Hi, I just recently joined and wanted to say Hi. I was diagnosed with diffuse alopecia areata a few months ago and am rapidly losing my hair. I am wondering if anyone else has or has had this diffuse type all over thinning and whether they eventually lost all their hair. This agonizing slow thinning is driving me crazy. I have to wear a hair piece now because my hair is so thin and see-through and not knowing what lies ahead is really hard.

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Hi babyblueeyes.   It is nice to know that other people do have this form of AA.  Misery loves company.  How long have you had it and are you getting any treatments?

i have done many rounds of the cortizone injections they have not workd and i have continued to lose my hair its very fine.

My hair is very fine also which makes it even more noticable. Did you get a scalp biopsy? There are some other treatment options. But everyone seems to respond differently to various treatments so it is sort of a trial thing. I think the hardest part is not knowing how far it will progress. I have had this for two years now and still have hair,not the hair I used to have, but at least I still have some hair.

Hi!  I too have the diffuse type of AA.  Last year (the first year I had it) my hair got really really thin all over and I ended up wearing a wig.  Then, this summer it all grew back!  After starting back to school this school year (I'm a teacher) it started to fall out again, but only in the back!  I have a lovely ring around the back of my head of no hair, a good amount on top and the neckline.  It's lovely!  The point is, you may have re-growth, you may have it fall out again.  The thing I've learned about AA is that it's different in everyone and it's very unpredictable!  The only thing that seems to help mine is extra Vit. D, NOT working, exercising, and eating a clean gluten-free diet.  I've tried every serum, injection, cream, you name it. 

Hi kteacher. Sounds like stress may be a trigger for you. It is good to know that yours did all grow back. Do you keep your hair short? I am debating on ditching the wig and going with a super short cut. Hopefully you will regrow the back soon.

Thanks! I hope yours does too. I debate all the time on wearing the wig. I have had such positive feedback with it on though. My principal gave me the nicest hug and compliment this morning :) I think I will probably continue to wear it until the back grows back. It's so weird, I have completely normal hair in the front and on top, and the neckline, but this creepy ring of baldness around the back of my head. LOL! It's almost funny (almost)!

Hi Workingonthezen. My hair is about the same, still thin but some new growth. The biggest improvement has been my brows which have really filled in now. A small victory, but I will take it. How about you?
Yes, it is hard and doctors offer little help. I did have a biopsy about 2 years ago which showed inflammation and confirmed AA. Since then I have been struggling with this. I am on Methotrexate and take two supplements I think helped, colostrum and kalawalla. I believe diet and low iron are factors. I also use Latisse on my brows but I am not sure if that is what brought them back. It is also very expensive. Do you still have brows and lashes?

I wear a hairpiece called a topper which clips in to my hair.  It gives my hair volume but is not a full wig.  I do not have any bald patches except for the very back nape area which is really being stubborn.  The rest of my hair has just really thinned except for the top which is still pretty thick.  The rest is really embarrassingly thin though and I never go out without the topper.  I lost all leg hair and underarm hair initially but it is slowly returning.  It is very fine and light though.  I never lost arm hair or lashes, but overall my hair grows very slow.  How about you?  Everyone is different though so you may not follow the same pattern even though we are both diffuse.  I don't have a clue what caused it except that I was very anemic and it started about that time.  I have thought about trying aquatic acid but my dermatologist does not offer it.



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