Yes I know this sounds really stupid but just wondering! LOL.... I mean you have got to wear the thing right and it becomes a part of you. I am just thinking of this because when I got my human hair wig and they had finished putting the highlights in the hair stylist said would you like to see "her"? I thought hmmmmmmm "her". Kinda thought she needed a name so I decided Desdemona because my last name is a Shakespeare Play so would go with the something like that. Was going to go with Nellie but decided that sounded like a goat!

Sooo Desi and I went out to day to Wal-mart in the wind. She managed to hang on to my head even though I still have hair and haven't had it cut short yet..... See Desi makes me feel better about the mop on my head....Kind of like we are a partnership.....

Ok you people think I am nuts......Whatever gets you through the day! LOL

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How about Davina.....sounds so exotic don't you think? Of course that is if it is a girl..... Wonder how you tell if it is a girl or a boy...I know if it shows signs of PMS once a month and a bit of bloating then you know it is a girl! If it gets all jazzed up on your head every time a hot girl walks by well then ya know it is a boy.....LOL
lol you are funny...I get off work and come on here and it cheers me right up before bed. Thanks for you just being you. Oh and by the way...Do I need to wait a few weeks to give my wig a name then? It may not start to show signs on the first day it gets here...ya know? lol :)
i got my first wig in july and my kids and i named it the very next day! they are always asking if i'm going to wear "tina" today! it's just something fun to do.
That is hilarious! That is the second "Tina" I have heard of on this post! LOL....... I just want to call my "Roadkill" because they look like they were scooped up off of the highway.....Sorry can you tell they wigs I have I am not too impressed with! LOL....
I used to call my first wig "my rat" lol It sounds weird but the minute I would walk in the house I would pull it off and just set it wherever so it would look like an animal just laying there and I am not sure why I chose a rat..maybe because it was synthetic and I live in enough said. lol I never had a name for my real hair wig (a Freedom Wig which I absolutely loooved). Not sure why because I am big on naming things like my car and other stuff! lol

I think naming things makes it more fun!
Okkkk now rat sounds like my roadkill name! LOL....That is seriously soooooo funny....I am so interested in the Freedom wigs. Are they good? I would be looking for a shorter hairstyle. Most of the wigs I have seen are long. I look horrid in long hair....
Hi Lori,

I love my Freedom wig - I definitely think it's been the best option for me, but everyone's different. You asked before who I dealt with, but seeing as I'm an Aussie (albeit living in Canada right now) that won't be much help to you! I'm assuming you know you have to have no hair at all for a freedom wig. I got mine when I was still growing a little hair and shaved my head for a while, but now nothing grows at all which makes it easier!

The thing with shorter hairstyles with a Freedom is that they can leave you looking a little bald at the back because the cap ends quite high up to give you freedom of movement. So it depends how short you are thinking - but I'm sure Debbie can advise you on that.

Good luck finding a solution that works for you, it can be very hard, I know!
I'm not nearly creative enough to name my wigs - I just go by the Paula Young names (Abby, Blythe & Colleen) and that way if I want to reorder one, I know what to look for!!
How do you find the quality fo the Paula Yong wigs? They don't seem to be that expensive not that I am complaining......LOL
Who makes Impressive? Is that a Paula Young Wig. Escape sounds really familair too who makes that one?
Those are gorgeous wigs! In your pictures do you have on the Impressive one by Revlon? It looks really nice on you. I wish I could wear long wigs but I just seem to disappear in the wigs if they are too long. I look witchy in them....LOL..

There was a really funky wig that I liked called At Ease by Raquel Welch and it was a short razored style. I thought perfect! It is just like my hair but boy when we ordered it in it looked simply huge. I am talking a massive mushroom head with it on. No amount of thinning could have tamed that shroom down....ugh..... I have a long and narrow face so gosh I feel like I am so limited.....

By the way you do not have a fat head!!! Your pics are gorgeous and I LOVEEEE your critters!!
Yes wonderful idea! They could come out with a designer line and the names could be something like "Crockett"....."The Davey"......."Grizzly Adams (I know wrong character but very manly don't you think?).. Great idea Tim!



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