I have been pondering about shaving my head for a couple months now. I was on vacation with my family and finally did it. Probably one of the hardest decisions I have made in my life. I do have some questions for the people out there that shave their head. I shave down so close so when I rub my head it is smooth but you can still see my hair that I have left. Will getting a tan on my head make the spots on my head less noticeable? I have been shaving everyday so far. Any suggestions on routines or products to use? Currently I get warm/hot water on my head and lather it up with some shaving gel and then shave front to back. I repeat the process again but shaving from back to front. Afterwards I put on same aftershave lotion. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

So during vacation, I tried to get my head to tan since it was completely white after shaving it. My family was supportive and happy that I did it because covering up my spots was taking over my life. I ended up going down to the beach where people would walk by me and I was surprised. No one was staring and looking back at me once they passed. I'm hoping its the same as my first day back to work. What are some people's experiences going back to work and going in public with their newly shaved head?


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Will getting a tan on my head make the spots on my head less noticeable?

YES - in my case , getting some color on the old eggshell helps blend with the rest of my face .

Be careful to not get a sunburn up there cuz that can be quite painful.
I use plain old regular shaving gel and a disposable razor and yes - against some advice I do shave in every direction , with and against the grain for a closer finish.

Good for you Tazz for erasing your current alopecia issue ... at least for the time being you can function without dwelling on all the hair on the floor , in the drain and on a comb. You took hold of what was bothering you ... and did something about it instead of being controlled by it .


Champion ! Glad you made a decision and did what you felt best !

I guess back at work as people know and see you everyday that they will notice the difference so be ready for the odd question or comment - Most of it will just be curiosity as to why you did it.

Make sure you sunscreen up aswell mate. Bad burns on bald heads aint good as they peel !
It has been about a week since I shaved it. My head is still pretty red. Will the redness go away once my skin gets used to me shaving my head everyday?
Tazz - Ya sure its red from shaving and not sunburn ??

Also , Ive never shaved everyday - for me it was un necessary.
I dont slap any cologne or after shave up there either - use some type of moisturizer if anything.

I never got redness from shaving but I did acquire a red skull from the sun . Be careful.

Great thing about shaving your melon ... you can still throw on a baseball hat whenever you like and still look awesome.


Pale skin burns easily, be careful !. Also try the shavingcream on yoru neck and see if it reacts with redness. If fo then switch to those gentle ones.
Good for you! I wouldn't shave my head every day, though, and you really do have to use sunscreen on your scalp. Maybe a milder, yet protective one....like baby sunscreen. I'm African American, and I shave my head once a week, and after I shave, I rub my head with a light facial lotion tht is made for sensitive skin. I think your head might be red because you're shaving too often.
I've been there, making the "big shave" decision is a hard one. I really felt at ease after i got used to it and I am sure you will feel better as time goes by. I used shaving cream and the mach 3 razor to get it really close. After it toughened up on top, i would just use water or even dry shave at times. It went pretty well, although the mach 3 razor blades are not that cheap. I also did the tanning trick to help hide the spots. After about three years alot of my hair grew back and i let it grow out and looked good for years. It's thinning now but I still haven't gone back to shaving.
Good Luck,
I shave every other day, or catch it before it starts to annoy me. Besides if I don't shave ... I feel like a mess, and so unattractive. Makes me lose my confidence, with my head looking like a "MAP OF THE WORLD" I think, that's a good analogy for Alopecia Areata. If I let it go too long, I have to use the clippers. I don't use anything after the shave for a short while, as not to irritate my skin. Later on I put cream on and perfume ... "I love perfume" Although each of us have a different situation depending on whether we have allergies, inflammation or other. Nobody gives a damn if we are bald or not, really... and if they do, they are not concerned. Not a bad thing! Why would they??? Most people aren't heartless, and most are very ignorant about hair loss. One can't blame them, unless it happens to them right!!! Yes, yes... there will always be the odd question or inconsiderate remark, and I always think..."JERK" Not to worry, it's only those who make a point to be humorous at your expense. Is that any reason to get your knickers in a knot..."NO" In fact I think "BRING IT ON ... MAKE MY DAY" The ignorance and ugliness of others only makes me stronger ... if you look at things that happen in life for the positive and good. Rather than feed yourself with frustration and stress over "NOTHING" I think what you did by shaving your head is just the beginning to a freedom you have never known. Now go enjoy your "NEW SELF' The self esteem you exude shall draw people towards you, for all the right reasons. Remember, NEVER EXPLAIN OR EXCUSE YOURSELF" That is when you become defeated and lose your power and self worth. Nobody holds your power and strength ... except you! Besides..."BALD IS COOL" and cool!!! Enjoy the breeze on your head and go enjoy your gift! Being "YOU"
Ha ha ha! ;o)



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