Hi, my name is Sonia and Iv just been diagnosed with Alopecia Areata. Back in July I found a small round patch in the back of my head. Went to my doc and he said its from stress. But in a matter of a month the patch grew much bigger and my hair is now so fine. I went to a dermatologist and he said its gonna get worse. So he gave me Regaine 5% to apply twice a day. I did that but it did not help and the patch got bigger and bigger. I know lost about 40% of my hair. So I went back to derm and he gave me a steroid pill called Solupred which I have to take once a day for a month and then I go see him again.
Im depressed, dont know if Im gonna go bald or if my hair will grow back. I cry every single day, sometimes even most of the day. Im beginning to think about quitting my job, which is in the fitness industry.
Please can anybody help me cos I cant accept this and dont know how to cope. I just want my hir back

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Hi Sonia!
Im so sorry to hear what you are going through. Im sure you have already read many of us have been in your same exact spot. I cried everyday for months! I spent lots of time and $ researching and trying different treatments. The truth is alopecia is extremely unpredicatable, your hair may grow back at anytime, or you could lose all of it.
This is my take on it after being in your place 3 yrs ago. A) find a GREAT dermatologist. Someone who has tons of experience with Alopecia. I have only found one. Dr Daily in NY. Not saying they WILL make your hair grow back, but its important to have a good doc. A lot of them say they have experience, but they dont have much. B) Try not to let alopecia win. Keep working if you can. I know its hard...I did it. But if you stay home, your letting the disease control you and I think its best to avoid that. C) Therapy and antidepressents worked wonders for me! Not pushing drugs...just saying...they can really be helpful in bad times. I promise, promise promise you...It gets easier!! Feel free to email me.
Lee, if you are going to Daily you must be in NY. I run a support group through NAAF.org in Long Island and there are wonderful wonderful women in it. Kind of like AW but, in person. I'd be lost without AW and without the NAAF. Sorry he did not tell you about the group. I mail my dates to them but, everyone that walks in the doors of the group has found out about it through wig salons and not him. There is more to this then the medical attention, it's more an emotional disease than anything and for that there is help through people that have it. We together can be a wonderful support system. Call me and I can tell you where we are 631-680-0148. :)
Margaret Staib
Hi Margaret, I used to live in NY, but now Im in VA. I loved Dr daily! Did you go to him? I am trying to make my way backl to NY, because my family is there, and Im pregnant. I would LOVE to join to join your group then. Can you mail me your number on here so I have it saved?
Hey Lee, that is so sweet of you.... thanks so much for your comments. Its just that one day i feel good and the next im all broken up again. Yday my husband said he see new small white hairs coming up in the back, but then this morning I found another patch on the side right above my ear, so while yday I had some hope, today I have nothing again. But u are right, time will heal and that is what I have to do now, decide whats good for me and try to move on. Like i said earlier in my other posts, working as an aerobic instructor, my hair is ually all sweaty and dirly after class. If I wear a wig, everybody is gonna notice and I dont really want to tell them.... so this is my hardest step now.
Call it what you want but I don't remove it ever, except for monthly maintenance, and I shower,sleep ect. with it on. Oh and Sonia you can exercise in it too, no sweat! well no more than usual : )
I gotcha! Vacuum wigs are good for this. They stay put, and look very natural. However, you might want to wait until you have more advanced alopecia because they are pricey, and you have to be bald. I never did bonding, but Im sure thats good too.
What about wearing baseball caps? Ill keep trying to think of more options ; )
Sonia, I have read all the wonderful things that were sent to you regarding what you are going through. Some people just have a way of putting things into words to make anyone feel better. Yes, our hair does not define us. That is not who we are. We are the same people inside with or without hair. If people cannot accept you for the beautiful person you are, then you might be better off without them in any part of your life. I have been unemployed for the longest time now, and it is so hard to go out for interview...do I go as is, or wear a wig? If I wear a wig, what are they thinking?? I feel like my self esteem and self confidence has been robbed from me as well as my hair. If I go to the same places I used to go without a wig, and suddenly wear one, I feel so self conscious. Like people are staring. It is so difficult.
Oh, and I read about a bonded system. That would be the best of all worlds..except for the major expense. Couldn't afford that once let alone for the rest of my life.
I still dont know what a bonded system is
Do a google search to find out all about it. It is basically a high quality "wig" adhered to your head that is essentially treated as your own hair. If you have any specific questions let me know! It may be the best choice for a fitness instructor, that or a vacuum wig.
that is great Dominique. thanks. I will google it right now
What about wearing a cotton buff on your head for aerobics, I got one from a mountain equipment company and they really let your head breathe.



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