I am trying to drum up interest in an Atlanta area support/meeting group, perhaps to meet once a month for coffee or drinks. If you live in the metro Atlanta area and would like to be a part of this, please message me back!


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I have never been to a support group but I think I would be interested. Who knows it may be what I need. I'm only 19 so I don't know if that matters or not.
Age is no factor, Dielle. We all have a very special condition that requires support and love and acceptance. I am fairly new to AT (not even quite there yet), having had AA for about 6 years. I have a hard time with it psychologically sometimes. This web site s is nice, but I think getting together in person as a group for discussion or just fun would be more beneficial. I do not envision a bunch of bald women sitting around crying and bitching all the time, but if that happens and we can support each other in that way, great.

I love horses but know nothing about them. You're so lucky.
I live in Conyers, and was diagnosed with Androgenetic Alopecia. I have lost most of my hair now and am extremely self-conscious and avoiding going out because of it. I went to Ulta in Snellville today, and this woman who works there immediately told me she noticed my wig and why didn't I try Nioxin products. Well, I was humiliated, I was just getting to the point where I wanted to go out and be around people, but now I am right back where I started. I paid a lot of money for a prosthetic hairpiece at Emory University's cancer center, and don't feel comfortable in it, nor do I feel like it is the "real me". How do you cope with people's rude comments? I would be interested in a support group.
Oddly, no one has ever said anything to me about my "hair," other than compliments. Everyone who has said something to me about color or cut thought the wig was my real hair. I have told only a few select people that I felt comfortable telling, but mostly, if I can pull it off, who needs to know? I'm sorry about the rudeness of that Ulta employee...it was totally thoughtless on her part. I understand TOTALLY about being self-conscious about going out; I was a recluse for a couple months after I started wearing wigs. I find that over time, you do get used to them. I think most people who complain about them (itchy, constricting, headaches) don't give themselves enough time. I never even wore hats before, and now I wear a tight hair piece every day! Very different for me, but I will not go out bald anywhere. Just my preference.
Ironically, the expensive human hair wig that I have is the one I wear the least. I have 3 or 4 others that I alternate, and the good one. I haven't worn it since December because it is a pain to style and I am not happy with the cut. I have fired my wig salon (that's a whole other story), so I am stuck until I find someone else to style it for me.
I don't know anything about Nioxin. And I really don't know anything about your variety of alopecia. I know that I currently have AT and while the standard treatments worked for me early on, the hair loss continued and in fact accelerated. I stopped treatment....for a while anyway. Be careful of "miracle" claims for hair growth. Most of these products are very expensive and don't work.
Hang in there. Go to a couple online wig sellers (wowwigs.com, headcovers.com, headshoponline.com). They have cute styles in synthetic wigs (and human) and the prices are good. I have gotten all my wigs at Wow, but they have limited manufacturers. I love a certain wig on the other two sites, and am saving up. Headcovers has the better prices.
Please contact me again if you have any questions or thoughts. This sucks and it's tough, but it's amazing what you can get used to. I had long thick glorious hair just a year ago, and now my head looks moth-eaten (I have not shaved, just cut short). It will get you really down if you let it.

Thank you so much, Gail! Let me know if you get a group together. I am interested in it! I haven't shaved mine yet, either, but resemble something like an old man who is bald on top and still has hair a little on the sides and back.

Its amazing what some people think is okay to say, its like they have no internal filter. I have only had a few comments like that, but I have found that the best thing to do (which is really hard especially since I typically avoid confrontation) is to call them out and make them feel like an ass so they think before they speak next time. Even though I generally feel mortified by their comment it is a little bit of a stress relief to call them out and it can even be funny when you see how embarrassed they get before they walk away because they finally realize they said something really rude that they should be ashamed of. It also helps if you have someone with you that is completely willing to fight for you if their comment makes you speechless.

Hi, I live in Newnan, Ga. I would like to attend some of the meetings sometimes. Please let me know more info and where you meet.


Did you ever get this support group together for the Atlanta area?

No, but 2011 is a brand new year!

I have AA was diag in August 2010--My story is under Discussions Alopecia Areata There is Hope :)

Read it and let me know your thoughts?



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