Hello. I've just joined because my 9 year old son, who has had alopecia universalis since he was 5, would like to know of other children who have alopecia and possibly also eczema and allergies. Hoping that he can get to "talk" with people who understand how he feels. Most of the time he copes really well but sometimes he feels "he is the only one" and "sub-human", other times he likes being bald and different.

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I have a 6.5 yr old daughter who has alopecia...she actually has AU, She is completely bald with no eyebrows or eyelashes...She has had it since she was 3yrs old and has been handling pretty good..She has good days and bad days but overall a wonderful and outgoing child with many many friends and family who love her the way she is...Love to talk some more Maria
Your daughter looks happy and someone who has a lot of fun. My son is also outgoing which surprised us before he had alopecia (we are not so outgoing) and amazes me that for the most part he continues to be so very sociable and outgoing. Occasionally though, and particularly when he goes to new places with a lot of people he finds it difficult to deal with people who stare and ask him why he hasn't got any hair. I think there are phases as a child grows up where being different is more difficult to cope with - at certain times they want to conform more, to be like everybody else.
Hi Lucita,
If Nicole wants to email chat with Ben then that would be great. He is now 11 years old and today is his first day at secondary school. I think it really helps to be able to see (from this website) that there are other people with alopecia and that they healthy and doing all the usual things but just have no hair.
wow exactly the same as my daughter no eyelashes either last year we had a bout with an eye infection due to the fact that she has no lashes and everything has free range to go in. My daughter Olivia will be thrilled to see someone her age that is a girl that has the same form as her. Like you say good and bad days, her eyelashes started to come in a bit and she was upset because right now she likes being bald wow eh chances are if it does come back it will leave again to and she is fine with that. Good luck
I so wish my 6 and a half year old was a bit older to talk to him she is the same too. She does quite well but like you say she sometimes thinks she is the only one. But as well she sometimes like to be different, funny how they both think the same I think these kids are going to be very strong adults!! She was diagnoised at 3 and a half and it fell out compeletly eyelashes the works it came back then it has been gone since last fall. Its a struggle somedays and others its a victory in being happy of who you are and how you look.
Stacey looks confident and happy with or without hair - which is a good way to be. Apart from a few odd hairs which have come and gone Ben's hair has never regrown. Although I know it could come back at anytime or never, I do wonder how I would cope if it came back and went again, or came back patchily. Somehow none at all seems easier to cope with - for hair at least. I do wish he still had at least his eyelashes and eyebrows for their practical functions and also for the definition they give to the face and expression.
On a positive note - we don;t have to worry about nits.
Hi Ann,
My daughter is almost 9(in dec) and has had alopecia since she was five. She also has eczema. I bet she would love to write to your son. I saw on your profile that you live in the UK. Small world. Lauren was born in Swidon, England. We lived there for several years. Anyway, we are back in the US now. Thank you for your comments to my comments about coping with your child's loss. Let's keep talking.Nancy
It has been good to talk. I started doing this because Ben wanted to but so far I've done more talking and finding out about other parents and their children.
Ben is feeling a bit 9 years old and not sure what to say to a girl, however if Lauren would like to post a comment I'm sure he will reply.
Hello Ann,
My daughter Kelly is 7 1/2 and has had patchy AA since age 3. The severity of her patches waxes and wanes with the seasons, she always seems to shed in the fall. Kelly also has fall allergies and suffers with primarily winter eczema. Kelly is normally a spunky , outgoing kid. This year (3rd grade) she is becoming much more aware of appearances and "girl" stuff so its getting a little tougher. I am sure she would love to penpal. My other daughter, not affected with alopecia, is closer to you son's age (she is 10) and would also make a great penpal if your son is interested.
HI Eileen
Does AA usually come and go with the seasons or do you think it is linked to the allergies and eczema ?
Ben has only one close friend who is a girl and is finding it difficult to think what to write to a girl he doesn't know. I am thinking it might be best to put him on this website as himself and let him start a discussion in the Pre-teen group. Will let you know when we have done that but if Kelly wants to write then I am sure he would answer.
HI Ann
whatever works for your son! just let us know. I will try to get Kelly to send a reply in the next few days.........
hi, i too have AA, i am 13 yrs old and live in england. i joined to meet people with it too. do you know any english kids with aa? xx :)



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