I mean does anyone have regrowth like Kyle Rhodes from the Yale study using Xeljanz?  So far the pictures I have seen are not nearly as promising.  Link below with pictures of Rhodes regrowth


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I think is better waiting for new trial (better whit topical) and also now are new cures like the cells (in china and florida) and protocolla Coimbra(VITAMIN D) THAT in particular Coimbra are working very good and are a cure no a tratament i wanted open a discussion  about Coimbra protocol but to me is impossible open new discussions...i read a lot of about this protocol and it works...

From what I am gathering, it is close to 2 years for most to get a full head of hair back. Kyle Rhodes was an exceptional responder.

I would be worried about suppressing the immune system that long. Also what will happen to hair if  you no longer keep taking Xeljanz.

I think you really have assess risk/reward. Yes I would love to have my hair back but not at potential expense of having cancer down the road. Too many unknowns at this time for me.

Cliff notes please?

please do not "moderate" my reply.  It wasn't just "Cliff Notes Please"..

Again, i'm requesting that the person who keeps raving about X - would stop making foot long posts regarding "haters", while giving one-sided raves about X - asking people to go to ANOTHER thread, and look through 2,000+ plus posts for proof that it works for him. Instead of just posting current pics.  If he taking all of this time to keep negating people who have other opinions - he should be able to post pics.  It's that simple.

Also, i noticed that the same poster does not like the term "Acceptable Cosmetic Growth".  If it's HIS thread, he can keep jumping in at any time and debate.  But it's someone elses.

This same person does not like the term "Acceptable Cosmetic Growth".. fine.  But to KEEP arguing the point is redundant.  Okay, you don't like the term.  The OP is not going to change it to make you happy.

I, personally don't like the silly colloquialism "Haters".. It's childish, not well thought out, and used by immature individuals dominating the media.  They are known as Rappers and Thugs. But that doesn't mean that i'm going to go over to Kanye West's house and tell him to stop using the term. Nor will i tell the said poster - "you should stop using that term".

If the said forum member doesn't  like the term. Be mature enough to accept the fact that it's the OP's choice, and let the other posters keep sharing their experience.  It's interesting.  Thank you, and please do not "revise" my post.

Who revised your post? No one could do that besides you or the editors of Alopecia World if THEY found your words offensive. If you were willing to do any kind of reading and research, instead of having everything supplied to you, you would know the person you have been talking about is a SHE, not a "him or a he." Again, you and anyone else can read my PERSONAL discussion entitled "From Totally Bald to Hair Regrowth in One Month!" It has all of my hair regrowth pictures on it, except for the ones I'm taking at my next doctor's appointment. Its only about 4 pages long, you should be able to handle that. I'm not going out of my way to prove anything to you or other likeminded individuals. While you guys are busy giving your negative opinions and complaining, I just grew another hair back on XELJANZ, lol!

X - i'm really getting a bit tired of your incredible narcissism, seriously. That post was not even directed at you at all.

I think you should really put that huge ego to rest.  It's so obvious to anyone else who isn't "self-involved" that the post was not pertaining to you having any power on this forum to "revise my post".

Where on earth did you even get that?

For some strange reason, you couldn't resist making everything that is said on this forum revolve around you.  

What's even worse, is not only the egocentricity? But the childishness and immaturity that comes along with it.

The post was directed to the moderator that had deleted most of the original.  How did could a normal and mature individual even fathom that the first sentence was even directed at them?

It's obvious to me ladies and gentlemen? That this person is obviously not balanced.

I will just watch for the response from X, because it's clear, that he can't seem to help himself.  Are we dealing with some kind of nut case?


I read the whole ADML thread
My observations: eyebrows and lashes are usually growing fast. Meaning 3 months. For the hair after one year from what I saw it is cosmetically acceptable when the drug works on you. Think about it, u need a lot of hair if starting point is totally bald.
I saw pictures of xeljanz miracle, yes she had very good regrowth, but its true she shounds like a sales rep for Pfizer. And I don't blame her, maybe she is so excited about this treatment, I would be also if it worked on me.
Dr Donovan is my doctor now. There is evidence that XELJANZ is having some success treating alopecia. We are not the only ones with this kind of treatment... Think about all people living with crohns, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, etc... They all take immunosuppressive when disease is severe.

I hope the best for all alopecians.

so is Dr. Donovan looking more favorably at using Xeljanz for alopecia now than it appeared in the 2014 article that is still circulating? 

Thank you for understanding how I feel Return_Life.

I really think the jury is still out on Xeljanz. Yes it does grow hair but at what risks. The good thing is, it may be the start of bigger and better things coming along.

"We are not the only ones with this kind of treatment (x)... Think about all people living with crohns, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, etc... They all take immunosuppressive when disease is severe." Return_life

The difference being that the above diseases can be life threatening and do cause death! x is probably worth taking in these cases.

Alopecia is not life threatening! There is no need to take such strong medication, that can make you ill and has not been proven to stop Alopecia. Mind you, there is no treatment on the market or ever has been. The drug x will merely suppress your immune system and your hair may grow but  like prednisone you have to stop it and then it falls out.

Drug X in my opinion is a dangerous drug for Alopecia. It is not drug specifically directed at Alopecia. It can only be used for a short time period. On cessation your hair falls out plus it might make you sick!

It's a silly, silly option.

It's not like a typical immune suppresser drug like predisolone as that suppressor everyone where xeljanz targets Pacific pathways not everything. And I feel a lot of people using this don't plan on staying on this for life. Just using it as a bridge. The good thing to come from this is they now know t-cells attack the hair follicle. So hopefully more safer drugs will come out or hopefully a cure. It's possible in the next 10 years this might be beat. I think the main question there trying to figure out is why they start attackinh once they figure that trigger hopefully a lot more progress for the cure will come out.



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