Hi. My name is Beth and the reason I am writing this is so that I might help someone else with the same problem I had. My scalp had been burning for about 2 years. I went to 3 doctors, 2 naturopath and 1 acupuncturists. The one naturopath helped me by putting me on probiotics and anti-yeast herbs. That helped some, but not all the way. Then I stopped eating wheat, oatmeal/gluten, etc. My scalp burned but not as much. Then, I just got a book from the library called, "Celiac Disease A Hidden Epedemic" by Peter Green, MD and Rory Smith. Anyway, it was a very informative book and Dr. Green said that people who have Celiac Disease often cannot digest dairy or eggs as well. I stopped eating dairy and my head felt better, but still burned a little. Then, I gave up eggs and now my head does not burn!!! My scalp feels much better!!!! Please check this book out from your library or buy it if you have this disease. Most doctors (and I have a good friend who is an MD) know nothing about nutrition or celiac disease. When you have celiac disease, the villi of your intestines cannot work because gluten (in wheat and some other grains) makes it lay flat. Thus, it cannot get the nutrients from the food you eat; thus, your hair falls out - because your body says, "well hair isn't really needed and if I'm not getting nutrients, well I can give it up". I have lost all the hair on my arms, 3/4 (you know where) and 1/2 on my head and the doctors said it was "Normal"!!!! I look around me and notice how many women are losing their hair!!! My grandmother had a full head of hair at 95 years old. Did you know that Wheat has been genetically modified to have more gluten in it? Maybe that is why so many have celiac disease and it is pasting the villii of our intestines down, especially during menopause, when we no longer have the estrogen to protect us???? I hope this will help someone here with this problem. I wish I hadn't had to wait so long. There are a lot of gluten and dairy free foods out there, so don't be depressed. I'll let you know if any hair comes back. I used to have hair that was way too thick and had to have it thinned. Boo Hoo. I really believe that Hippocrates was right when he said, "All disease begins in the gut". I think our bodies want to heal. Sooooooooo go girls and bless you.