Cristian's Comments

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At 9:09am on August 19, 2010, Ernesto said…
hey man I'm good, thanks for your comment. I hope things are going well for you!
At 7:56pm on August 16, 2010, Chris L said…
Hi Cristian

How are things going?? Funny to see Delft, your home town, I was stranded there during terrible storms across Europe a couple of years ago, great city and my sanctuary for a night!

Keep well

At 12:50pm on August 15, 2010, Ernesto said…
How are you doing? Everything ok?
At 10:12am on July 21, 2010, hannah sophia holland said…
How long have you had it? Are you coping well? I hope so :)
At 6:46am on July 20, 2010, hannah sophia holland said…
Oh I see, no problem! :D
what type of alopecia do you have?
I know it is so difficult to ignore them but I always found it better to learn to live with it so thst if your hair comes back, you are prepared for hair loss in the future.
I am Ok thankyou :) I had alopecia areata for 4 years and i finally seem to be keeping my regrowth going. I've actually recently stopped wearing my hair piece :)
At 6:06pm on July 19, 2010, hannah sophia holland said…
officially? was just asking how you are? :)
At 9:58am on July 19, 2010, hannah sophia holland said…
Thanks for the add hun :D
How's it goin?
At 7:45pm on December 9, 2009, JeffreySF said…
Happy Birthday Christian!

At 11:31am on November 30, 2009, JeffreySF said…
Hi Christian,

How are things going with you?
When you reply make sure you reply to me and not yourself. Oops!
Hope you are having a good day!

At 2:03am on August 21, 2009, Cheryl, Co-founder said…
Hi Cristian, I wanted to welcome you to Alopecia World. I can honestly say that we are a great community here and I hope you enjoy the time you spend with us.

At 4:54pm on August 17, 2009, Cristian said…
Thanks Jeffrey
At 11:15am on August 17, 2009, JeffreySF said…
Hi Cristian,

Welcome to Alopecia World.

At 3:54am on August 17, 2009, Cristian said…
I am sorry to hear about your daughter. I don't know how young she is or from how long she has AA. However it is important for her to start a treatment the soonest. Like for example a treatment with a steroids cream as i am using.

Because i had noticed that while the 'old' spots didn't recovered, the new ones (actually only the eyebrow) did. So it seems it has to do with how recent a spot is or not, that the treatment will be most effective.

The steroid cream treatment is absolutely painless. I am using it under the form of cream, not under the form of shots (which i do expect to come with some hurting).

I had been to the doctor recently, another doctor this time, and she told me plainly that they don't have any other treatment for this. The only thing that she added is that the scalp skin in particular should be kept clean so that the hair follicles to have space to grow (which i admit that it sounds silly for me, but hey, i am not a doctor) and that i should still use minoxidil spray (which i did used in the past until it generated no response further so then i stopped using it).

Hence, in the evening i was applying the cream over head and face, and in the morning i was shaving, washing my head with a special fungous shampoo (not for the fungus but the doctor said it is best to keep the skin healthy), such a shampoo is found in Europe under the name of Nizoral and it's produced by Janssen - Cilag , and then i applied Minoxidil for the rest of the day.

Does your daughter takes any treatment currently? How does she react?

At 9:46pm on August 16, 2009, Tracy and Amanda said…
I understand what your going through Cristian. My daughter has AA and it has been a rough road for both of us. But I know she will become stronger because of this and so will you. Maybe your doctor could suggest some other treatment if you are experiencing problems with the cream. Is the steroid treatment painful?
At 6:45pm on August 16, 2009, Cristian said…
I am all fine. I am trying to cope with the situation. Thanks for the question. Though i have this for some years, i only realized in the last couple of months how much this thing has influenced my life. I wish i would have never had it! It makes me feel inferior with respect to others, unsecured on myself and introverted.

The most I am upset cause i lost my eyebrow.

Sometimes i wish i could definitely remove all the hair on my head and face. And for this i would like to ask if any of you knows a solution. If i can't have enough hair, at least to take it all out and that's it.
At 2:49pm on August 16, 2009, Tracy and Amanda said…
Hi Cristian,
How are you?


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