Julie Koch's Comments

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At 3:48am on March 25, 2011, Leah Ingle said…
Hi Julie,

Thanks or welcoming me. I have been wearing my wig and also a head scarf, at home, when I am not wearing the wig. Amazingly, when I don't have access to my own hair, I don't feel the urge to pull it. I am hoping that, if I avoid having access to my own hair for a long enough period of time, I will rewire my brain and won't be taking my hand to my hair even if I have access to it again.
At 3:27pm on March 1, 2011, Brittany said…
Hey Julie, I just saw your comment and I wanted to thank you. You're beautiful too! I hope you take your own advice. I'm sorry you had to go through this.. but stay strong <3
At 3:32pm on January 19, 2011, Leah England said…
Juuulieeee.... I just read your bio, we have SOOOO much in common... really- REALLY let's talk together. Im 34; we're the same age. Anxiety, Panic, struggles with nutrition, scalp pain,alopecia- I dont know the other one you said right now and Im at work and totally sneaking this blog.. HAHA so no time to look it up. Life changing- depressing- yes. Im alone in southern CA, moved here almost 3 years ago and like any urban area, not easy to make friends and certainly no one close enough to share intimate things like my feelings over all of this with... I have a crappy schedule, but Im so hoping that we can hook up and talk. ... :o) Leah England
At 3:26pm on January 19, 2011, Leah England said…
Julie, so your head skin hurts too? No one can explain this to me, and it doesn't seem to be related to the injections or the cream, although they both exasperate it a lot!!! What's your situation??
At 2:47pm on January 19, 2011, T.J.R. said…
Hi Julie! I so hope you're feeling alot better today. Always remember to keep you chin up girlfriend! Life does get better. People are facing all kinds of things these days. You look like you get lots of love and that is the key to being happy. You are a real beauty and never let the lack of hair make you feel any different. I hope that the pain you feel at least eases up if not totally goes away. May all your days be full of sunshine and love!
At 12:14am on December 28, 2010, Angie P said…
Julieee! How's it going? I guess I shouldn't have cracked wise about the temps in Wisconsin. Karma came around and delivered some sort of cold front to Houston. It got down to the 30s in this allegedly sub-tropical area. I'm freezing my patooties off! Hope you are doing well and having a great holiday.
At 1:36am on December 25, 2010, JeffreySF said…

Merry Christmas Julie!!!

I'm glad I could make you laugh!!!



At 2:04pm on December 19, 2010, Galvin said…

Hope you have a very Merry Christmas, you really deserve the best with all you have been through.  

At 12:02pm on December 5, 2010, Kay said…
thanks for the add :)
and awwe thank you. :) that made my day! it's a wig though, i haven't had actual hair in about two years. and i LOVE your profile picture! is that an owl?
At 8:57am on November 28, 2010, Lexi said…
I also just had an "episode" of just plain blacking out, hit the floor, face first, fractured my cheekbone, and have a hospital bill of $5000 and no reason as to what happened and why. Nice, right? No explanation for a lot of things in this life...but we sure get stuck with the drs. bills. Reading some of what you state, I have heard many people on this site have scalp pain with their hairloss issues. And what did happen to your blog? That is a mystery. I also took many vitamins to try to stop my hairloss...nothing worked for me. But that is not to say it won't work for someone else. SO much is trial and error, spend lots of money, stress, and see what happens.. hope for the best.
At 8:50am on November 28, 2010, Lexi said…
Thanks Julie Ann for adding me as a friend....we all can use all the friends we can get in this lifetime. Any questions, ask away!!! That is why we are on this site, as well. I may not possess the answers, but I surely will try. Things happen to so many people, and there is no answer or medical explanation as to why. I also have OCD...gotta love it, right? And everyone's manifests itself differently, and to try to explain it to someone "normal"...they surely don't "get it".
At 7:57am on November 24, 2010, Melita said…
oh wow, your story is really moving. ppl with alopecia should read it and see that a hair loss is the least that can happen. i truly hope youll get better. keep your chin up!
At 6:53am on November 23, 2010, Ryan Hochhausen said…
Thanks for the add, but to be honest, I'm actually Dr. Manhattan from The Watchmen, but it's all good!
At 6:09pm on November 18, 2010, SutraHuh said…
Thank you for the friend request:D How's it going?
At 2:11am on November 18, 2010, Kylie Bamberger said…
ahh! im so happy you liked it! haha thanks for adding me, LOVE your profile picture. so cute <3
At 5:05pm on November 10, 2010, Erin said…
Hey pretty lady :)
At 4:10pm on November 10, 2010, Seadra said…
Thank you for being friends and for your kind words! My greatest blessing is indeed on the way :)
At 4:41pm on November 8, 2010, Mia said…
Hey Julie :-)

sorry for my late reply and thank you so much for your friend request!
I love your pictures - you´re beautiful!
How are you doing?
At 12:44am on October 29, 2010, Erin gave Julie Koch a gift
Hey! Hope all is well!
At 5:00pm on October 12, 2010, Devin said…
Thanks Julie! The hair gone feels real good. I forgot how much time you save in the shower with no hair and I always hated seeing the hairs fall out. Ya I like it, its tough having to explain to everyone you know because I dont wear a wig just a hat, so you have to explain to everyone you see. Its gets old, but other then that I like it.
Why are you considering taking the plunge? At least women can go with the wig and I love how some have many different ones and they can look like a different person every day if they want.


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