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  • Gloria S.
  • Leah Larson
  • Simone La Sure-Clark
  • Nesha
  • Michelle De Cou
  • Nicole Richardson
  • Shanea Matthews Mobile 4 Beauty
  • Mary Ann Banks
  • Royalty
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  • myranda
  • abby lawson
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  • Tamara Dixon
  • Dawn

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At 12:00pm on October 27, 2009, Leah Larson gave Prayer a gift
Is Prayer your real name? EIther way, it's beautiful and creative!
At 7:33pm on September 12, 2008, Trina said…
Hello Prayer,

Long time no hear from. I have been soooo busy. How is your daughter doing? I hope all is well and stay blessed.
At 4:17pm on July 25, 2008, Cindy said…
Hi Prayer, welcome to the group. I am sorry to hear you daughter has had no success with treatment. My daughter tried various creams with no success. In December we went to a new doctor and they suggested squaric acid immunotherapy, otherwise known as SADBE. It is safe for long term use and has good results. Basically, we are shocking Sam's immune system by confusing it in hopes to wake up her hair follicles. The process begins with sensitizing the arm to see if the body produces a reaction in the form of a rash. In our case she did on the first try. If you scalp produces a rash then your body is reacting to the treatment. It can be a harsh treatment and some people have too sensitive skin to be able to tolerate the rashes and itchy scalp. In some cases the body produces such a reaction the body can't handle the treatment. Our doctor has been cautious with Samantha and we have had our set backs due to her bodies response. Sam did get a blister from the skin test and we had to wait several weeks for it to heal and then we did a small spot at the doctor's office and her arm picked up the rash and her scalp nearly blistered. We waited several weeks for a second treatment and then eventually we worked up to weekly. In May she had a full body response or at least that is what the doctor thinks. She broke out in a rash all over her body. We had to wait 3 weeks for it to heal. Then, we saw the regrowth happening. We also cut the dose in half. She is now getting lots of regrowth on he scalp only. The doctor said we can try increasing to 2 times a week now. If you google SADBE you find articles on this treatment. In the meantime, Sam is a happy girl and she has not minded wearing a wig. She has been since Dec. We are getting her new wig in two weeks..How is your daughter doing? Please write anytime..cindy
At 3:59pm on July 25, 2008, Trina said…
The eyebrows you should get a permanent make up clinic to do them. The place was in VA but a lot of places do it. Just search and see if they have a website. The place I went to was called the that is there website. The deity can be brought at a beauty supply store or you can order it online.

I think it is easier when you are younger and after high school.
At 3:36pm on July 25, 2008, Trina said…
The eyebrows did not hurt at all. I guess you could say it is more like a lace front completely all over. I wanted to do hair and so it is kind of a hobby. My mother though it would be better to go to college and I am glad I did... I learned a lot about me and learned to be self confident as well...People are more understanding in college because you are all weird. So I believe that is the time I learned to accept this and go on with life and 10 years later here I am..
At 3:32pm on July 25, 2008, Trina said…

My daughter uses protopic and cordran lotion. She uses one in the morning and the other at night. They did not work alone but together they did. She has also been using a biotin supplement, aloe vera juice, and a grease called Deity America.
At 3:24pm on July 25, 2008, Trina said…

I believe I lead a normal life because I refused to let AU be the end of the world for me. I have gone through the hard times but this has been a good life for me. I have my eyebrows done with permanent make up and I do my own hair so it is just a matter of buying the hair and making the look I want. I go swimming or whatever in it and then about 2 months later I start over. It is more like a custom design I started about 10 years ago when there were no other options and it looks real so the world does not ask me questions.. I think that has made things much easier, but I share with people all the time what is going on.
At 12:49pm on July 25, 2008, Roger said…
Im glad you found it too!

At 3:44pm on July 23, 2008, Roger said…
At 2:59pm on July 23, 2008, Trina said…
Prayer, the use of remi hair lace fronts tend 2 work better for us. The hair can cost more but I find it 2 be so natural looking.. Hope this helps... anytime u got questions let me know


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