Julie Koch's Comments

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At 10:55pm on October 10, 2010, george gave Julie Koch a gift
At 10:01pm on October 8, 2010, Heather Bloom said…
Hi Julie, I'm sorry I've been out of touch with you. Just read your blog, the apology one. I think that it is pretty crappy that your other blog is missing. We've ALL been in that desperate situation, and some us are here to let know that and that we've survived. I'm SOOOOOO sorry that you feel so desponded. Yes, I too, have thought about the unthinkable MANY times. All I kept thinking about is how I would piss everyone off if I went through with it. Then I thought, what if i wake up tomorrow and I was fine...no more hair falling and no more burning. I was pretty hard to deal with, and no one wanted to talk to me about my "hair" problem. I was a walking time bomb. I told my husband, because the burning, i wanted to be hit by car. I WAS SERIOUS! BUT...here's the big but....it eventually went away. I still get little tinges of it. It took a loooong time, and my hair is still falling out. You go figure, cause I don't know. Maybe, it's the medication you are on...a side effect? People don't understand that the burning interferes with every aspect of your life. They just want you to be happy or the old you, but you can't...you are in severe pain. How would they feel if it felt like someone just dumped some acid on their heads?....NOT HAPPY that's for damn sure.
At 2:41am on October 8, 2010, Lauren said…
Hey Girlie. How are you today??
At 8:30pm on October 7, 2010, Erin said…
Hey!! I love your photo, is that an Owl???? so cute.
Well, I hope things are going ok?? I was just reading your blog, I don't know much about the pain but I feel for you. I know all about hair loss, and have had other immune problems, but that is not the same. I truly hope you feel better soon. Let me know how things are going. And remember how beautiful you are!!
At 9:30pm on September 30, 2010, anita martin rueda said…
i am glad your shed is better, and besides your effluvium was normal not like my case 900 hair!! well i dont have enough hair now to that shed , i would be bald in a month!
dont u feel weird when you touch your hair, because in my case is like another head like not me i got 3 hair left!! arrrrgggg.
by the way i have read you about keto shampoo, i dont understand your fear this shampoo it is not big deal at least you have allergy to it hahaha,,,but you cant try it just in one litter zone and see
At 8:11pm on September 30, 2010, Erin Barber said…
Hi the shampoo did not make my hairloss worse at all. It helped me with the itching and discomfort. But it definately didn't make my hair come out worse. Sometimes I feel that it haelps with the hairloss but then it comes back so I don't know if it is the shampoo or a cycle. But I really wouldn't be scared to use it.
At 12:50pm on September 30, 2010, anita martin rueda said…
i would like to know how many hair are u lossing per day? at first i was lossing without shower about 200 hair just picking hair up not pulling, and at shower 700-900, now is it always 200 per day when i don not wash my hair i pull my hair to take the hair which was going to fall anyway, what about u?
At 11:50am on September 30, 2010, Erin Barber said…
Hi, I have the same scalp pain you have and I also have it in my eyelashes at times. My doctor put me on the same shampoo you were put on and a topical solution called fluocinonide. It takes the innflammation out of the hair follicles. He also has me taking biotin and AG pro. The ag pro is sold behing the counter. I know that this is hard. I just wish that I could except it but it is one of the hardest things that I have ever been through. I am working on my third year of having what ever I have CTE or alopecia do you have times where you don't shed as bad? Are you losing any body hair? Anyway I hope that it gets easier for you.
At 10:47am on September 27, 2010, Galvin said…
Hi Julie Ann, I was talking to my friend about your problem. She recommends DOVE soap only. She has very sensitive skin. I took her to Heinz Field for a football game and at halftime she went into the ladies room. During the second half her hands turned red and were burning from the soap in the restroom. Millions of people visit Heinz Field but she is the only one I know who had a reaction to the soap.....another "one in a million".
At 8:14am on September 27, 2010, Anna Harmbi said…
Hi dear, first of all you are very beautiful like a model!!
pls try think positive. All this kind illness is based on bad and dark thots.
dont allowd this to your mind and body, even i dont have hair most of the days feel good i dont have more medical problems thats is good thing to me. i dont know your problem i dont know anyone have it i am sorry you pain...but i am sure that your mind can make mirracle...! take care ...tolk to you soon.
At 9:51am on September 22, 2010, Galvin said…
I went to my church yesterday. Told God how you were doing and was going to light a candle but all 250 candles were lit! At $2.00 a candle St. Valentine is making some money those candles. I guess there are a lot of people praying these days. I put 2 bucks in the basket anyway......this morning I read in the paper that the Vatican is being investigated for money laundering by the Italian government. :( I don't know what to say, how about some quotes.......
"Never give up, don't ever give up" Jimmy V. basketball coach
"Rise and Rise again till Lambs become Lions".. Sir Walter Loxley from the movie Robin Hood.
At 9:05am on September 22, 2010, anita martin rueda said…
hii!! i asked you because .... I am following the free gluten diet, in some cases it could be the trigger, so i am stick with that, but i didnt test that because i dont have money for more test ...so i just dont eat gluten.
you were lucky if you trigger is the gluten because the important thing in the ellfuvium is to find the trigger, and besides the live without gluten is not difficul ....at first i was a mess with the diet but then it is easy.
i dont know if the diet is working for me yet
At 7:47pm on September 21, 2010, anita martin rueda said…
julie, do you have celiac disease??? did u test that?
At 11:01am on September 21, 2010, Galvin said…
Okay, I will go to my church and have a word or two with GOD. I get tired of His tests too! I will let him know how we feel. :(
At 3:24am on September 17, 2010, Evy-Ann E.S said…
Thank you very much!:D I had a wonderful day with good food and presents:)
Hugs Evy
At 1:42am on September 10, 2010, MiNAH said…
Thank you for your compliment...you too are a beautiful lady if I may say so!!!
At 8:34pm on September 6, 2010, Heather Bloom said…
Hi julie, how are you? Yes, I got that message, that's the one I replied to and you didn't receive...hmmm? Anyway, I'll try to recall what I wrote. Firstly, I want to slap the crap out of your therapist. I went to a million doctors and they all made me feel like an idiot...except for one, Jerry Shapiro (a hair specialist) He is the only doctor I went to that heard of the burning scalp thing. Unfortunately, the whole burning thing IS real and many people on this site have experienced it. YOU are not causing it and it is NOT your fault!!!! It's just that something quirky is going on in your body. Next time you see your therapist, give him a swift kick in the balls and ask him not to think about the pain OR it's just in his head...LOL!! There are several diseases that doctors didn't believe existed and now they do, like fibromyalgia. You are not crazy and you are not creating this pain, although I know it could drive you crazy. But don't feel like an idiot....I hate most doctors. As for advice, I'm sorry I wish I knew what would help myself. Just wait for the results, and know that you can reach out to me whenever you want.
At 7:26pm on September 4, 2010, Heather Bloom said…
Hey, no I didn't get your message either....WTF? Anyway, I'll have to re-write my reply when I get a chance.
At 2:38pm on September 2, 2010, Volker said…
Send you a smile,andddd hmmmmmm hahahahah

and 1000 more :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))....
At 4:32pm on August 31, 2010, Devin said…
Hey Julie, I'm doing alright, my hair is getting a lot worse, but the pain I was having which I am guessing was fibromyalgia is much better. How are you? I know how that constant pain can almost make you go insane. The only good thing a bought it is now that it has subsided it makes the Alopecia seem not as bad:)



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