Yes I know this sounds really stupid but just wondering! LOL.... I mean you have got to wear the thing right and it becomes a part of you. I am just thinking of this because when I got my human hair wig and they had finished putting the highlights in the hair stylist said would you like to see "her"? I thought hmmmmmmm "her". Kinda thought she needed a name so I decided Desdemona because my last name is a Shakespeare Play so would go with the something like that. Was going to go with Nellie but decided that sounded like a goat!

Sooo Desi and I went out to day to Wal-mart in the wind. She managed to hang on to my head even though I still have hair and haven't had it cut short yet..... See Desi makes me feel better about the mop on my head....Kind of like we are a partnership.....

Ok you people think I am nuts......Whatever gets you through the day! LOL

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LOL, funny you should ask...I've always named my wigs, hairpieces weave, etc. I've had "Sheena", "Becky", "Tina" (who doesn't have a Tina, lol), "Coffee" "Beyonce", need I go on??? My human hair wigs all get really great names...I'm serious when I put them on, my synthetic wigs, get playful names, I've even got a "Barbie", lol, imagine that! Wigs can be best friends, I used to talk to mine when I wore one, like, okay Tina, it's on, show 'em what we're workin' with, lol!
OMG you are hilarious!!!! Some of the names I have for the three that I really hate pretty much are "Roadkill" etc. LOL..... Ohhhhh I thought people thought I was nuts when no one replied! Now that you have I feel so much better. Great attitude you have too! I love your names too. Sheena I am guessing is a very sexy wig? Mind you Beyonce would be a sexy wig I would think too. Anyways I just love the names. I can just picture these styrofoam wig heads with the wigs on and little name tags pinned on to the heads..... Sheena, Tina, Beyonce. I bet the wigs perform so much better that they have been name too!
There is a "Sheena" wig?? How cool! Maybe I should try out the wig named after me :).
LOL!!!!!! I love it! Good for you!!! I name my computer too but mostly when it is freezing up and well I can't really tell you the names I give it when that happens! LOL.... What do you name your computer ? I just have to know.....:+) By the way not geeky. You just have a good relationship with the computer and I bet your computer feels so much better having a name.....
I'm like totally feeling the whole naming the computer thing because I've certainly gotten in the habit of calling my computer things like "Come On!," "Dagblastit!," "What Now!", and "Unbelievable!" LOL
You know when I was going to school I had this programming assignment which drove me maddddddddd..... I was so ticked and the computer I had was a piece of junk,,,freezing up etc.... I went beyond the name calling and pulled a few keys off the keyboard....The poor thing never recovered... I haven't done anything like that since....LOL
Oh my! That might explain some of the "hardware problems" I encountered during my 10+ years in IT. LOL
Did you have keys sticking from repeated bashing? LOL...Enter..Enter...Enter...!!!! LOL...... Yes programming my job my thorn in my side....That is what I do for a career unfortunately but I sought help and to this day I haven't hurt a computer at my work....LOL........
Pimped out computer...LOL..... Instead of Pimp My Ride...Pimp my Computer...LOL Kids are the best audience aren't they..well until they hit the teen years then they just roll their eyes at you..
You're not nuts at all!

I named my first human hair wig - she was Ruby! But I haven't named my freedom wig, couldn't think of a good name and naming it just didn't seem right because it's like a part of me, so it's just my hair.
Do you like your Freedom wig? Who did you deal with? I have been in contact with Debbi Fuller through email. She is a doll. I still have hair and don't have the guts to go through with shaving my head. I seriously think it will be my best option as far as getting hair that will be closest to mine and not so "huge" looking...... I guess it would be weird to name your natural hair..... Mind you people do name their body parts like boobs so I guess you could name your hair if it feels like a part of you! LOL
Lol....I needed that laugh. I just got off work and have to be up at 6am to go back to work and it's about 12:30 so I really should be going to bed. That was funny though and I haven't named any of my wigs........yet. But I have a "special" wig ordered and now I'm starting to think of a name I can give it. (I wonder if it will be a boy or girl) lol.



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