Tray (Jazz's Mom)'s Comments

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At 12:36pm on April 3, 2008, Trina said…
I'm sorry the first medicine is called cordran and elidel cream.
At 12:30pm on April 3, 2008, Trina said…
Hi Tray,

Yes Biotin can be ordered on line. I ordered the shampoo from and it is real inexspensive. Niyah goes to a dermatologist who has aa himself. The doctor told me today that she can no longer wear braids as it puts more pressure on the hair and it is already attacking itself. He recommended going natural. I am going to give her twist which will not put any strain on her hair. The medicine she uses is called cast and they put her on elidel from prioptic which the dr said will cause less irritation and keep her from scratching so much. She uses both and rotates them which works versus just using one. Tell Jasmine to stay strong it will all work out. Maybe you should try another dermatologist who has experiene with the condition
At 9:29am on April 3, 2008, Gayla Scott said…
Hi Tray and Jaz!!
I love you both so much...
At 3:55pm on April 2, 2008, Stephanie Brown said…
Hey there my beautiful babies (Tray N Bean). This is Nana. I hope the two of you know that I love you all so much and when you hurt I hurt. Bean I saw your daddy yesterday and I hope he will be home soon. Always know that Nana loves you and I'm here for you always. If you want me TT and Pa-pa will shave our heads for you...just say the word and it's gone! Blessing and love
At 12:59pm on March 28, 2008, Miranda said…
Sure, I don't know that there is a test that determines that it is Alopecia. I don't know how they would figure that out since it is the white blood cells attacking the hair follicles. I wonder if there is one? That would be new to me! HA HA

Anyways, when we first found out about the spots they did a number of blood tests to see if it was a nutrient deficiency, or a thyroid issue, and what not. Once those tests came back negative they explained Alopecia and said there was no cure etc. So we have tried many topical creams, and the last two we used thinned her scalp really bad and she developed spots. So her dermatologist did a skin biopsy in the office with just the topical numbing agent, lidocaine. It was seriously the scariest wait for us. I think I would completely blame myself because my once healthy girl would of had cancer instead of no hair. Plus, the ointments didn't even work!

Needless to say, we are at a stand still for any kind of treatment. We are using a product that is native here in New Mexico called, Yerba de la Negrita. This is a concentrate spray, shampoo, and conditioner that is made from a black herb that is supposed to promote hair growth and thicken the hairs, and make it stronger. I think so far what is left of her hair has been thickened and a lot stronger. I haven't seen any regrowth spots yet, and she has gotten even more spots, but i think if it makes the hairs she already has stronger, that it is worth it. My mother-in-law started using it when she did and her hair is 100% thicker and a lot softer looking. One of the Nurses I work with that is also a cosmetologist recommended it.
At 4:25pm on March 26, 2008, Dee Connelly said…
Hi Tray,
Sorry to hear about you not feeling well. It is a beautiful day today in Gettysburg. It is about 64 degrees here, it is so lovely.
At 8:21am on March 26, 2008, Trina said…
hello Tray,

i am a parent that has a child that is dealing with as well. I have had AA and AU since I was her age. Trust that she will be much stronger for it. Most people dont know that I have it, but I try to tell as many people as I can. I discoevered a way to do it myself without the wig process. The wigs were heavy and uncomfortable. I am using a supplement called biotin on my daughter it is all natural and she is reacting to treatments. My daughter is eight almost nine and if she needs someone to talk to my daughter would be happy to. I think it would be great for them to be able to discuss the things they are going through with one another. My daughter is teaching me to be strong. I thought the lessons would come from me. Are you going to the conference?
At 11:50pm on March 25, 2008, Cheryl, Co-founder said…
The articles on Kelci, your daughter may enjoy reading about her.

At 11:27pm on March 25, 2008, Julia said…
Hey there! Their chatting in the chat room...
At 11:25pm on March 25, 2008, Cheryl, Co-founder said…
The conference is in Louisville, Kentucky and you can get more information from
At 11:18pm on March 25, 2008, Cheryl, Co-founder said…
Hi Tray, Have you looked into going to the conference. They usually have about 100-150 kids. If it is doable, it is a great place for your daughter to interact with other kids who have alopecia as well as start to develop her own personal alopecia style.

Please feel free to ask me about anything and if your daughter joins the site, I will add her as a friend immediately! Take care and keep in touch. Cheryl
At 7:29pm on March 24, 2008, Dee Connelly said…
HI, I just wanted to say hello to you!! We hope you had a great Easter!!!
At 10:00am on March 22, 2008, Julia said…
So happy you found this site...How are you?
At 11:55am on March 21, 2008, Miranda said…
Hello Tray,

Welcome to Alopecia World, and Parents of Children with Hair Loss. Please feel free to write an introduction and any questions or concerns you might have! There are some very wonderful people in the group. My daughter has had alopecia now for three years. She will be turning 5 here in a few weeks. There are a bunch of ups and downs, but it really does help to find answers from people who have been there done that. I wish you the best, and hope to talk to you soon!
At 10:30am on March 21, 2008, Cheryl, Co-founder said…
I wanted to welcome to Alopecia World. I can honestly say that we are a great community here and I hope you not only enjoy the time you spend with us, but the time allows you to get everything you need to help your daughter. Feel free to email me anytime.



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