I've read that people who grow up on a farm are far less likely to have auto-immune diseases and allergies.

A immunologist thinks rates of these immune diseases are increasing because we are too clean, we don't let our bodies develope strong immune defenses.

So, I thought I'd ask all of you, and see if what he says has any validation....for myself....I am a clean freak, showering twice a day, living in the city, but I think I was normal growing up, lived in a house and played in the dirt my fair share.

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I've heard this too but dont know if there have been any formal studies.
I didnt grow up on a farm but we had dogs and cats and lots of digging in the dirt.
Just thinking...

A "formal Study" would just be to look at Nepal, Tibet, Phillipeans, India (rural), etc. and see if people there had immune diseases like we do ~ right?

Maybe our dirt, our domestic dogs and cats aren't enough anti-bodies to fight the zillions of diseases out there...?

Maybe we should take our kids to baby animal petting zoos.

Looks like we pass on our inability to fight these diseases to our kids...hummmm, I see extinction of our species if we don't get a handle on this, but first the doctors & drug companies will get real rich.
Hi Ron,

I've also heard of this "hygiene hypothesis" but didn't think it was well accepted as it relates to autoimmune diseases? Thought it was more connected to all the new "super bugs" and antibiotic resistant germs. A guess they believe autoimmune diseases are on the rise b/c our immune systems are too over protected. If you think about when our parents we young they spent more time playing outside in the woods, farmland, or where ever! and even more than our generation the kids today spend more time in minivans and in front of TV and computers. -so I can see how the immune system is not challenged and adaptive enough....

It does make sense- like so many of the theories. But I don't know there will ever be one culprit or trigger- as we all have different genetic susceptibility to autoimmunity and have a different propensity to withstand the onslaughts of constant autogens- like stress, diet, pollution, infections, heavy metals...etc.

Like Jeffrey- I did not grow up on a farm but had lots of dogs and cats and good ole days of making mud pies! :)
Dr. Joel Weinstock, an immunologist and professor of medicine at Tufts University in Boston says the "hygiene hypothesis" applies to allergies, immune diseases and the super bugs.

It's worth looking into....growing up in the US and living on a farm with various livestock would probably put a end to this idea though.
i am not a clean freak god made dirt and dirt don't hurt! However god did not make all the antiboitics and antibacterial waste that are flooding our rivers, ground water and lakes. Everyone needs to stop taking an antibiotic for every little thing. If you take antibiotics they are still in your urine when you pee and if you throw away antibiotics they get soaked up in our land fill etc. etc.All eventually ending in our watering holes, so even if we play in mud there is so many antibiotics around us; in the mud, dish soap, cleaners, ......try buying products that do not contain antibacterial agents.

Yeah, dude, I'm here. Frankly speaking I'm 21 y.o and I have a no muscles...Are you surprised? Yes, I broke all the stereotypes, as I'm engaged in nothing there. Yes, I didn't even build anything and didn't help my father to build something. All this is because all the buildings on our farm is engaged in this company bisonconstructions. Yes, I agree, it seems that it is unprofitable, but my father doesn't regret. He says he doesn't want to build anything either, so he found a company that's cheap to build anything he wants. Only recently the company has completed the construction of a hay shed and a horse corral.



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