My doctor has noted a connection between alopecia and auto-immune thyroiditis. I got tested and sure enough I have it. He suggests an auto-immune diet............basically no gluten, no dairy.......etc, etc. I'm a foodie and so before I make my life miserable by going this route, I was wondering if anyone else has attempted to eat this way to hopefully achieve hair regrowth....and with what results. Personally, I have my doubts, but I thought I'd put it out there anyway.
Thanks for your help. Sue

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Which is one of the reasons we don't seem to have heard from anyone who has done so for a year or more and has seen, or not seen, results. It's pretty hard to fight the temptations! You have to ask a million questions when you dine out. Eating at the home of friend's can be equally challenging. Perhaps if we look at it as if it was one thing we can take control over! ................. Just thinking "out loud".

I am going to push my doctor to tell me if they have actually seen results on any AU patients. Statistically there aren't many of us out there. So how many AU patients could one doctor have? I am curious.
no mention from any docs about this and what kind of blood test show thryoiditis? I've been having blood work done every 6 months after a ton of labs - nobody has mentioned anything - but I have heard a lot about no gluten - so I am curious - sounds encouraging - very very hard but encouraging - reading all these other discussions very interesting! Thank yoU!
Yes Please, how do I ask my doctor about a test for thyroiditis? I assume its a blood test.
It is a blood test. Tell your doc what you want to be tested for.....autoimmune thyroiditis... Make sure you get also get TSH, and free T3 and T4. And that your doctor understands the importance of not just testing TSH.
Thanks I will be asking for the test for autoimmune thyroiditis, but I dont understand the other acronyms. A search shows the names and the medical meanings, but quickly this is way over my head.
If you dont mind me asking, what is the importance of not just testing TSH?
And what I really want to ask is for him to prescribe sulfasalazine, I will be bringing some printed out material, some from this forum. (He hasnt reacted unusual before when I brought in pages that led us toward me getting testing for gluten allergy and other allergies. I do feel that some day he will give me a brief lecture on "everything you find on the internet is not true")
Accordingly, are there tests for Bowel problems that will help me get the sulfa prescription, or is that the wrong way to ask?
I'm a Celiac, no gluten, wheat, barley or rye, yes I have heard good things about our diet. Here are some links to read about:
What I'm understanding is that gluten free means NO gluten. Period. I'm asking many of the same questions which was the point of my disussion. Doesn't sound like any fun to me.
I would suggest try it first - I have been on no gluten/modified Atkins diet for a while, and I realized I like that food. but it hasnt helped my AA, but I am only one instance.
Bud, how long have you been on your gluten free diet?
2 years. my barbecue gets used a lot more, had to give up potatoes, anything with white flour, whole grain flour, rice, pasta and anything sugary. I immediately lost 20 lbs, and it has stayed off. I looked up the Atkins diet, found that its good for people susceptible to diabetes (my father is type II). (See this for more info
But hair loss - does this connect? I have had alopecia for 5 years, it has gradually changed from one spot to 30% of my scalp. its getting worse.
** Back to the topic of this link, I have normal TSH results, and I didnt realize that I get a TSH test at every complete physical. it has been normal for the past 5 years.
Wow, you lost weight, I must have gained about 15lbs on the GFD, and I've only been on this diet since Feb. It is to soon to tell at this point, but I don't get tired as much as I used to. I stopped taking naps about 3 months ago(i used to take naps regularly, like 2 or 3 times a day). Now, I am up all day and night till bed time. But about the gluten/celiac or gluten/sensitivity and Alopecia Areata connection, the jury is still out on that. I'm going to sound like a broken record, but there are only a few studies that look at the connection between gluten and AA. And because of this, there is no consensus among researchers on whether there is or is not a connection between gluten and AA. They just don't know at this point.

One case of eating gluten would have as long as 6 months effect on your body.



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