Hi Everyone!

If your reading this then thank you very much for your time!!


Can you help me?


I am an art student from Nottingham, UK. I have just begun a project based on "Female Identity" and I would absolutely love it if I could have some of your views on the matter.


So my question basically is this:


What is your experience/ thoughts, on being a female with Alopecia?



Anyone can answer, male or female, young or old :)

(Of course no names will be mentioned, and you identity will be kept completey confidential!)


Take Care,



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Hi Liz, I know you are far away but you can reach me any time by phone. I am an artist as well. I will send you my cell if interested. I am about to write a piece I will mail it to you if you would like. The longer I go through this the more I see in life for what it really is. I always looked at the beauty in all things for the way my brain is wired but now I really see the beauty in everything. Even if it's my bald head. Which I just painted for a local show here in NY. It was very healing.
Thanks everyone! You stars, honestly this is so much help! x

It seems to me that every person with alopecia is hard. They have to face many problems, perhaps ridicule from people. Or just do not like yourself in the mirror. It is very hard to accept yourself like this and live with it. But if you cope with all this problem, you can live a full life and be happy. For the students of Nottingham, I have a suggestion, we offer you a service where they help with writing research papers view website they will tell you how to make your work better, saving it from text.



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