Angela Jackman's Comments

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At 12:41pm on November 10, 2010, Ozzigal said…
Gday Angela..mate you have so much courage..i am losing hair and cannot even begin to fathom how I feel it I lose it all. Hairloss has been eating away at me for years, and yet here you are with complete hairloss gettingon with life with never a care..fantastic. I wish they had these sites years ago I might be in a better state of mind today..cheers :-p
At 7:09am on May 3, 2010, Susan - Jon's Mum said…
Thanks Angela
Jon may look self assured but in actual fact he is very angry about having AU. He hates it. We deal with it matter of factly and i am trying to get him involved with other AA sufferers. He won't go on this site but he will communicate with other members through Facebook. So I am quietly getting him involved that way.
I wish that he had your attitude Angela. I know that with maturity he will come to accept and get on with his life. We just have to cope with things until then i guess. All the time trying to encourage him to 'get out there' and experience life to the full. That is not easy though.
At 7:05pm on February 5, 2010, Susan - Jon's Mum said…
Hi Angela
Justed wanted to wish you a very happy Birthday. Hope you have a good one;D
At 1:44am on January 3, 2010, Angela Jackman said…
Yes NOT long before our birthdays!!!! I wish for some peace and quiet and a massage!!! Been doing lots of running... I want to run a half marathon this year... 21km.... I can do 14km!!!! so a little bit more training!

Hope all is well with you

Cheers for now

At 6:54am on January 2, 2010, summer said…
Dear Angela,
I wish your a happy New Year from the other side of world.
Take care and it would be nice to keep in contact with my AA twin in australia : )

Greetings summer
At 11:38pm on August 5, 2009, Susan - Jon's Mum said…
Hi Angela,
I love your photos. You look great for 40!
At 3:43pm on March 17, 2009, summer said…
Hello Angela,
thanks for your message.
Ist really funny to find a person here who are in nearly the same situation with the same age and birthday on the otherside of the world. You are rigth you are my australien twin. :-)
How ist your life with AA. You look good without hair. Do you wear a wig sometimes? I am not really a fan of my wig and don´t wear it really often. Even my children don´t like it very much.

greeting from germany
At 3:50am on March 16, 2009, summer said…
Hello Angela,
how do you feel with 40 ! smile !
We had at the same day birthday and the same age but on the other side of world. That keeps me smiling. Also we have both AA.

How are you and it would be nice to write with you.

Nice greetings from Germany to you
At 2:29am on March 3, 2009, SportyAusGirl said…
Thanks Ange for your messages :) I love your attitude, it's how i want to be with my alopecia!

As i said in my description, so far so good!

Wow, your eyes really look amazing, i actually thougth your brows were tattooed or something. Roughly how long do they take to do each day?

And have you ever tried anything for alopecia, like medicines, vitamins bla bla bla hahaha. Waste of money hey? :)

Ok, hope you're well and enjoying the weather up there
At 9:22pm on February 28, 2009, SportyAusGirl said…
Hi Angela,
I'm new to this, just wondering where/how you get your eyebrows/lashes done? Your face looks great. I'm preparing to lose all my lashes and brows, and just would like some coping and appearance tips if you can help, tha'td be great.

I'm in Hobart. Trying to find more Tasmanians with Alopecia, but i think there's only a fair few.

Hope to haer from you soon, and i love your attitude and approach to dealing with alopecia :) Go you!!
At 11:10am on February 17, 2009, Sharan said…
Hi Angela, I'm braving the big 40 this May, At least we dont have grey hairs to contend with. You look amazing in your photos and such a precious load.
Take care
At 3:10pm on February 5, 2009, Cherylnz said…
Happy Birthday Angela
At 8:46am on February 5, 2009, wendyrayburn said…
Happy birthday Angela:Hope you have a wonderful day .
At 3:32pm on February 4, 2009, summer said…
Hello Angela,

I wish you all the best to your birthday.
It is funny to find you here because of our same day birthday and the same alopicea .
We will start in a new time now. The 40th !!!

I have two children.
It would be great to keep in kontakt with you.

Greetings from Germany
At 10:02pm on October 23, 2008, Nicky Lam said…
Dear Angela
how are you going- long time no news- hope the kids are all OK- we are fine- busy as always- always kids stuff on the go- hey how's the hair going- are you still taking hte pills and potions- I stopped mine as they made me feel yuk and also not seeing any results- saying that I now have a few patches back on my head- and I'm not doing anything different ! lets see what happens.
any visits up my way planned for you soon- let me know
Love to all
At 7:15am on October 14, 2008, Mike said…
Hi Angela.
Thanks for the advice and offer of support. Your comment, 'the hardest part is loosing it... once it's gone (or hopefully back) you can move on', seems to sum up where I am at the moment. Mostly, I have accepted my situation, but there are those times when it seems like everyone is staring at the unusual bald patterns on my head. I don't blame them because it does look very unusual. Yes, losing all the hair, or preferably growing it all back would probably be better than somewhere in between.
You have recomended a natropath. Can a natropath help? I have to admit I have not tried anything yet to make the hair regrow.
You also mentioned that you run a support group in Queensland. How do I find out some more about this?
At 1:32am on April 24, 2008, Nicky Lam said…
Dear Ange
sorry I won't make it to brissie for the meet up on anzac day- we have stuff going on up here- maybe sometime soon we could catch up- I am catching up with Pat form up here for a coffe soon- we havn't mananged that yet either !
love NIcky
PS say hi to the kids
At 9:22pm on April 10, 2008, Diane said…
Hi Angela,

Thanks for sharing your experience with your kids. Mine is similar to yours except that lately, my eldest daughter (5.5. yo) has started to say that she wants me to have hairs.... When I asked her back why, she said that I would be more beautiful.... OUCH....

I replied to her that what is important is the inside but I must say I was surprised: she has always knew me bald and we frequently speak about differences of all sort, being an adopted interracial family and living in a multi-ethnic neighborhood. She also knows that I have no hair because I'm allergic to mine and never knew me with my hairs.

Well, she'll have to get use to her imperfect mother I guess ;-)
At 10:35pm on April 4, 2008, Diane said…
Hi Angela,
I'm still 39 for the moment..... but writing 40 on the web helps to get used to my bald head ;-) I'll turn 40th on a few month (July). I've decided to celebrate that new decade by doing something about my alopecia. I'll be going to the NAAF, for the 1st time.
Tell me, do your kids ask you question about your hairs?
At 12:16pm on April 1, 2008, Amy Jo said…
thanx!!! i love them!!! so yea you shuld definately get them done!!! it doesnt hurt AT ALL!!! as you could prolly tell by my about me!!! so whats up?


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