
Is it good or bad to have Alopecia talked about in the media if it is meant in a joking manner? I just watched, to my detriment, I hate my teenage daughter. The show is real bad.

One of the mom's on the show joked twice about her childhood and having alopecia. The first joke was in passing, she listed all of her other problems along with alopecia. The second joke prompted this post. She joked about having to wear a bow on the top of her head to cover her alopecia.

So do you think it is ok to have such jokes made about a disease we all take very seriously?

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Yes, lighten up!

Yes, I am with most of you guys. I don't take myself too seriously. I have AU, not one hair on my whole body. I joke all the time about myself with friends and family. Selfdeprecating houmor is ok by me. So, I do lighten up quite a bit. The purpose of the post was to make a note that AA does not get a lot of public attention and the attention on the show was for a cheap laugh. I don't think it got to me in a way that made me mad, it just made think that there is a better way to get AA some attention. Thanks for contributing to this discussion.

Craig, what was the second joke about the bow? I personally give credit to my mother for creating the world's worst comb-over when my hair first started falling out when I was in grade school. I even posted the picture for the whole world to see. Was the bow ugly? Or was it very conspicuous?

The beauty of this country is free speech and satire. I can think of a million ways to satirize alopecia, and you may not take yourself that seriously, but honestly, you just opened Pandora's box with this one. There are so many people out there that really DO expect you to walk on eggshells around them because they have alopecia it's sickening.

I can't wait to see the responses I get to the blog I posted on the same topic.

Where is the blog? Can't find it

I'm not sure. Apparently now personal blog posts have to be approved.

In general, I am not offended easily over my alopecia. But, I may be offended if the alopecian was always depicted as the ugly, stupid, diffident or single person. The same way I am offended with movies that continuously depict a black person as stupid, dirty or a thug. But showing a person with alopecia that is strong and confident or even human or fallable and that is also able to take a joke, I think is positive for alopecia.

I saw that show too. I didnt know what to think of it. Good or bad. I dont know ........

I think that joking about alopecia in the media is a bit no no. I think that being able to joke about alopecia is something that is more of an exclusive right to alopecians and people close to them.

i beleave if they have alopecia then its ok to do so .cause i would rather make fun of myself then to be made fun of by some one else who dosent have it it stings the heart a lil. to here it from someone who has no idea what is is like to lose you hair.



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