no over the phone than face to face.... ;-)
At 9:14pm on August 29, 2008, Diane said…
Enjoy your weekend! we used to go camping over this week end with our adoption travel group too before the girls all started school... now, we met over the Thanksgiving week-end in October and in February, for the Chinese New Year...

Tell me, what is happening with your derm appointment? did they phoned you or are you still waiting?
At 7:56pm on August 24, 2008, Lori M said…
Hey Diane! We are having a reunion this Labour-Day week-end up at my trailer with my travel group 252 to China. Haven't see some of the kids in 6 months so should be amazing the changes. Will post some pics of the kids.......Lauren is changing but man I can't wait until we have "real" communication. She is 21 months on the 10th of Sept. I find my parental leave is going fast for sure!
At 10:56pm on August 22, 2008, Diane said…
Hi Lori,
I see you've added new pictures... your girl is soo cute... enjoy those precious moments with her.... kids grow up too fast!
At 4:36pm on August 18, 2008, Lori M said…
Your grand girls are adorable. I can't wait to see the pics of your wig!!! There is hope I don't have to look like a mophead.....LOL


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