When Mckenna Reitz was diagnosed with alopecia in 2015, she felt like her identity was being stripp…
Tags: model, roleCheryl, Co-founderApr 16, 202441 views
Fifteen-year-old Tiahna Faraci always dreamt of following in her mother’s footsteps and becoming a…
Tags: self-acceptance, alopeciaCheryl, Co-founderMar 25, 2023440 views
Young Kamille “Milli” Karenjean see herself on a Target Banner!
IG: @iamkamillekarenjean
and don't…
Tags: alopecia, withCheryl, Co-founderFeb 3, 2023405 views
Model Anna Fitzpatrick discusses her alopecia universalis on Close Up, Television New Zealand's nig…
Tags: model, annarj, Co-founderMar 30, 2008665 views
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