Well...now my daughter is losing her eyebrows. She lost most of the hair on her head...all except a few patches that just makes attaching her wig that much more time consuming. Now, she's losing her eyebrows...she's scared, and wondering what to do. Only her closest friends know about her Alopecia, and she would rather not have to deal with everyone at school knowing. So...I'll do whatever I can to help until she's comfortable with it. I just cant imagine being in her position...I hurt so bad for her, and yet, I'm amazed by the strength she still shows.

Any suggestions on most "real" looking eyebrows...let me know!


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There are several companies that make eyebrows that stick on and generally have a clear base, although I haven't ever used them I believe many people on this site have. I lost all of my eyebrows and for a long time I didn't do anything about them, but then I decided to try tattooed eyebrows. The lady that I use does an amazing job because she uses single brushstrokes instead of blocks and adds highlights and lowlight colors to make it look more real. I have been really happy with them, and the people who I have told about them being tattooed on said that they looked great. I don't know if you are ready or willing to go permanent but if you do make sure you get a true artist that will create an eyebrow that fits her face and doesn't just do a block of color. I don't know where you live but if its near Atlanta, GA I can give you the name of the girl I used. The first girl that I used didn't do as good of a job but I am much happier with the work of the girl I use now.

Best wishes,
Eyebrows were the most difficult thing to deal with. My daughter used the stencils that she bought from sephora but it took her about 20 minutes and then she could accidentally wipe them off. We ended up having them tattoo'd. They are fantastic! She is a big chicken with needles and she was fine. Research to get the right person to do this. I have someone I would recommend in St. Louis. Post the city you are looking in and someone here can help you.
I have been using the glue-on eyebrows for a couple of years now. I find them to be very natural looking. The only problem is the edges sometimes show a bit. But the hair in the eyebrows looks very realistic. I know that headcovers.com and cheryn.com both sell versions of the eyebrows that they recommend for children. I do cut mine down a bit so you could probably do the same to fit your daughter's face properly. There are a couple of different kinds of glue but they are all basically the same as eyelash adhesive. One type comes with it's own little brush. I can leave mine on for about a week then just have to peel them off & glue on again in the morning. As long as I don't scrub them I can gently wash my face in the shower without doing any damage. I can usually get about three months use out of one pair but they do start to get a bit worn looking toward the end of that time. I really like having them because I still feel somewhat "normal" looking without my wig when I have the eyebrows on but without the eyebrows it's a bit weird.
All the best,
Thanks for the responses so far! I've looked at headcovers, and nubrow. Anybody ever try the "semi permanent" tatoo eyebrows? One place I saw was buti-full-brows.com. They look good on the computer...I guess it would give us some idea of what actual tatooed eyebrows will look like. They're fairly cheap.
Wow Tanya...which ones do you use? Are they the temp tatoo style?
hey I lost my eyebrows pretty recently, and i tried a few different products. I eventually found that my favorite product is the glue on eyebrows from headcoversunlimited.com work super well,and i also use their adhesive product too. Honestly they are really easy to apply and they stay on really well. I also love that they are almost completely undetectable. Im a young girl myself and i would definetly recomend having your daughter try their product out because i absoulutly love them!!!
Hi Annie!

Mikayla is dealing with if fine at the moment, and yes, you're right...I did freak. :) I guess that's what all parents are supposed to do. Anyway...I think she's dealing with it okay...she really hasn't said much about it, but I'm just doing my research ahead of time, just in case she says she wants to do something about it. I figure it's better to know some options ahead of time, then if she ever asks me if there's anything she can do, I can give her some answers. You and I have talked before, and I'm still amazed at how strong our kiddos are! If we as parents could only learn to accept this stuff as well as they do! :o)



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