I made an appointment to tatoo eyebrows this Saturday! Im FREAKING out!!! I need some advise? Should I wait longer, should I just do it?????? I've been drawing them on everyday anyways. Tell Me what you think, if youv'e done it, oe seen someone with them???

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Jennifer!!! There are lots of ladies on here with tattooed eyebrows and many of them look very natural! I would love to get mine done too - but I such a chicken! Mentally you've already committed to having this done, what's holding you back?

If you've researched your tattoo artist thoroughly (seen many examples of their eyebrow work), are educated in the aftercare procedures and are willing to stick to it, and are just so sick and tired of drawing them on - then GO FOR IT!!!!

I know if it were me, I would take a few photos of myself with brows that I've drawn on that I like the look of . (Mine change slightly from day to day as I always freehand draw). Make sure your artist can duplicate the look that you want. I think the one main thing that I would stress is that you don't want them to be too dark or harsh looking.

GOOD LUCK, post some pics when they are done and healed. :-)
I say go for it!!! It looks alot more natural than drawing them on. I met someone that had their's done and it looked very good.
I had eyebrows done in April, and then retouched a little in June, and had eyeliner in June. I LOVE the brows! But, I searched around and found someone who had worked on a (non-alopecian) friend. I talked to a number of makeup professionals, and there appears to be a disagreement among them about the type of dyes. Some swear by ones that have only plant-based pigment, and others say that those won't last and that the only way to go is with iron-oxide based pigments. Of course the plant-dye people say not to use iron-oxide based. The other main difference is whether they do little lines or strokes that are supposed to look like hair, or whether they do a solid area of color.

In the end, I went for one who does iron-oxide based pigments, and solid color areas. Also, my operator doesn't use a machine, which most of them do. She does it all by hand, which is apparently a traditional method. By the way, the photo of me on AlopeciaWorld was taken when I still had my natural brows and lashes, so I don't look like that now. I'll post another photo sometime.

It's so much easier than putting makeup on every day, and then having that come off when you exercise or touch your face. I recommend you meet with several permanent makeup artists and insist on seeing before and after photographs of women they've done, and even meeting with a customer, if possible.

I agree with the others about not making it too harsh. The gal who did mine drew the eyebrows on first, so I could see the shape, and she didn't make them too thick or dark. The brows are fine. The only mistake I made is that I went along with her recommendation that I do the eyeliner in black. I wanted dark brown, or brown/black, but she insisted that black was best. For me, the liner turned out too black, and the lower lid is particularly thick for my taste. But, I never wore much eye makeup before I lost my hair. It looks great until you get really close. Friends tell me it looks fine, and I prefer it to the way I looked without anything, and I prefer it to applying liner every day and having it come off.

Good luck!
Well I don't know about eyebrows, but I have 2 other tattoos and based on that if I lost my eyebrows I'd definitely tattoo them on in a heartbeat. Dunno if you have other tattoos, but if not they don't hurt that bad...it's kind of a rush actually. I think! And if your brows grow back who cares if the tattoos are underneath!
I do have a big tatoo on my back and it hurt, shesaid it would take 2-1/2 hours?!!! I'm sooooooooo scared! IT's a tatoo on MY FACE! My husband doesn't wantme to, my friends say go for it.???? I had my appointment tomorrow, but change dit to Sat. to have more time to think? She showed me pics of her work, Her brows are pretty big, I want mine more settle. I wonder if I should keep looking for other people. I would be one of the first clients. I think she has done only a handful of people before me?
I think it's better to go with someone who has done eye work for years! The woman who did my brows and eyeliner has 20 years' experience. I wouldn't go with someone who hasn't done a lot more than a handful.
Oh no then I'd keep looking for someone with more experience. You should show them exactly what you want - show them pictures. They should be able to draw it up for you before they start. If you don't like it - don't do it!! You're right, it's going on your face, so whoever does it better do exactly how you want!
I just had my last apt today. A little more painful than the first time, but I think it's the meds I'm on. But I love them and am sooo glad I don't have to draw them on anymore ;)
I found the eyeliner much more painful than the eyebrows. But, worth it.
I recently had my eyebrows tattooed and I don't regret it one bit! I went back a couple weeks later and got my eyeliner done as well. I have been drawing my eyebrows in for years and I had thought about getting my eyebrows done but I was too scared. I did some research and found someone who did good work but I was also freaking out before my appointment. But honestly I was soo tired of drawing eyebrows everyday and worrying about them smudging all the time. At my appointment I asked alot of questions, saw lots of pictures of people that had gotten them done and like what I saw and heard. I was really worried about them looking really fake,etc. but really drawing in eyebrows doesn't look all that natural either so I decided to just do it. It wasn't that painful to me but she used numbing cream so the pain didn't happen until later when the cream had worn off. Even then it was just sort of a stinging annoying pain. I really like the way mine turned out and I can't believe how long I waited to get them done. I had a great experience, I hope you have one too!
i did mine and it was the best thing i could have done. The trying to get them right everyday was annoying and hoping I did not sweat too much and they came off. I am getting my liner on my eyes next and can't wait. It was virtually painless
We're any of you "waiting" for your eyebrows to grow back in? My husband keeps saying, what if they grown back in? But, I've had alopecia since I was 5, and never ever ever lost my eyebrows. And my lashes too!
Also, any of you that have the tatoo go somewhere in SoCal?!!!



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