I have Alopecia Areata, and I am wondering if anyone has ever lost their eyebrows with having AA, or can you only loose them if it goes to Universalis? I have noticed I dont have to pluck as much but I dont know if its all in my head because Im scared to loose there?? Also has anyone tried herbal treatments with any success??

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I think it's different for everyone, so there's really no way to know. In my case, I had patchy, isolated AA for 7 years, then rapidly went to Alopecia Totalis and shaved my head when most of my scalp hair was gone. At that point, I hadn't lost any other body or facial hair. But, within 3 months I progressed to Universalis and lost it all.

I know how you're feeling, Alisha. I obsessed about it, and examined my eyebrows all the time and was really upset when it became obvious they were going. Hang in there. I thought I couldn't handle it if I lost my hair, then I thought I couldn't handle it if I lost my eyebrows and lashes. I did. I'm still me, and life is good.

Thanks for your reply, I appreciate that!!
I have lost about 75% of my scalp and have had patches on my legs since I was younger but just started noticing this. Ive had alopecia on and off for almost 21 years and have not had it this bad since I was very young, but even though it falls out a lot now I seem to have lots of new growth too and since everyone in my family has gotten theirs back I keep my hopes up!! :) I go to Toronto for treatment and I see so many people there with all the types of Alopecia and the children I feel so sad for, but when Im there I think that is the only time I dont feel sorry for ME! if you can understand what im trying to say by that!
But again thanks for the reply!
I hear you...it's hard not to feel sorry for ourselves! This disease sucks. Big Time. I hate it.

But, for what it's worth, it often helps me to remember how many terrible problems I COULD have instead. Last week, I learned that a 48-year old relative of mine, a father with two young kids, has metastatic cancer throughout his body: lungs, brain, spine, lymph nodes. The prognosis is very grim.

Every time a person mistakes me for a cancer patient because of my bald head, it makes me feel thankful and lucky that ALL I have is Alopecia Areata. I think to myself: "what would a person with cancer give to ONLY have AA?"

All the best,
thats what everyone says and I do understand and when I truly focus on those thoughts I feel the same way but at the same time I hate the fact I even have to deal with this. No matter who you are or what your situation is, it could always be worse, but its you and your going to feel bad for yourself!
hiya was just flicking thru all the posts and after 18 years you ade me realise something..i used to annoy me whna people thought i had cancer but like you say what a cancer patient wouldnt do to only have alopecia..thanks for that...i have been going through depression again,i et it evey so often...hope you and everyone is keeping ok..my thoughts are with your family for relative..take care..xx
Agreed Alisha. Alopecia is one of life's nice little wake-up calls for what's worth stressing about.
Surely, we miss our old selves or in the case of childhood onset wonder "what if" life would be like if we'd ever had hair.
But looking forward and going forward is what we can control.

And to get back to the original topic......there's no pattern to eyebrow loss. I had itchy eyebrows for years with no loss while concurrently losing body hair slowly over a full decade.Then the scalp went diffusely AA, followed by AT and finally the brows both stopped growing after that.

Have an arsenal of different cosmetic strategies for the different stages as you need them. And other than the young and some ethnic groups blessed with long and full lashes throughout lifetime, most people have diminishing lashes when you take a close look. It's why mascara is universally such a big seller ( judge the $$$ volume of sales by the extravagance of the ad campaigns) in ads for women of all ages...because there's a demand for it.

well if you have tattoos in your picture there you cannot tell at all!! And i know people who pluck them all out just to draw them on, and of course even the girls who wear different wigs everyday for style changes, really makes me wish I lived somewhere they have that style and did this myself before it came to the point where you HAVE to!
And I am thinking I have lost a little of my eyebrows but at the same time from what I see Im thinking you loose all scalp hair before you loose facial...? And I make my mom look over my head all the time to tell me whats coming in and whats coming out (because my root and scalp in the area is BLACK before it falls) and when "freaking" out about my eyebrows she told me that when I was younger the doctor told her my hair will always come back..? He said that if I was going to loose it all it would all fall out without any coming in, and if it all grew back than it will always have the same pattern... who knows, I'm just really reallly hoping for the best! :) Also thanks for your reply!
So within the 5 days since I started this discussion i have come to the conclusion i am in fact loosing my eyebrows, i can really notice it now and just to see how it would look i covered it in with a brow pencil and had hairs on it when done :( ... how is it possible when i still have almost half of my scalp hair, and new growth on my scalp?? The only thing I have done different is take immune functioning pills from the health store, has anyone ever tried these?? could they maybe made my immune stronger and now its spreading?? Im so confused and really no matter how hard I try i cant accept it, its been 20 years and I still havent!

Do you remember what those pills were called? My friend sells Shaklee products and she had recommended my son to start taking Nutriferons. Is that what you took??

I started with AA, however it progressed into universalis. I realized it when I noticed my nose hairs were gone, then soon after my eyebrows and eyelashes were gone as well. Benefits: No shaving, however due to the lack of hair your skin can tend to get very dry, so lotion is a must. I take natural supplements such as Colostrum and Echinacia, no results as of yet related to Hair.
did you loose all of your scalp hair before the other hair?

Hi, just to add my two cents about the eyebrows, I have AA Ophiasis pattern, and I've lost about 1/3 of my hair now, I lost my eyebrows a few years back and they have never come back, I do have fine white hairs there, but at first when I lost them they were that super smooth baby bum bald, I use a powdered shadow for my brows, when I remember, I often forget to put them on, I wear bangs and I don't think its as noticable. I've had AA for ten years, so I'm not sure what to expect next, Ive lost alot of hair on my arms and legs too, I just have a few areas that I still have to shave, but no hair at all on lower legs. AA is weird how it effects different people and areas. Sorry you lost yours too, hope your feeling better about it.



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