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Wig and Lash Adhesives.

Started this discussion. Last reply by Tnabugg Apr 2, 2009. 3 Replies

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Hello Everyone!
I'm an alopecian, however I dont wish to say I suffer from it. It started off as Alopecia areata, just a few spots that would normally never grow and always come back. However last year, these spots took over my whole head. Just as i was about to shave it all off, it started growing back. I lost over 50% of my hair then. The past month, my alopecia started coming back, very aggressively, and i've now lost pretty much all my head hair. i've also noticed spots on my arms and underarms. I'm making do with wigs at the moment, and am saving up for a vacuum wig. I've been very open about my alopecia, as I dont feel ashamed of somethign I can't control.

I consider myself lucky to have alopecia, and not something more serious or life threatening. It takes time to adjust and accept alopecia and to be ok with it. How other's deal with my alopecia is out of my control, and the only thing i can control, is how i deal with it. I'm trying not to let it rule or ruin my life. so far, so good :)

Please stop by and say gday, and if tehre's anyone here from Australia, please send me a message and say hi so we can share ideas :)

Many thanks :)
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia universalis
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

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SportyAusGirl's Blog


Posted on April 12, 2009 at 9:55pm 3 Comments

I hate alopecia. I go from extremes, where i'm ok with it and act like it's not a big deal, to where i cry myself to sleep, hating everygthing about it. I wish i just had patches, that'd be so great. I hate losing my lashes adn brows, and i hate having to wear a wig, and i hate being bald.

I hate it so so much. I really do. It just makes me so sad and feel so revolting and i look like a freak, I feel like a freak. I hate it.

And then to make it worse, everyone else around… Continue

I am having a bad day.

Posted on March 28, 2009 at 8:14pm 18 Comments

Make that a bad few days. I dont know why, but this past week, it's really been a downer, and i just hate alopecia, and hate having it. and i hate that i'm bald and rapidly losing hair everywhere else. Hate it. I think before, i was ok about it, but now that i'm losing my lashes and brows, it's really hit home. I'd be ok just losing my head hair, but not my eyelashes adn brows. I just hate it.

So does everyone else have shitty days, and how do we get past it? I want to have more good… Continue

Other People

Posted on March 1, 2009 at 1:55am 5 Comments

I"m a fairly stubborn, also resilient person. I've seen people suffer, seen people go through pain and seen people bury loved ones. Heck, i've gone to friends' funerals, at 22 years of age. I have seen people from school end up paraplegics, seen kids i have looked after get limbs amputated because of cancer tumors. I've always been a fairly philosophical, realistic person, however these experiences have always made me grown up more, and have always made me see truth in my realistic views of the… Continue

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At 7:39pm on September 8, 2009, Tracy and Amanda said…
Hi there,
How are you today?
Tracy and Amanda
At 8:48pm on September 4, 2009, Stacey said…
Hey Sport,

Just wondering how you were going. it has been a while.

I have my Freedom wig now, it is lovely, and I get nothing but compliments on my new hair. I have had my eyeliner tatooed, and am getting used to my AU now. NO bad days in quite a while.

How about yourself?
At 6:28pm on July 6, 2009, Karina said…
Hi...I´m from Argentina...I´m depressed cause I can´t stop my hair falling out and I almost don´t go out ...
At 4:33am on June 15, 2009, MiNAH said…
However, I have to shave every day if I wish to wear the prosthesis. So I don't!
If it's too hot, all you do is remove it and wipe it dry.
All I that I just got upgraded on a flight back to the USA and wonder if it had to do more with my new prosthesis.
I wonder had i gone on bald..would I have had the upgrade.
Cause they kept on saying I had such beautiful HAIR.
I just said "thankyou"
After all..I have never been treated like a princess by any man until that flight!
Thankyou Qantas!
check out my profile,picz,video and daughter singing.
At 2:12am on June 12, 2009, Nikita said…
It is nice to meet someone from Australia. I live in Melbourne btw, love the attitude to hair loss xox
At 10:04am on June 2, 2009, Jennifer Krahn said…
Hey there.
How are things going with you? I recently resigned from teaching. Not due to the AA, but the AA gave me some time to realize that I was doing too much. I have a 4 and 2 year old at home and they were shuffled off to daycare during the week and both my hubby and I being teachers were just too busy. Since making the decision to stay home everyone, including myself are way happier...and I LOVE teaching. In terms of the AA, I'm losing hair everywhere!! My head is now shaved but my brows and lashes appear to be disappearing. All is well emotionally thus hope it stays this way. How is your AA? I'm hoping you are feeling better than the last blog. It sucks, wish I never had this condition either.
At 8:21am on May 21, 2009, Stacey said…
Hello there, we meet again!
At 9:54pm on May 20, 2009, Bel said…
hi, how are you going?
Im doing okay, still have bad days (mostly in the morning when i have to try and do something with my I think my right eyebrow is starting to go...nnnnnoooooooo.
Just wanted to drop you a line to see how you are going.
Do you ever get over to Melbourne?
Bel x
At 8:53pm on April 18, 2009, Bel said…
Hey, I'm not doing so well today, my hair is getting thinner and thinner by the day and it's freaking me out! The patches, one day feel like it is prickly and the next it feels as smooth as anything, so I dont know if it actually growing back.
Part of me wants to shave what is left off and get a wig, so then I dont freak out everytime I touch my hair, but on the other hand Im not sure Im strong enough just yet.
I have told a couple of people at work but not many and debating wether to tell more.
How are you doing?
At 1:40am on April 17, 2009, Bel said…
Hi Sporty, where about's in aus are you? I'm in Melbourne. I found my very first patch end of Feb this year and as you would know freaked out a little, well sense then, i have a couple more patches now and have lost lots of my hair, I was able to cover it all, but is getting a bit harder now and i can really feel how thin it is. I'm at the point I dont know what way to go, would love to be strong enough just to shave my hair and get a nice wig, but not quite that strong yet.



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