Kaitlyn's Comments

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At 2:06pm on May 6, 2008, Laura said…
Yeah it's amazing :D
and I had the braids before I lost my hair :)
Hehe, I don't know really, me and mmy family just went on holiday there :D
I've just being in London for the weekend seeing a West End show :D :D
Had a good weekend?

Laura xxx
At 11:18pm on May 5, 2008, Stacie Duda said…
thank you!!! :)
At 10:44pm on May 5, 2008, Alex said…
hiiiii, whats up???
At 8:16am on May 5, 2008, Laura said…
Thanks for the request :)
Hope you're doing ok, you seem like a really amazing person :)
And you're so beautiful! :D

Laura xxx
At 8:31pm on May 1, 2008, Cheryl, Co-founder said…
Hi Kaitlyn, I can't completely explain it but eventually I let go of my hair and gave up on ever having a full set of hair again. So after I mourned the loss I was left with the struggle of learning to live regardless of whether I grew my hair back or not. I am no longer living or longing for the day that it comes back.

Keep asking yourself the question, do I really, really need hair to do this or to get that or to experience this. For me it started, with do I really need hair to swim, then it was to go to the gym, then it was to wear a dress, to be feminine, to attract this guy, to get this job... eventually I challenged these everything and came to the conclusion that I really did not need my hair for any of it. I am really glad you are here kaitlyn and please feel free to email me anytime. I added you as a friend ;) Keep in touch.
At 6:50pm on April 24, 2008, Dee Connelly said…
Hi, I hope you keep doing what you love to do!
At 5:05pm on April 24, 2008, bee. said…
Haha, I can be. I mean, I really try to impact other people with or without this disease in the best way possible. Having this, Ive used some pretty bad things to deal with my depression from it. I've been suicidal, I've hurt myself, I've quit school, I've used drugs........and now I'm changing all that. I guess I just want to give people a heads up sort of help, a kind that I didn't have. And yes, I have mastered eyelashes! aha, I've been putting them on everyday since I was like, 12 or something.
At 6:05pm on April 23, 2008, bee. said…
Sam here. I mean, less than 2% of the whole population, were pretty damn unlucky! haha, but it's alright. it'll be alright, have faith<3
At 1:47pm on April 23, 2008, Debi said…
One other ?. Who is your Dr.? We use to go to Caserio. Very good derm.
At 1:45pm on April 23, 2008, Debi said…
Maybe you two could get together. She doesn't want anyone to know. She only told 3 of her closest friends. She is, however ,handling everthing very well as far as I can tell. She has a ton of friends and will be going to Slippery Rock this fall. She use to dance and do cheerleading.
At 8:39am on April 22, 2008, Debi said…
What part of Pa. are you in? My daughter is 18 ,AT, senior in H.S., we live in Pgh.
At 12:04am on April 22, 2008, bee. said…
Yeah, same here, lol. People are ignorant, but making it through something like this will only make you stronger, and just remember, this disease will only overcome you if YOU let it. I've let it almost kill me for 4 and a half years, and now im paying for it, it has to end somewhere, you know.
At 6:26pm on April 18, 2008, bee. said…
Yeah...That's why i'm so thankful for this site. I've actually never went without hair to school or out of the house really. I went wig-less at a couple amusement parks (just because i knew it would blow off) and a few times at the beach. When i do decide to go without hair, and people stare at me, most of the time they're smiling like crazy. Either because they think I'm sick, or I have cancer or something. Ofcourse people at school are shitty. Between the boys that have made comments about it being "the only reason they would never date me" and girls having called me a " no haired bitch" and "baldy". People in this world are so cruel, and you can only hope they experience something some day that will open their eyes a little.
At 7:33am on April 18, 2008, MARIA (mom of Savanna) said…
Hello Kailyn, My name is Maria and i have a daughter who is now 6 yrs old and has had AU since she was 3yrs, she lost all her hair pretty rapidly too, i think it was within 3 months, I am so sorry to hear how your friends treated you that is awful, I think it must be a little harder to lose your hair in your teenage years...Savanna is so use to being bald and everyone around is so use to seeing her bald i dont think any one pays attention to it....My Savanna takes dance class to she is in ballet and tap and loves it, i have her a hat made for every recital mainly because in ballet her teacher like their hair to be up on their hair (ponytail or buns) and you cant to that with a wig and make it look real and she doesnt like wigs anyway, I am hoping Savanna will be able to embrace her baldness when she reaches her teenagae years, but my heart aches to know what she might go through....I just want to wish you luck for the future....Maria
At 12:50am on April 18, 2008, bee. said…
Hey :) How are you?
I lost all my hair when I was 11, head, face and body complete. I'm fiffteen now, and still struggling with it about 80% of the time, lol. I've actually never met anyone with it after having it for almost five years. I'd love to get to know you and learn more about you, give you advice and understand you in any way. :) Feel free to drop me a line whenever<3
At 4:04pm on April 17, 2008, Orbit said…
Kaitlyn, its nice that you want to make your teacher happy, but the most important person to keep happy is YOU! Teddybear fur?! I'd love to see that, I bet its kinda cute?! ;-) But seriously, it sounds like she is uneducated and fearful, perhaps putting her business and image before you and your feelings. If you are dancing in a group or troupe of some sort I can see her point for wanting to keep continuity, on the flipside - if you are center stage doing a solo dance I think that you should have the ability to present yourself in what ever manner is comfortable and appropriate for the event/venue. Life is all about compromise I've found, and you have to pick and choose your battles. I try to educate people about alopecia whenever I have the opportunity. The more comfortable you are in your own skin, the easier it will become for others to be at ease around you. I myself am still working on my confidence to go au naturel so I am no expert in that area ;-).
If you do go the wig route there are lots of options that look and feel great! Once you have a well fitting wig you will not have to worry about it "Flying off" during a dance routine. I wear mine for all kinds of sports including upside down yoga poses! For added security I use clear 2way tape or wig adhesive to keep things in place. Send me a private message and I can give you some additional tips and tricks for leading a perfectly normal active life with wigs :-D Hang in there, you will overcome this and become a stronger and more confident young woman!
At 5:46pm on April 16, 2008, Orbit said…
Hi Kaitlyn! I've been AU forever, if I can help in anyway drop me a line :-D
At 4:57pm on April 16, 2008, Cheryl, Co-founder said…
I wanted to welcome you to Alopecia World. I can honestly say that we are a great community here and I hope you enjoy the time you spend with us.



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