Emma's Comments

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At 9:32am on November 30, 2008, Mark said…
hey em,

looks like our alopecia is running at the same pace. I found another 3 patches at the back of my hair 3 weeks ago and another 2 on front. Can hide it at the mo but wont be long. Sucks hey. Hows your regrowth ? Do you have the white stuff in your main patch ?

Still think it must have been brought on by stress with me.

Speak soon,
At 5:06pm on November 10, 2008, Lia said…
hi emma =) thanks for the comment. it feels better knowing i'm not alone in this. by the way, i love all of your pictures. work it!

take care,
<3 Lia
At 6:54pm on November 8, 2008, Victoria Laughren said…
Hey Em, let's see the new hair!!!! , my big bald spot is completely covered now by about an inch of hair. Its very fine like baby hair but solid black. I am grateful for the re-growth but honestly I found 2 more patched about the size of a 10p. Also my hairline at the back is going too! 3 spots for 1 re-growth. Can't be good! Where did you find your other spots. I always do the mirror checks. I stand infront of onr with one in my hand. Hows life? any thing exciting?
At 11:14pm on October 10, 2008, Victoria Laughren said…
hey girl, I am doing good, yes the appointments are usually useless. I got regrowth like mad on my big spot, about 1/2 inch long now, all black. Its just shit because its falling out the back of my head even more so. I felt all this itching in the back of my head today and I looked and there was more hair missing! Fuck! What a situation and a half. I hate how everyone tell me " Well its not noticeable at the bacK". For christ sakes you twat it doesn't matter! Its still missing! lol. Anything new and exciting with you? I been so busy with work , I'm working 2 jobs now and I am in Uni again. probably whats making more hair fall out. Did they ever mention it to you that it was stress induced??? They said that to me, I don't buy it though.
At 5:47pm on October 9, 2008, Victoria Laughren said…
Em! How did the appointment go?
At 4:21pm on October 7, 2008, claire taylor said…
Hi just looked at website for pauls hair world, looks good, I work for the NHS and your GP should refer you to a dermatologist pretty quick there are goverment targets NHS have to hit, honest it wil save you money if you do need to start wearing wigs, get some anyway even if you dont need to wear them yet just to try them and see how you feel, then give them me hahahaha
How have your friends and family reacted to your alopecia? Did anything trigger it? with me i was onkly a kid of 11 so i dont think anything actually triggered it, think i got it cause god knew i was made to do alopecia story for the NHS website haha im a bald davina mccall lol
At 4:20pm on October 6, 2008, claire taylor said…
yeah it makes sense for it to go or grow, what hospital you under? you can get vouchers for wigs, you get 2 a year, there is a place in manchester called salon maier they are really good, i did a short film for the NHS and they filmed me at the wig shop, If you go on videos on this site type in claire NHS it should come up, its quite funny let me tell you the camera puts 10lbs on you so i look like a bit of a fatty, not arsed bout my bald head just my fat arse haha
At 3:47pm on October 6, 2008, claire taylor said…
im from stalybridge,
My husband works with a few people from middleton he works for bohle uk in dukinfield.
Do you find it easy covering your patch, when i had patches i used to wear my hair up with a hair piece.
I dont have any hair now havnt for about 10 years, but i love wearing my wigs, dont have to mess about straightning,washing, etc.... so gives me an extra half hour in bed in the morning haha.
At 5:42pm on October 5, 2008, claire taylor said…
Hi Emma, hurrah fellow manc where you from?
At 11:48pm on September 17, 2008, Victoria Laughren said…
Thanks hun, appreciate it. I am going to post some of my spots I think. just need an extra hand getting at the back!!!!!
At 6:18pm on September 12, 2008, Victoria Laughren said…
I'm going to be just fine I think. Just upset, Had a little hope, might have to be getting that wig soon. I'll have to get the electric blue one like britney!
At 6:13pm on September 12, 2008, Victoria Laughren said…
Oh Em, I found another spot, its bad too. My hairline at the back is raised 1.5 inch in the middle. I had a cry today.
At 5:49pm on September 8, 2008, Victoria Laughren said…
Hi Em,
All I can say is that the vitamins and Tea are making my urine look like something toxic and floresceunt. I went to see my dermatologist today and I got the needles. My head hurts. Have you gone in yet? I think I have some fuzzies growing, but what good is it when its spreading 2x faster!!!! ANyways I am off to yoga! Let me know how your appointment goes.
At 10:49pm on September 3, 2008, manu said…
Hi Emma thanks for answering. Well I have have AA since 1997 approximately and the jokes are not really rude...one of them said he actually pictures me in my casket wearing still a cap.....that was actually funny.... : )
At 11:58pm on September 2, 2008, manu said…
Well Emma, its hard the first time you notice it, isn't it ? ... now I have to wear a cap all the time, some people who does not know what is happening to me make jokes, but I prefer to laugh....
At 11:24pm on September 1, 2008, manu said…
Hi Emma, my very first spot was like yours, I did not know until some one else told me....
At 4:46pm on September 1, 2008, Victoria Laughren said…
Hey Emma, just got back from home, went to visit my mother and friends on vancouver Island. I saw a naturalist specialist there and told me to start drinking nettle tea, a b-complex vitamin, and an Ashwaganda Tincture. Interesting indeed........How are you? ANything new and exciting???
At 7:48pm on August 26, 2008, Victoria Laughren said…
Hi Emma, That is total shit! you have to wait until you get more patches?? I am sorry to hear that. I see my doc again soon, but who knows.......its a waiting game! How are you doing??
At 4:33pm on August 24, 2008, Victoria Laughren said…
Hey Emma, how are you? my hair is falling out everywhere. I had a good cry this morning over it as I stood at the sink with clumps of hair in my hands. When are you in to see your dermatologist?
At 1:54pm on August 21, 2008, Liliana said…
Welcome Emma!
I can totally relate with your condition, mine started 16 months ago, it started with one patch at the back of my head, and later in the months I ended up with 6 patches around the crown area, now I have total regrowth in 4 of them and the last 2 are slowly filling in but I still have hair loss through out, my patches were not visible and I was able to cover them and even wore make up to diguised them since I have dark hair, but I probably have half of my hair left.. :( and yes the worst part is not knowing what is coming next, I am sharing my story so that you know that you are not alone! and that there is tons of support here, feel free to ask any questions or just chat if you want to. Best of luck... Lili


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