Victoria Laughren's Comments

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At 3:22pm on September 18, 2008, Vicsta said…
Hehe - someone else told me the same thing about the wig with bangs.

No the forest part is actually not a forest - it's like a tree lined walk where my sister lives down on the South Coast by the seaside. I want to go to Epping Forest sometime... I haven't been there although it is not far!! I have driven around the area... but not been in it.

How's things with you and your hair?

At 4:29pm on September 17, 2008, Vicsta said…
Very cute profile pic!! ;o)
At 3:52pm on September 17, 2008, emma said…
love your pictures hun .. you look fab, hope you ok x
At 6:21pm on September 12, 2008, emma said…
yeah i know about that little hope thing i had white hair growing but it fell out .. im not sure weather to shave mine ppl say i should leave it cos i can it but it so thin and its doing my head in first thing im checking in the morning is my pillow to see if anythings there lol (sad i know).. oohhh i think i would get some thing outragous i like the electric blue hun tho xx
At 6:15pm on September 12, 2008, emma said…
oh hunni.. i dont blame you ive got no more patches but my hair is thinning.. you ok xx
At 4:39pm on September 10, 2008, emma said…
mmmm i think ill leave the tea and vitamins thanks lol.. ive got appointment on the 6th oct so will let you know hun.. ive got the white fuzzy stuff but it fell out once before so not getting my hope up hope you ok take care sweet xx
At 3:43pm on September 9, 2008, Vicsta said…
Awww I hope you scalp gets better soon!! I do not like the thought of needles near my scalp I have to say, but if it helps then it's worth it!

I am afraid that I don't have great experiences with the medical profession and their bedside manner. I think that is one of the reasons I have given up on getting help with my hairloss from the NHS and have just gone off and tried to find my own way.

The wigs I have worn were all synthetic so far and ranged from some cheapies from ebay to a couple I bought from different wig stores. The thing with wigs is there are so many choices. Ideally if you had a shop stocking wigs, then it's nice to be able to go and try some. The main thing I would say if you are considering getting a wig is to do a lot of research - the type of base to the wig is very important because it affects how realistic the wig will look on your head. I made a mistake with my first wig and got one which ended up looking so terribly wiggy that I couldn't wear it and it was the most expensive wig I bought... just one of those things I guess.

Lace wigs come as either lace front wigs or full lace wigs. The full lace wig is one where the base that the hair is attached to is made of either french or swiss lace (french is stronger than swiss). They have extra lace left at the front and you cut this to fit your head and harline and actually glue the wig to your head. You can wear it for a week or two in one go. They also achieve a more realistic hairline, which enables you to wear your hair in a ponytail or an up-do.

Generally they are made with human hair - the advantages to this are that you can style it the way you want, whereas with synthetic you tend to be restricted to the way it is and cannot use any styling aids such as heated tongs or a hairdryer etc as this will burn and melt the hair.

I am thinking of buying one as I like the idea of not worrying about whether the wig is going to move or accidentally be ripped off (which never happened) and I am hoping that I can achieve a realistic hairline and will, therefore, be able to put my hair up. They are not cheap so I have been doing plenty of research and I am still a bit nervous about making an order.

With regards to shaving your head... I definitely found it quite liberating and it felt good in a way because I really had no idea how much of my hair was falling out because it was just stubbly rather than long strands. When I decided to go for it and my boyfriend started shaving it off, I felt emotional. Once he started shaving it you could suddenly see how much of my head was balding and for me that was the worst part - I hadn't realised how bad it was until he started cutting my long hair away!! However, after the initial shock I felt relieved that he was doing it because I realised that not having to watch it keep falling out would be emotionally better for me.

Hope you are having a good day :o)
At 9:24pm on September 6, 2008, dollydreadful said…
yeah he was a complete ass - all nice and smooth - you know - chuckling -aarrgh!! :)
At 9:23pm on September 6, 2008, dollydreadful said…
pretty green? trust me things change so rapidly we'll always be a little green - but that's what keeps the work exciting ( keep telling myself that's the reason :) ) - bit jokes aside its good work for the soul - sometimes draining but many times so rewarding :) - and your right we rock :)
At 7:16pm on September 6, 2008, Vicsta said…
Hi Victoria

Thanks for the message. Chigwell is nice - I like it round there and Epping Forest. I see you are in Canada now... have you been there long?

No it doesn't sound vain. I totally understand what you mean. I do try not to judge people from their looks and as I have multiple health issues and have had chronic health problems since I was 10, I try to focus on the peson rather than their body. It is hard to do this as society does place so much emphasis on appearances and achieving the perfect body/look. Every time you turn on the tv or see a magazine or newspaper, there always seems to be something about diets, hairstyles, celebs etc. In the end the pressure has been unbearable for me at times.

I have definitely reached a better place with my acceptance of alopecia as time has gone on. You certainly will meet someone who accepts your hair issues and is comfortable with you whether with wig or without. I think a lot of this has to do with how you project yourself. I think that if you feel comfortable with your hairloss than other people will feel comfortable too. I noticed this when I shaved my head and kind of 'came out' about what was going on. When I had it together and showed people I was confident whether wearing a wig, headscarf or baring my head - then I could feel they were at ease.

I am very lucky because my boyfriend has always been very straightforward with me about it. He even shaved my head when the time came for that. It is very important to me as I need someone who I can relax around and just be myself - baldy or balding self depending on whether I am shaving my head or not.

Have you found Nioxin helpful? I used it for over a year - I had the shampoo and conditioner type stuff as well as the follicle boosting spray and some other spray called Bliss or something. I did not find any change in my balding, although I liked the products as they seemed to keep my scalp feeling very clean!

So what are your plans? Are you still thinking of shaving your head? Have you investigated any wig types?

At 3:37pm on September 6, 2008, dollydreadful said…
Hi Victoria - yesterday I went to the dermatologist and he did the same once over exam with me he didn't even let me part my hair to fully look at the area - he asked questions about my family hx and then cut me off as I was answering - several times i needed to correct the information he was quickly inputting in his computer with his back turned to me - then without asking he TOLD me he was going to inject my scalp with steroids - I was like hey hey ...wait a minute here -how about explaining the procedure and asking if I wanted to address thing that way- I opted not to have injections - and i am not going back to the dermatologist- he didn't know anything anyway- he chuckled when I asked him about possible side effects related to steroids and if all my hair would fall out I was very humilated and frankly like slapping him

as you can see I'm not having the easiest time either -

in any case just wanted to say hi to a fellow social worker
At 7:05pm on September 5, 2008, Vicsta said…
Hi Victoria

I notice you have PCOS. I have it too.

How are you coping?

I find it so hard sometimes... not only do I have the PCOS which affects the way I look (weight gain, acne, excess hair on parts of me etc) but then I also have hair loss (how ridiculous that seems when you have too much hair in other areas!). It's like my self esteem took a big bash.

I am managing much better now. Anyway, would love to hear from you about your experiences.

At 1:31pm on September 4, 2008, emma said…
hi sweet, hows you tea going. well not much happening with my patch and bit the main patch has grown bit not by that much its so frustrating i just wish i knew what it was going to do its driving me mad and its soo itchy .. hows yours going .. finialy got doctor to rush my appointment so i mite get some answers.. hope you well x x
At 1:22pm on September 4, 2008, Chelsea McGee said…
Hopefully all the things your trying work for you! :) It is very hard, Im getting better with it day by day though. I live in Fort McMurray but Im from Ontario..
Alopecia doesnt run in my family. Im the first to get it.
Well Take Care Hun, Hope to talk to you again soon!
At 10:07pm on September 3, 2008, Chelsea McGee said…
Hey! Thats the store Im going to! The wig boutique. I already priced a few wigs out, they are mostly around $400. Not bad I guess. Not really sure what the going rate for wigs are Anyways how much hair have you lost? how are you dealing with it? Take Care Pretty Girl! :)
At 3:15pm on September 1, 2008, emma said…
hey hun, hows you ?? hope you ok speak soon .m. xx
At 4:48am on August 26, 2008, emma said…
hi hun, oh no.. nothing wrong with having good cry sweet id be the same.. other than that are you ok.. have you seen doctor.. ive still only got the one patch, ive got to wait to see deratologist untill i get a couple more of them patches my doctor said... great aint it ... i hope you ok xx
At 11:17am on August 19, 2008, emma said…
anytime hun. oh yes england is known for its rain lol, good job i love wellies, i think we have had our summer now its done nothing but rain, x
At 10:23am on August 19, 2008, Cheryl, Co-founder said…
Hi Victoria, I wanted to welcome you to Alopecia World. I can honestly say that we are a great community here and I hope you enjoy the time you spend with us and we look forward to your input. Cheryl, co-founder
At 8:41pm on August 18, 2008, Carmella said…
Thanks! I LOVE to cook and to eat LOL. I saw someone elses meals on their page (can't remember who now) and I got so hungry that I decided to throw mine up and then get something to eat.
It's nice to meet you.


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