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Mike's Discussions

Silica for hair regrowth?

Started this discussion. Last reply by Robert Oct 14, 2009. 2 Replies

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Jan 20, 2023
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"Thanks for sharing..you have a beautiful, blessed family."
Nov 8, 2019

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About Me:
Although I live in Australia, I am really a Kiwi from New Zealand.
42 years old. Married, with four wonderful kids,(and one really amazing wife who puts up with us all).
About my Alopecia:
I first noticed a small spot on my face that didn't grow hair in November 2007, which then grew larger. The hair on my head started falling out in January 2008, with a small patch about the size of a thumb nail on the side of my head. This patch was soon joined by lots of other patches, and they all grew larger and joined up.
By June 2008 I had only a few small Islands of hair left on my head. I hardly had to shave my face anymore as I only had a small patch with 8 hairs left in it to shave.
In August 2008 I was sunburnt on my head which started small stubble to grow within 2 days. I looked into this further and found that Ultra Violet light helped suppress the Immune system. This new hair that started growing in was white to transparent in appearance, but it was new hair, even though it was thin!
October 2008 saw my Alopecia spread to my Eyebrows and Eyelashes. This gave me an even more funny look as at times it looked like I was pulling funny faces with one high and one low eyebrow.
My hair continued to fall out and regrow throughout 2009. It would appear that I was regaining my hair in one area, only to be loosing it again in an other place.
March 2010 saw a big drop in the rate in which my new hair would fall out. Hardly any hair was falling outMy hair thickend up everywhere except at the back of my head and eyebrows where it remained thin, but not bald.
July 2010 took a new twist on my Alopecia. Previously the hair loss had been from the base of my neck and up. This time bald patches were appearing on the back of my hands, arms chest and legs. A clear signal that I was not finished with this blessed Alopecia.
August 2010 saw the appearance of a brand new bald patch in the thin hair on the back of my head. The remaining thin hair started to get thinner and by the end of the month I had many new bald patches on my head, and my eyebrows started to fall out again.
Update: December, 2013 I have a full head of hair now! I get the occasional small bald patch around the size of a thumb nail, but this disappears normally within a couple of months. I have left my alopecia to run its course which appears to be gone after 5-6 years.
Another update: Time has past. Up until 2019 I was basically over the worst of this alopecia. I had a few bald patches appear, but they regrew rather quickly.
In 2019 my world was tipped upside down. I was involved in a fatal accident. I was in the passenger seat of a car that ran over a motorcyclist. This rider had been knocked off his bike by a vehicle pulling out of an intersection, then as he stood up, was then struck by a car travelling at 140km/h before being run over by the car I was in. I was the only one to go over to help the motorcyclist. His injuries were horrific and unsurvivable. I watched as he died, unable to do anything. The things I witnessed had a massive impact on me. I was diagnosed with CPTSD, mild depression and anxiety. I was also diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. My Alopecia returned. I am assuming that all the stress I was going through has played a part in this returning. The stresses of this accident have subsided and after 3 years, I would have to say I have mostly accepted the events of that day and am no longer affected to the same extent. Alopecia though continues to worsen. Back to almost no eyebrows and multiple bald patches that do not appear to recover well. The strange thing is that this no longer bothers me. I am at complete peace with this. What the future brings and whatever the challenges are that await around the corner, I feel I am ready to face them head on. While the things I have faced are unpleasant, I have emerged on the other side stronger for what I have been through, and life means so much more.
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

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At 3:00am on November 8, 2019, youarebeautiful said…

Thanks for sharing..you have a beautiful, blessed family.

At 8:15am on September 20, 2010, Simon Porter said…
Hi Mike, It's all good mate, it's only hair.... That's what I keep telling myself anyway. lol.

Sorry to hear about your diabetes, hope it all works out for you.

At 11:58pm on September 10, 2010, Simon Porter said…
Hi Mike, Looks like we now have something else in common!
At 9:57am on February 25, 2010, james said…
Thx Mike, nice to meet ya!
At 11:40am on October 14, 2009, Robert said…
Hi Mike

Thanks for your reply. Don't worry, I'm not necessarily thinking that my AA will follow the same route as yours. If there's one thing that I've realised from this condition is that everyone is different.

If it's not too personal a question, do you know what triggered your AA? I keep getting asked if anything stressful happened to me just before the AA started and I'm at a loss to think of anything. I then found out that my mum had a minor issue with AA when she was 16 (almost 60 years ago) but it cleared up within a few months and never re-occurred.

At 5:53am on October 14, 2009, Robert said…
Hi Mike

Sorry to hear that you're still having issues with AA.

Mine started just over a year ago with a small dot on my beard (still growing to this day) and then I got a patch behind my right ear in Jan 2009 which grew slowly until around May when it got really big and another patch appeared overnight near my crown and grew to quite a big size within a matter of weeks. Coincidentally, I was put on bloop pressure medication around this time which had hair loss as a possible side effect. I asked my doctor to change my medication but things don't seem to be improving.

Since then, I seem to develop a few news spots every other week and now have 20+. I have regrowth in some of the older patches - a mixture of dark and fine white hair but still not enough to fill in those patches.

The AA has had a real negative effect on me. I don't think I've ever been so anxious or depressed about anything else before. I'm keeping everything crossed that it's only a temporary blip and trying to focus on the regrowth and take positives from that. I really admire the people on here who have accepted this condition and can cope with it. I hope I get to that place soon!

I hope you see an improvement with your AA soon.
Keep in touch
At 3:11pm on January 10, 2009, JeffreySF said…
Hello Mike,

Stopping to say hello and see how things are going with you.

At 9:13am on November 13, 2008, Valeska Medel said…
Im not doing very good, I refuse completly the idea of AA ... it most be something in this world ........... Im taking matthew to Chile in december, to try a new treatment called biomagnetic........ I'll let you know.
Im just mad and sad...........
At 12:15pm on November 10, 2008, Megan said…
Hey Mike,
Thank you very much for your concern and your suggestions.
Unfortunately though,we had to give the cats away today,it was just too much for my mum I'm afraid.
Thank you anyway :)
Megan x
At 9:05am on November 10, 2008, Valeska Medel said…
hi, mi name is Valeska, from Chile, Im in USA for the last 12 years. My son is 6, he started loosing hair in november 2007, just like you. How r you? r you taking any medication??


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