I've had Alopecia since I was five. It started in small patches but fell completely out when I was about 13. My health was normal for a long time but once my hair fell out completely my immune system was shot. I get sick very easy now and I have missed a lot of school and work. The doctor has tested me for just about everything and all my tests say I'm healthy. Is anyone else's health affect in this way?
I'm sorry that you are feeling so poorly at times, I have not noticed any change in my immune system in others ways, if anything I feel I did get really sick at the very begining of my AA, within the first year I developed a pnuemonia that would not respond to antibiotics and I was quite sick for four months, the pulmonologist that my family doctor sent me to was suspicous that I had something called Sarcoidosis, which is a horrid autoimmune disease, that I knew I didn't want to have, she wanted to run more test to confirm her fears, but I did not consent to more testing, I finially got well after I returned to my Doctor, who changed my antibiotic and determined I had developed reactive airway, with asthma which I have been led to believe is also a autoimmune response. I'm much better now and rarely have respirtory problems but spent several years with breathing problems from time to time, and living in fear of that specialists idea. I think that many others with AA may also have other autoimmune things going on, like eczema asthma, thyroid issues and RA, all of which really effect how we feel. By your picture you look fairly young, I can say that when I was younger I got sick alot, at one time in my life I smoked and I think that had a lot to do with it. Have you thought about seeing a Naturalpath? I have never gone but have thought about it, they tend to take a different approach to health and sometime I think a fresh look can be helpful. I know that I do take a lot of vitamins the last several years, mostly in response to AA, I take 4,000 units of vit D3, 1,000 mg Vit C, a B complex, and Flax, Fish oil, and multivitamin. Seems like a lot but I think I'm healthier because of it, at least in part. Hope this helps in some way, and hope you can begin to get a stronger immune system.
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