I need an accountability partner(s). I thought I would start this discussion in which we can log our workouts and help each other keep on track. As well as encourage each other when the going gets tough.

Your workouts don't have to be big or hardcore to join the accountability group.

Perhaps you are just starting and a 20-30 minute walk is your choice. But if you have a desire to do it more frequently and have not been doing it... then this place is for you!

See you at the gym ;)

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Replies to This Discussion

Some of us hate exercise and think good food is food that tastes good...so we need competition with others or ourselves to SEE progress on a scale, tape measure, clothing size tag or lab report to believe progress is possible or happening. When no progress is SEEN, it sometimes leads to giving up and eating to console. For me, having a social group of dieters and encouragement at pounds lost works, especially when all the charity food closet for the unemployed hands out is pasta, bread, and stuff that is canned or boxed. It is a real struggle to find and pay for some of those healthier choices when laid off from teaching for over a year...and I cannot afford the new soil for my garden this year, either. So, for women in my generation, the word DIET still is understandable and accepted. The women in the group I joined are all around 60 or older, and some were up to a size 5x before (not me!). Ultimately, we find out that only the healthy choices create the weight loss. It is a mental change as well...the fun of competition and socialization replaces the fun of eating those nachos and cakes!

Smaller portions eating 5-6 times a day is much better than 3 big meals no matter what you're eating. It keeps your metabolism running higher which equals more calories used.
Glad you're all doing so well!

Better food choices! I like it too!

Soup in process: Beans, red bell pepper, sea salt, olive oil, cilantro, diced Italian tomatoes, cabbage, onion, celery, herbs, spices, ground black pepper and bay leaves. 95 degrees outside in the SHADE, and I am doing this to my house inside. I may be nuts, but oh, is it smelling good!

Walked July 4 about 22 blocks after the parade...trying to get inspired again in this heat! How are you doing in the Detroit humidity, Cheryl?

Did my Kickbox Bag Class today!
I bet the soup is delicious!!!

Three bowls say YES!


Jeff, do you do any kickboxing home workouts? Can you recommend any at home DVD's?

Hey Guys, I hurt my back this week, so it has been a bit slow. I started back exercising on Friday and don't tend to get too much in on weekends. My weight has stabilized but I need to kick it up again. But I have been swimming a lot!

Hope your back is better Cheryl!

It is. I think I either pinched a nerve or had some kind of a knot. It was really bad for a day and then bearable for 2-3 more days. I did not want to aggravate it so, I didn't exercise for 2 days and then just did a light bicep/tricep workout. Once it felt better increased my routine.

Gald you are feeling better!



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