I need an accountability partner(s). I thought I would start this discussion in which we can log our workouts and help each other keep on track. As well as encourage each other when the going gets tough.

Your workouts don't have to be big or hardcore to join the accountability group.

Perhaps you are just starting and a 20-30 minute walk is your choice. But if you have a desire to do it more frequently and have not been doing it... then this place is for you!

See you at the gym ;)

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Replies to This Discussion

Take it easy. You can still do my favorite exercise: The Forklift. (Get it? Eating!) Eggplant with vodka sauce tonight, after winning my TOPS group's "Biggest Loser for June" charm today! Wish I could send you some of this dinner!

I still can't get beyond just walking for my workout. It will be 104 by Wednesday...TOO HOT! I walk in malls and stores for the AC...with hot wig on me. You must be waaaaay cooler!

Won the Biggest Loser charm for July, too, at my TOPS group. 20 pounds lost since April!

I did my routine of Cardio Kickboxing Mon and Tues. Will take it up a notch this friday!

I hope in some air conditioning. Over 100 up here...112 in my car.

Remember i'm in San Francisco where it's a cool 64F!

That's amazing Tallgirl! I have been making it to the gym in the AM and consistently... but my weight is not budging. I am a little bit discouraged right now. I perhaps have to change my diet around a little bit more, but I hate restriction. I want something I can live with seroiuslyl. This week I make a few fun dishes similar to the below.

Hmmm. Now I have ideas for the Super Zucchini sitting in my kitchen.

I just thought the salad was beautiful!

Whoa! In between having our grandson the FULL week for the next 6 weeks and his sleeping/play schedule. Workouts were starting to feel impossible. So I joined a basic gym. I go in the morning before anyone wakes up. I am not a morning person, so I am feeling it. Luckily neither is my husband and grandson, so I don't have to get up too early to go. But this is day 2 and I feel more like it is doable. Before I felt like I was just squeezing it in and things could just come up and take me off schedule. I feel recommitted if that make sense. I Just have to get used to the schedule.

I find, in having to leave early for teaching, that having some routine motivator (certain CD to play in the car, coffee and greetings at a favorite stop or drive-thru on the way, establish first-name basis with at least one person upon arrival, sticky note on dash reminding me to buy something on the way home) can make it greater than just a must-do before the birds are awake. Do you have a clip-on radio or cassette player to listen to while working out?

Yes, I have a MP3 player that I use during the cardio sessions. But I don't need to listen to music while I am doing the weight portion.

Wake up, shower, straight into gym clothes and out the door with John...I find if I leave it any later I don't get there as there's always some excuse. Had blood test confirm no inflamation left in my body [oh yeh so why am I still aching?] so still no cardio for me. Doing a lot of leg work, squats, lunges, leg weight machines. All good. Glad to see you're all going strong...well done for losing 20 pounds TG, that's a lot of weight in only a few months. Congrats on getting up early Cheryl...I can relate as I'm not a morning person either :) and Jeffrey you are the man!!



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