This discussion group is only for random and or humorous posts, jovial stories.. i'll even allow light hearted comedy but absolutly no seriousness. All posters of serious topics in this discussion will be flogged gently (if gentle flogging is possible i'll find a way) with Miniature Giant rubber chickens (i suppose that's a long winded way to say a normal sized rubber chicken but if you remember you're not really supposed to be judging the random post (unless ofcourse you are going to give out a randomness prize! (but then what kind of prize would you give out for randomness anyways? would have to be quite random indeed (perhaps the toe nail clippings of a miniature giant Giraffe (again that would be a normal sized giraffe))i'm really getting carried away with parenthesise inside of parenthesis (perhaps i should stop now before i confuse myself.. or worse.. you.. )))

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I saw the trailer for "I Am Legend " and then went to see it on Christmas Day, and I must admit that this film falls into my morbid enjoyment of EOTW (End Of The World) films. Yeah I know its a remake of The Omega Man (1971), which in a weird way I love, and it follows the premise of a person who is alone but has to survive.
Thinking of this movie has led to several EOTW questions that when I posed them to my coworkers have provided some interesting answers so I would like to hear your answers. I'll post my answers as my first blog of April 2008.

1. You are the sole survivor, to your knowledge, of a major catastrophe. You have a radio and you receive two messages: One from a person that says that they have food and an injured child and they want to trade food for aid. Another is from a military unit that has a transport to get you out of the area. What do you do?

2. You find three survivors who are not related to each other but you are trying to help them leave their area. One of the survivors challenges your decisions at every turn, almost getting physical, and it is starting to get hard to survive with this person. What do you do?

3. You have one bullet and you find yourself in a room with a child in total rage with rabies and a paranoid schizophrenic that thinks you are a hallucination and is trying to kill you. You can leave the room but it will take you an hour to open the door. What do you do?

4. You need to leave a contaminated area before a tactical nuclear weapon will hit and you have a boat, a helicopter, and a truck. All three have enough fuel to get 1 mile away and the nuke has an active blast radius of 1 mile and a contamination area of 1/2 mile. What do you do?

5. You have an injured child and an injured soldier. You can get only one out of a building that is surrounded by infected animals. You have only 30 minutes to excape before the animals break in and attack. What do you do?

I know it is morbid, but it makes you think about things from a survival mentality. If you think "Why do that, I won't be in that situation ever!" then you might want to talk to a Katrina survivor.

Just working the grey matter...
1.go get the other 2 and get them to the escape area

2. tell him if he doesing like my decisions he can save himself
and if he gets physical hes catching a TX sized ass whoopin

3.i put the child out of its misery beat the other one to unconsiousness with the butt of the gun and take my time getting the door open.

4.well dont know how to fly and the boat is useless unless were on a lake thats over 1 1/2 miles wide so i guess i would get the gas out of the boat and copter put it in the truck and haul ass. the child obviously. hes a soldier and knew what he was sighning up for when he became one and probly has a better chance of survival. the child has yet to live life
I just got this one from my blog -- I figured everyone should see it and fill it out and appreciate it!!!

Okay, so maybe I'm not the most original being on the planet sometimes, but I love answering silly ass questions just so someone can go, "man, is she just OFF or what??"

1) Ever performed in a talent show?
Yes -- I did a re-enactment of Sojourner Truth's "Aint I a Woman?" -- and won 1st place!

2) Do you pray?

3) Where was the last place you traveled?
In Memphis - Work. Other than that, if you're looking for mileage > 50 miles, Nashville.

6) What is your zodiac sign?
Scorpio. It fits me so well I had it tattooed on my shoulder.

7) Have you ever almost died?
Yes -- a girl almost drowned me when we were floating down the rapids on the Hiwassee River on a white-water rafting trip. I survived and she got a couple of lost teeth for her trouble when we got back on land.

8) Worst physical pain you've ever been in:
Whenever I have a migraine and when I broke my ankle and foot tie for first. Having back surgery and my wisdom teeth removed come in a distant second.

9) What do you wear to work?
It depends on the day of the week -- Monday thru Thursday it's all business casual. The rest of the time it's jeans and a T-shirt.

10) Do you like to dance?
No. You're lucky to see me dance when I'm drunk. VERY drunk.

11) Ever laid under the stars?
Till the stars disappeared. Many times.

12) Ever sat on a rooftop?

13) Is there such a thing as a soul mate?
Yes, but I haven't found him yet.

14) Could you live without television?
Already do most of the time. TV is the mind killer Muad'Dib.

15) Could you live without music?
Only if I had never known it in the first place. Now...I could, but I probably would have to be on drugs to supress suicide.

16) Have you ever killed anything with a gun?
No. I don't like guns. AT ALL. I have problems buying shells for my sister, and she's a cop. If you have a gun, I don't want to know about it. Give me a fuckin blade any day of the week.

17) What do you like the most about life?
Not being one of the great majority of the planet that live hand to mouth. Everything above that is pure cake.

18) Have you ever been to jail?
For 6 hours. I cried for my momma like a punk bitch the whole time.

19) Are your parents divorced?
No. My parents stayed together til the day my father died.

20) Ever been fired on your first day?
I've been laid off, but never fired on the first day.

21) Favorite football team:
College or pro? If it's college, then it's the mighty TENNESSEE VOLUNTEERS (For all you pansies that claim Texas, there's only ONE UT -- we were here first bitches!). Pro football -- the mighty Purple People Eaters, the MINNESOTA VIKINGS!!!

22) Do you get jealous of other people?
Not really...jealousy means you want what someone else has and really, I like me and what I have.

23) Have you ever made out in an elevator?
Yes, ain't it fun?

24) What is under your bed right now?
a couple of stray shoes, that's about it

25) Do you dress up for Halloween?

28) Christmas or Halloween?

29) Do you support abortion?
What does this mean exactly? Do I support the right of a woman to indiscriminately kill an unborn child at her whim? No. Do I support the right of a woman to use this procedure as a means of birth control because she's too trifling to 1) use other methods of contraception to avoid getting to this route and 2) recognize that babies are usually the result of having sex? NO. Do I support the procedure as a medical possibility in cases of life or death or rape and incest? Yes. 1 second after its born is murder but 1 second before is OK? Rationalize that one for me. Be responsible, use birth control, or sterilize yourself if you REALLY don't want children. By the way, children are a possibility if you have sex. Hopefully you're aware of that in our "educated" society.

30) What is your favorite food?
That's like asking what my favorite music is. Too much to narrow it down. Although if I absolutely HAVE to, I suppose lasagna, spaghetti, and macaroni and cheese.

31) Have any piercings?
Yes. I have 2 holes in each ear, and working on an eyebrow and a navel ring.

32) What celebrity would you have coffee with?
Certainly none of those jackasses in Hollywood. Who wants to sit with someone who doesn't think their shit stinks? I would rather sit with someone who has impacted history somehow, so Bill Clinton and Stephen Hawking are at the top of the list. The last decent US President and the man who makes black holes interesting -- who knew?

33) How many people have you thought were "the one"?
3 -- and it didn't work out with any of them.

34) Ever bullied someone?
Not really. I spent too much time growing up fighting off bullies and wouldn't wish it on anyone else to actually want to be one.

35) Where were you born?
Bethesda Naval Hospital, Bethesda, MD

36) Do you act your age?
I am currently at the age that I am old enough to act whatever age I wish. This usually means a heavy mix of 17 with a light dusting of 25 to 30.

37) Have you ever stolen anything?
Anyone who answers no to this question obviously has a skewed view of what "stealing" really is. Ever take something from your mom or dad without asking? Come've stolen too.

38) What song would you strip to?
"It's My Life" by No Doubt or anything by Enigma. Of course, you have to be an ESPECIALLY privileged person for me to consider doing it for you.

39) Do you consider yourself the life of the party?
Not at all. I expect someone ELSE to be the life of the party.

40) Favorite foreign food:
Why all these favorite questions? I like food period. Although my least favorite has to be German food -- ain't got no flavor.

41) Are mullets cool?
Dude. Cool is not even close to a word to describe mullet. Speechless is the only state to describe the best of the worst of them. Really, people who have mullets should be dragged out in the street behind a moving truck and shot, if only to put them out of their misery. For those dumb ass parents that subject their kids to that kind of torture, find a nice, loving, mullet-free home for the kids and hang, draw, and quarter the parents for being that damn stupid.

42) Spiderman, Batman, or Superman?
It's a tossup -- Spiderman could swing from building to building, but Batman has a cool ass car. Superman had that X-ray vision thing going on, so give me a mutated version of all three and I'll be happy.

43) Break the rules or obey them?
Break them if you know they are contrary to natural law and detrimental to society as a whole. As long as your conscience is clear, that should be pretty easy. Then again, some rules are just made to be broken.

44) Has anyone ever cheated on you?
Yes -- and I've gotten my revenge too.

46) What is your favorite animal?
Again, another favorite! Really, I don't think I have one.

47) Favorite flower:

48) Have you ever shaved your head?

49) Do you think marijuana should be legal?
Sure. I think everything should be legal. Survival of the fittest.

50) Name of your first pet:
Kelly. (Pekapoo) We had to give her away when we moved to TN.

51) If you won $1 million, what would you buy first?
I wouldn't buy anything first -- I would give the first 10% to the Church. Then pay off all my bills. THEN I would build my dream home and invest the rest.

52) Do you fear terrorism?
About as much as I fear getting struck by lightning. The better answer would be "I fear terrorism about as much as I feared it on September 10, 2001." I say to get rid of the whole terror problem just turn the whole fucking region causing the trouble into a damn parking lot and build a strip mall on top of it.

54) What is your favorite candle scent?

56) Your ideal sandwich:
Probably the way I get my Roasted Chicken Breast sandwich at Subway: wheat bread, swiss cheese, light lettuce, tomato, tons of jalapeño peppers and black olives, pickle, mustard, mayo, salt, pepper, oil, and extra vinegar. Mmmm -- tasty!

57) Your dream job:
While I would love to read books all day long, I also wouldn't mind owning my own boutique hotel. I learned enough working for Hilton that I could do a better job than they do, hands down.

58) Strangest thing you've ever done drunk: That would have to be taking the bartender out on the fire escape and doing things that only grown folks should do. Or maybe it was that time I drank a quart of punch with Everclear in it and woke up the next day naked in my dorm room without knowing how I got there. Or maybe it was...never mind...I could go on and on.

59) One place you'll never live:
Anywhere in or near the middle east. (Damn good answer Brian AND James) Better still, ANYWHERE a woman is seen as less than human, cause my ass would be dead somewhere for cutting the balls off the man that tried to make me submit.

60) Your ideal pizza:
Everything but pineapple and anchovies. Really now, Pineapple does NOT belong on a pizza!

61) How many beers did you have today?
None. The party hasn't started yet.

62) What is the last movie you watched?
Night at the Museum -- it was on HBO Comedy when I woke up.

63) Are you usually late or on time?
On time in business, on time or late in personal life...depends on how much I want to be wherever.

65) If you could be doing anything besides work, what would it be?
Reading or having sex (There, I said it -- anyone else brave enough to admit it?)

66) Are you waiting on something right now?
I'm waiting on my income tax return to show up so I can catch up on my bills!!!

67) Do long distance relationships work?
No. I found that out firsthand. Stupid. Find someone in your zip code. If you can't, then something is wrong with YOU. That's right...look in the mirror at that point and ask yourself why no one around you likes you.

68) Worst food weakness:
Anything with caffeine in it (I love it, but it puts me to sleep.)

69) McDonald's or Burger King?
Burger King. Great chicken sandwiches. I eat McDonald's because I have to, although I must admit to a liking for Big Macs with extra sauce and light lettuce.

70) Ever swam in the ocean?
Yes several times. I HATE sand fleas, but LOVE body-surfing.

71) Most exciting experience:
Don't know. Too many things have happened. I am 29 after all. :-P

72) Saddest experience:
When my daddy died. I haven't gotten used to the idea yet. Don't think I ever will -- he was my best friend in the world; nobody else even dreams of coming close. I could go on forever about my daddy....

73) Last time you drank?
Non-alcoholic -- yesterday. Alcoholic -- a couple of days ago.

74) Do you like thunderstorms?
Love them!
I love answering questions too so here goes:

1) Ever performed in a talent show?
Does Canadian Idol count?

2) Do you pray?
pray no, meditate yes.

3) Where was the last place you traveled?
Went to Saskatchewan last month.

6) What is your zodiac sign?
Virgo but I think I fit Leo better

7) Have you ever almost died?
When I was around 12 I opted out of a car ride. Turns out it was a good think cause the driver was badly rear ended and sitting in the backseat like I would have been surely would have put my in the hospital if not more.

8) Worst physical pain you've ever been in:
I've had three kids, one being a natural birth - enough said!

9) What do you wear to work?
Well, when I do have a job it usually depends on what I'm doing cause I'm a jack of all trades, master of none :p

10) Do you like to dance?
I like to dance but usually don't out of fear of looking like an ass cause I don't dance well.

11) Ever laid under the stars?
Not for long.

12) Ever sat on a rooftop?
No, I hate heights.

13) Is there such a thing as a soul mate?

14) Could you live without television?

15) Could you live without music?
No, music is my life.

16) Have you ever killed anything with a gun?
I've shot a gun once but would never kill anything. Anyhow, real men use swords!

17) What do you like the most about life?
What I enjoy most about life is the beauty that surrounds it. Life itself is very ugly but if you have scenery to watch as life goes by it makes things that much more enjoyable.

18) Have you ever been to jail?
Only in a holding cell and they gave me McDonald's for breakfast.

19) Are your parents divorced?
What parents? Ok, it's very complex.

20) Ever been fired on your first day?
nope, I is good girl. lmao

21) Favorite football team:
Foot...ball???? lol The only time I ever watched was when Ed McMahon started the XFL and it lasted but one season.

22) Do you get jealous of other people?
Yes but I try not to let it take control of me.

23) Have you ever made out in an elevator?
No but I've done much racier things.

24) What is under your bed right now?
a dart board, 3 suitcases and an old rug.

25) Do you dress up for Halloween?

28) Christmas or Halloween?
Christmas cause my name is Carol and I love to sing!

29) Do you support abortion?
No I do not, that's why I had and kept my baby when I was 16 years old. Even my own mom put me up for adoption instead of aborting me.

30) What is your favorite food?
I can only pick one?? But I like food too much. Bacon and chocolate are neccessary for survival.

31) Have any piercings?
I have 4 holes per ear and would love to pierce my tongue but I'm scared it would get infected.

32) What celebrity would you have coffee with?
Can't I just pour my steamy hot coffee onto a celeb? Cause that would be worthwhile! There's a lot of hollywood ladies that deserve that treatment! (maybe some coffee would keep em out of rehab).

33) How many people have you thought were "the one"?
I've been with the same guy for nearly 11 years (this month actually).

34) Ever bullied someone?
No but I've taught many bullies a lesson or two.

35) Where were you born?
Brampton, Ontario but I should have been born in Newfoundland.

36) Do you act your age?
I try not to.

37) Have you ever stolen anything?
A long, long time ago.

38) What song would you strip to?
Anything with a good beat but it's not worth it unless you have a good pole to swing around lol.

39) Do you consider yourself the life of the party?
Nope but quite often end up being it anyways.

40) Favorite foreign food:
Italian, Japanese, Chinese, Mexican, yeah foreign food is my favourite lol

41) Are mullets cool?
To someone with alopecia I'd think no. Why on earth would you do something that looks so stupid on purpose?

42) Spiderman, Batman, or Superman?
As cool as spiderman is I'm an xman person by heart. Wolverine is so cool and he's Canadian!!

43) Break the rules or obey them?
I always do what I want cause everything's cool til you get caught!

44) Has anyone ever cheated on you?
yes and 12 years later I'm still making his life hell.

46) What is your favorite animal?
All of them! except spiders and snakes really but they aren't classified as animals per say.

47) Favorite flower:

48) Have you ever shaved your head?

49) Do you think marijuana should be legal?
Yes, for sure! I think if everyone smoked a joint first thing in the morning the world would be a better place. We'd all be too lazy to fight with anyone lol

50) Name of your first pet:
Brandy was a toy poodle and was really the family dog and Pompom was a hymilayan cat my mom bought for me even though it was really hers. Pumpkin was my first cat that I brought home myself and he was an orange tabby.

51) If you won $1 million, what would you buy first?
I would pay off bills, buy my home in the country and buy a reliable car. I would live comfortably off the rest of the money while still working a full time job.

52) Do you fear terrorism?
No and no one else should either. Why live paranoid?

54) What is your favorite candle scent?
Ummm, that one that was given to me as a sample that I've since lost but really thought it smelled wicked! lmao I think it was xmas spice or similar.

56) Your ideal sandwich:
MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMeatballs! With extra cheese and sauce.

57) Your dream job:
Pro. matress tester or ice cream taster!

58) Strangest thing you've ever done drunk:
I don't remember.

59) One place you'll never live:
I hear the north pole is uninhabitable. There's beauty everywhere but I would avoid places where my quality of life could worsen or my life in danger.

60) Your ideal pizza:
I like meat and cheese.

61) How many beers did you have today?
Not a big drinker and I don't normally drink at 9:30am.

62) What is the last movie you watched?
300 in bed last night, mmmmmmmm sexy spartans.

63) Are you usually late or on time?
Always early, I even set my watch ahead to make sure I'm never late because that shows disrespect.

65) If you could be doing anything besides work, what would it be?
Running a B&B/ranch which would also ironically be considered work.

66) Are you waiting on something right now?
I'm waiting for my ex to pay me the $10, 000 he owes me that I doubt I'll ever see. The government really sucks at chasing dead beat dads.

67) Do long distance relationships work?
I don't find they do however my teenage daughter is trying to prove me wrong on that account. He moved over 8 hours away a year ago and they're still going strong. Ugh!

68) Worst food weakness:
Gimme chocolate and I'm yours!

69) McDonald's or Burger King?
Ewwww, don't you like your stomach? You couldn't pay me to eat there! Doesn't either place make your bowel feel like it's gonna explode and give you the runs, make you fart??? I actually think it's the meat from those places that produce the disruptive members of society today - chew on that!

70) Ever swam in the ocean?
I have but prefer swiming in a pool. I don't like the salt however I would like to visit the dead sea and float in that water!

71) Most exciting experience:
I hope it hasn't happened yet, I'm only 30. I'd have nothing to live for if I knew the best was over.

72) Saddest experience:
my life is full of dissapointments, I wouldn't know where to begin.

73) Last time you drank?
I'm drinking coffee right now, and I only put Bailey's in around xmas time.

74) Do you like thunderstorms?
Yes and because I live in an apartment I can sit on my balcony and watch them roll in. It's the lightning I love to watch though.



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