I've recently been told that my steroid injections would be stopping because even though my hair was starting to grow back, the rest of it was coming out again. Even though I've been like this for 2 years or so Im at a stage where it's hard to accept that this is the way I'm going to be for the rest of my life. I need to find a way to love myself again, because I can't look at myself in the mirror without a wig/hat/scarf on. Has anyone felt like that? How do you over come that feeling?

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Thank you so much, I think since I've been told that my treatment is stopping I've forgotten that if I hadnt had my daughter then I might still have hair and honestly, a choice between hair and my beautiful perfect, clever and wonderful daughter theres no contest. Today is going to be a healthy and good day (was even able to look at my baldness for alittle bit just now) :) xx

I've totally been there, especially recently, after shaving my head, it was looking so bad before I shaved it, especially when wet, there just wasn't much there, I did have to get use to the round head, and I'm still working on that, I actually sometimes wish I didn't have the dark spots, where my bio hair comes in, weird I know. I'm not surprised that you feel like you are facing it right now after 2 years, because you were treating it, and seeing some success with the injections, you more than likely felt like you were actively doing something with the AA, now that you are stopping that you have to face that the AA is here, and may stay (there is always possibility for regrowth) I went through a similar "facing it" event the day after I shaved my head and got my new hair, the day I got it I was on cloud nine, day two I was in the gutter, but it passed, I'm still learning to live with it and it is getting easier each day, I'm not at a place where I'm comfortable with my naked head, and not sure what to do with it when I'm not wearing my wig. I'm thinking about getting an alternative to sleep in. It is life changing but with a great hair option, it makes all the difference. Are you happy with your wig choice? I sometimes forget that I'm wearing it now, which is wonderful, and I'm not as self conscious as I was when my hair got really bad. I look at some of the great pictures on here and see really lovely people without their hair pieces and it helps make me more comfortable with my own hair loss. I suppose it will take time, But I do think that we begin to feel more comfortable with ourselves and our new normal. Hang in there.

Hi Abooie. I know how you feel. The worst part of my day is morning when I wash what is left of my hair and evening when I have to take off my topper. I have had diffuse AA for about a year and have had some regrowth with injections, but it still keeps coming out. I still can't believe it is me when I look in the mirror. I am also having a very hard time coming to terms with the idea of living like this for the rest of my life, but I guess acceptance comes with time. I try to take one day at a time. Also, I know that remission does happen even without any treatments. Take comfort in knowing you are not alone and we are all facing the same feelings and challenges this condition has forced on us.



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