Trina's Comments

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At 2:09pm on December 23, 2008, Cindy said…
Hi Trina, just wanted to wish you a Happy Holiday and New Year!!
At 9:18pm on December 14, 2008, Prayer said…
Thanks for your support, I am going to try the hair grease I went to the web site and saw both a temple oil that mentioned preventing alopecia and then there was one that was a gro serum, which do you use?
At 12:44am on December 13, 2008, Prayer said…
Trina, let me first say thank you for being you, and being so open, you are truly a great person to communicate with. You mentioned you stopped taking the injections even though they worked for you, was it b/c it was too much to deal with? Also can you provide me with the name of hair grease again.
At 1:02pm on December 12, 2008, Mari said…
WHEW!! I do really worry what I say and preview tons of times before I post because I know how easy it is to say the wrong thing- and this is a huge ole support group. I was so hoping I hadn't come across that way- thanks hon :)
At 1:37pm on December 11, 2008, Cindy said…
I posted some pics that I took a few weeks ago..
At 12:21pm on December 11, 2008, Cindy said…
HI Trina, thanks for your post..She actually has just A layer of hair, but it is getting thicker..I need to post some pictures...It is taking its time coming in like it took its time coming out..Good luck to Niyah on Saturday!
At 9:14am on December 11, 2008, Caroline (Taylor's Mom) said…
Hi Trina, Thanks for the support. It's been very hard over the past couple of weeks with Taylor losing so much of her hair. Yesterday she wore a wig to school for the first day. She was thrilled. She is currently using a topical steriod and rogaine. Any suggestions? Any Doctors you'd suggest in our area?
At 12:09am on December 11, 2008, Prayer said…
Trina, I read your comment on the kenalog injections, so they did work for you?
At 12:04am on December 11, 2008, Prayer said…
Hi Trina, That is a blessing your daughter is doing so well, I am sure. she will continue with all your continued support. What specific vitamins does she take, does she still drink the aloe vera juice and use the hair grease?
At 11:51am on December 8, 2008, kristin said…
thanks for sharing, and high five to the little one!
At 10:13am on November 28, 2008, Avis said…
Hi Trina! I love your pics. Your daughter is a cutie pie. I pray she will not have to live with alopecia, but if she does she will have a strong role model in you. Take Care.
At 8:36am on November 27, 2008, Cindy said…
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!!!!

How did the comp go?
At 6:53pm on November 25, 2008, Royalty said…
Just stopping by to say hi Trina, I hope you enjoy your holiday!
At 11:27pm on November 21, 2008, Kristen Ridenhour said…
That's awesome! I miss competing. Gymnastics is such a great sport. How long has she had AA? That's good that she's handling it well.
At 7:57pm on November 20, 2008, Angie said…
Thats cool that you do your own hair and make it look that good. I'm looking for a change. I wear a wig basically till it gets dull. My friends advise me to change and wear different styles. I don't why but I'm scared of a change. I'm really considering trying a lace wig but there so expensive. I plan to save a little money and try it. Bring 2009 in with a new look have them hatin' lol.
At 7:59am on November 20, 2008, Cindy said…
Yes, I can count on you!!!!!!
At 8:38pm on November 19, 2008, Angie said…
Hey Trina I just wanted to say I love your hair. I suffer from alopecia universalis and been interesting in trying the lace wigs. I cant even tell you have alopecia I too want that look. Do you wear lace wigs?
At 1:08pm on November 19, 2008, Julia said… your email...thanks!

Congrats on your wedding...remember to take time to breathe!

Take Care
At 11:46am on November 19, 2008, Cindy said…
Trina, some days I think you are my conscious..Thanks for the words of advice as always..Good luck to Niyah for her competition. When is the big wedding day?
At 8:52pm on November 18, 2008, Cindy said…
Hi Trina, nice to hear from you. Yes, it is getting cold....We have no comp till March. Sam is going to do a Counting Crows song. I am glad that Niyah has had full regrowth. I ended up taking Samantha to the doctor and we all agreed it was the shampoo causing the scalp irritation. Some cortisone cream and neosporin cleared it up fast. She is growing her hair. Some spots getting thicker and longer and some still bald. I would say she has a layer of hair over about 65% of her head now. The eyebrows are frustrating me to know end. They come and go. I am giving Samantha the biotin lozenges, aloe juice and now cod liver oil. She is so good about it all. T he doctors were so happy to see her hair growing. The last time we saw the doctor she had some light fuzz. We go back next week because they wanted to see that her head is clear. I did have a melt down last week when it took me an hr to get her wig on for school. It does not always stick well since we are taping it on her hair in most parts. I am waiting for her new one in hopes it will require less tape since the cap is different. I hate this, but we are hoping that by her b-day in Feb she can have a short hair cut. I guess i just feel sad lately since it was this time last year that it all really started coming out and I was looking for wigs..Thanks for thinking of us..When is the comp?


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