Hi all...I haven't posted anything in a few years. I will get to the skinny of the post. I generally am interested to see if anyone else experienced similar results as me.
I have AU (with some eyebrows as I get shots there). I was on Xeljanz for 2 years. I was fortunate that my insurance covered 100% of the cost of the drug. The results were nonetheless shocking and disappointing to say the least. And frustrating...
First, I am happy to see that the drug has worked for others...I only wished it helped me too.
Within the first 3 months I responded to the drug getting first white hairs on my face and head (not many though). Those turned into dark brown hair by the 3rd month. Most of the hair growth was on my temple area and it did thicken my eyebrows.
However by month 5 it stopped working and the hair that I did get started to fall out. By the 6th month all of it was gone. For next 1.5 years nothing.
Just last week I enrolled into a clinical trial for baricitinib. I hope for different results as this is slightly different method of action than Xeljanz. But I have to say I not overly optimistic due my experience on X.
Xeljanz does not work for me either.I was called in for the baricinitib trial also and they would not take me because I already tried xeljanz.It doesn’t make sense to me because I would be a good candidate to see if a different jak would be the answer.Please keep me updated on your progress because I’m ready to order the generic barcitinib on line.What dose did you take of xeljanz I tried 10mg,15mg and also 20mg..I am not totally AU I do have about 60 percent of my eyelashes and eyebrows and about 30 percent of my hair but I have to wear a wig.
On Xeljanz 2 years and aside from some improvement with fingernails and some body hair isn't doing much for me. Did 10 MG a day and then 20 MG a day.
I think the length of time a person has had the Alopecia is the determining factor on whether treatments will work or not. How long have you had AU? I am also AU, I’ve had it for 28 years.
I wonder if it’s more complex than just duration of the disease. I’ve had it for 11 years and I understand this decreases the likelihood of it growing back with treatment but hopefully won’t mean it will never grow back ?
Have you considered taking a temporary co-therapy to give the xeljanz a boost ? Maybe steroid pulsing?
Ever consider changing the foods you eat? I have been having good success with just nutrition changes.
la durée de la maladie s'accompagne d'une disparition progressive des bulbes pileux. Ils remontent progressivement dans le derme et disparaissent...Voilà pourquoi il y a des "mauvais répondeurs "je crois. Pour répondre aux traitements il faut : il reste encore des bulbes 2) il y a un infiltrat inflammatoire (lymphocytes) autour des bulbes pileux...C'est ce que j'ai cru comprendre.
Inflammation is caused by your white blood cells, aka your immune system. It is not a normal body function to attack our own cells. There is a root cause of it and adjusting your nutrition can address this issue.
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