It's this woman's first day back to work and her husband lets her know she looks nice as he pours her a cup of coffee. After she takes a sip she pauses and is filled with new courage and removes her wig to reveal her bald head. Her husband couldn't be more supportive as he...
I drink my coffee black, but that may have to change! Great commercial!!!
Susan, I hope she didn't break up with him because she felt insecure about her alopecia - that would be sad. I love that your son is still emotional about it though and I hope he finds happiness, if not with her, then with another nice girl!
Such a touching commercial and I always love to see those men that truly love their mates for who they are. This does my heart good. To the young man whose girlfriend broke up with him, give this young lady time and space and always be there as a friend. We all need friends as we walk down this road together.
Well, I do not care for coffee-mate, but this commercial has real merit. I feel sad Jenny that your husband is unable to see the real you. You do not say how his response to seeing you without your wig makes you feel, I can only imagine. I have lost my hair over a period of 6 years with scarring alopecia. I had very individual hair which was often commented upon and I was devastated at the thought of it all going for ever. However, during this period, my partner of 25 years became terminally ill and one of the last things he said to me when I was caring for him at home, was 'you are so much more than your hair, never forget that when I am gone'. He died two years ago, and when I put my little elfin-cut wig on, I smile and thank him for the confidence he gave me, as a lasting legacy of his love.
I was so touched by this commercial. I will say it was the onions in my salad that caused the teary eyes as opposed to the emotions. Jenny, I am sorry your experience has been harsh. There are people who truly are embraced and accepted for who they are. I am in a visible position in a fortune 500 company and when I told my boss of my intent, she was perfectly fine with it. When I came to work bald, a few people assumed that I had cancer, while other's thought I was trying something new. My husband has a head full of curly hair and stood next to me and shaved his off to show solidarity with me when I first went bald. He kissed me tenderly just like this husband in the commercial did. To the men who stand by their girlfriends and wives, you are the epitome and have set the example as to seeing the inner beauty. Cheryl, keep the videos coming. I love it.
I'm sorry Jenny, that your experience has been so negative. I, too, have a husband who actually encourages me to go with out my hair and even when it first fell out almost 30 years ago, he was incredibly supportive. We hadn't been married long, and frankly, if he had NOT been supportive, we would not still be together after all these years. Every single one of my friends are totally fine with me being bald and if they weren't, they would not be my friends. The commercial is actually very true to life in my experience - and I have a lot of is because of my job. I hope that you can find more acceptance in the future.
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