My first YouTube video from August 2008 showing how I tie Turkish scarves, and talking about going out in public bald.

The hand-crocheted edging is called "oya" and the way I tie the scarves is based on the way Turkish and Bulgarian women traditionally tie their scarves. I learned about these through my folk dance activies years ago, and they came in handy when I lost my hair!

The woman I bought the scarves shown in the video from isn't selling them currently, but there are other sellers on eBay. Let me know if you need any advice on what to look for.

  • Currently 0/5 stars.

Views: 602

Comment by mary fedyszyn on November 10, 2009 at 5:02pm
Very nice video. Thank you for your honest thoughts. Wigs are so uncomfortable; I've tried sewing various scarves, but ended up wearing my same old bandanas. Going bald, publically, would be ideal. I just can't get myself to do because I believe it embarasses my family. How do you get such nice looking eyebrows and lashes?
Comment by Mary on November 10, 2009 at 5:54pm
Hi Mary - thanks for your comments. At the time this video was made, I had lost all my eyebrows and lashes, and had had permanent makeup done. Right now (as shown in the more recent photos of me on my page), I have some regrowth of partial brows and lashes, but I don't think they're going to stay. I haven't worn false eyelashes, I just don't want to bother with them. The tattoo brows have faded, and I put powder makeup on them to darken a bit. Next week I'm having them redone.

When I first lost my hair almost 2 years ago, I didn'timagine that I'd be going out in public bald. But, it just turned out to be the best way for me. I tried wearing wigs for a number of months, but can't. I've bought all sorts of scarves, but mostly I just wear my Turkish scarves when I need some warmth. Otherwise, I'm bald.
Comment by margaret on March 20, 2010 at 4:19pm
Hi Mary,

How did you get used to the stares from people. I have never enjoyed being stared at even when I was younger and had hair. I'd love to be able to go out without covering my head but don't know if I could handle it.
Comment by Mary on March 20, 2010 at 4:43pm
Hi Margaret...what can I say? All my life - with hair until age 54, I was fairly self-conscious and overly concerned about what other people thought. Since I started going out bald, I really feel more confident and comfortable "in my skin" (pun intended). I don't know how I did it, except that I just did it. I started with short trips to public places, and I kept track of each "first": first time to the grocery store, etc. It got easier and easier.

I still don't LIKE being stared at, but in some perverse way I'm proud of my difference. I often feel like I'm daring people to stare. I've found that if I hold my head up, act like there's absolutely nothing wrong with me, and just ignore any stares...I feel fine. It wasn't easy, and it didn't happen overnight. It was a day-by-day thing for awhile. I slowly got more and more confident, and cared less and less about other people. The less self-conscious I felt, the less people seemed to stare. In other words...fake it til you make it.

The photos on my page sort of chart my progress. I'd say it was about 6 months before I felt fairly comfortable. I really just don't give a damn what people think now....sure, I still try to look nice. I pay more attention to my clothes and earrings now than I ever did before losing my hair. The bottom line, however, is that I've accepted that THIS is the way I look now, and I just can't see trying to hide it for the rest of my life if that means being too hot.

I don't know if this helps. My advice is to try it a little bit at a time.
Comment by margaret on March 20, 2010 at 4:54pm
Thanks for the reply Mary. I admire your attitude.
I've had AU fo the last 6 years now and I've really let myself go. I used to take some pride in my looks - make- up, earings, stylish clothes, etc., but once my hair fell out I just sort of gave up. The old men would never wear what I've got on right now.
Having to find something to cover up with is such a pain and people stare anyway. Perhaps I'll take baby steps and start giving a damn about my clothes and make-up again and see where this takes me. I was so hoping that I could age gracefully - perhaps I still can?
Comment by Mary on March 20, 2010 at 5:14pm
Baby steps are good. You have to do it.


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