Leslie Mader's Comments

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At 8:24am on April 26, 2010, Karina said…
Sometimes I feel it a bit heavy ....but I have to go out more often, take buses to see waht happens. I ´m afraid people(especially men) notice I have a wig AND MAY MOCK ME FOR THAT REASON.
At 1:18pm on April 25, 2010, Karina said…
Hi Leslie....at the moment I´m with the wig on...I love your hair in the photos! And U?
At 4:26pm on April 21, 2010, Karina said…
Here people are a bit behind...Leslie...I feel so sad and alone because my family don´t understand me...I used to be a very active person and now I don´t dare go out my house..That is not life...
At 7:10am on April 21, 2010, Karina said…
Thanks Leslie...you are too sweet! I still have little hair but the front part of my head is awful. I have a human hair wig but I can´t bear it....is it the cap +
At 8:54am on April 20, 2010, Karina said…
Lelsie...may I sk U about your wig? I´m very depressed...I have a human hair one but I can´t bear it all day long
At 1:41pm on April 19, 2010, Heather L said…
Hello Leslie and welcome to AW!

I also tried laser light therapy- did it for a year! For me I think it helped my spots re-grow hair faster than they would have on their own-- but didn't seem to stop new spots from coming. In total it's been 20 yrs I have had AA-- there are have been some welcomed breaks with remission in between and hoping for a another one really soon! ha! This time so far a 6 year run!

Hope you are doing well and enjoy the site! I think you will finds lots of advice and people who can understand how tough this can be!

your Kitties are ADORABLE!!

At 10:27pm on April 18, 2010, LeslieAnn Butler said…
Yeah, it's nice to know you're not alone! I completely understand where you're coming from!
At 10:24pm on April 18, 2010, Cheryl, Co-founder said…
Hi Leslie, I wanted to welcome you to Alopecia World. I can honestly say that we are a great community here and I hope you enjoy the time you spend with us.

At 11:19am on April 18, 2010, LeslieAnn Butler said…
Yes, there are so many types of alopecia! And yes, I know people like you who don't get worse. Some people get a spot or two and it grows back, and they never have a reoccurance again! It's very unpredictable. Yes, stress can be a trigger, but not in all cases. Sometimes it's hormones or illness that trigger alopecia. Sounds like it might have been triggered by your menopause.

The only advice I can give you is to roll with it. I know that is hard, but since there's no cure and you don't know what's going to happen next, it's up to you to accept the condition and do the best you can. As with any other difficulty in life, it always helps to reach out and see how you can help others. Not just with alopecia, but to share whatever gifts you have been given. Remember that beauty isn't what's on your head, it's what's in your heart.
Blessings and hugs!
At 10:50pm on April 17, 2010, LeslieAnn Butler said…
Hey Cute Girl! Thank you for the gift! Big hugs to you!
At 10:22pm on April 17, 2010, Shirley Morris said…
I lost my hair from hard water, weaves, and perms so today I met with a representative to order a lacey lite from Peggy Knight Solutions and I shaved my head myself. I am good with it but, not comfortable going out without my Cool Solution
At 11:47pm on April 16, 2010, LeslieAnn Butler said…
Shelby and Maggie are the cutest cats!
At 11:46pm on April 16, 2010, LeslieAnn Butler said…
Actually it's not so bad to have no hair. The worst has happened and there's nothing more to fear. It's something you get used to. I don't mind it anymore at all. It's just a way of life now...and other people's reactions? They can love it or leave it!
At 11:32pm on April 16, 2010, KATHLEEN B. said…
When my hair loss started 4 years ago. I went through a massive shed, which result in 50% diffused hair loss. I was put on Spiro (anti-androgen) and within a few months i had hair re-growth. After 1 year of treatment my hair loss began again with a patchy and diffused design. At that time I was receiving cortisol injections which helped at first, but then slowly lost its effects( sigh). I am now ( since Jan) doing "Bio Scan Quantum Feedback" for treatment ( as while as vitamins and iron IV). It stimulates the bodies immune and energy system in order to promote energy flow, while releasing stress previously caused by imbalanced frequencies. It hasn`t help so much in the hair department as much as i wanted ( still early fingers crossed) but it has worked wonders for my anxiety and stress. Before I stared the sessions I was an emotional train wreck constantly having mini meltdowns and anxiety attacks. Hair loss is more emotionally scarring and traumatizing then doctors acknowledge i think?... But it is so nice to have an outlet here on these boards to know we not the only ones who had to go through emotional hell that goes hand in hand with hair loss
At 11:15pm on April 16, 2010, LeslieAnn Butler said…
Yes, in this photo the wig is human hair. I have both kinds. I never had regrowth. Over the years it just got worse and worse...it's okay though! I really love my wigs.
At 9:25pm on April 16, 2010, KATHLEEN B. said…
Hi Leslie.... i have to admit i have been reading the boards and blogs for over a year before i got up the nerve to actually join. I also have alopecia areata. and boy oh boy what an up and down ride. Especially emotionally and mentally ( not fun). And as for a cure,you name it, i`ve tried it. But at the end of the day i always say " could be worse, and it only my hair. Its not like i lost a limb or have a terminal illness"... Staying positive and relishing the small things life, makes everything a little easier for me
At 8:17pm on April 16, 2010, LeslieAnn Butler said…
Hey, another LeslieAnn! What a cool name, huh?
Oh, another animal lover, too. We have a lot in common!
I am doing great, thanks for asking! I was asked to speak at a book club last night and that was a lot of fun. Thirteen women all together who had read the book and had some wonderful comments.
Yes, I wear a wig -- I have NO hair.
At 2:52pm on April 16, 2010, LeslieAnn Butler said…
Hello and welcome, Leslie!
How are you today?


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