Just wondering what off the wall comments people say regarding your alopecia? I wear a bandana anytime I'm in public and the questions/comments I get are always fascinating.
What kind of remarks (funny or hurtful) have you heard? Also, what kind of responses do you give in return?

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Not questions or comments but stares. From people age 70 and over. Somewhat disgust. As if I did it on purpose
When I'm out with my ten year old daughter (whose hair is growing back from a bout with AU), I feel terrible for her when people call her a boy. "Hey, now that's a guy with a haircut that I like!" (From the guy with the buzz cut) And "you can take him down that hall over there". (From the nurse in a hospital) Agh. Luckily Isabel just shrugs it off. But it makes me cringe. Calling attention to their error might make it worse, but must she always wear pink and hoop earrings??

I remember going for a walk wearing a head scarf when i was heavily pregnant and the looks i got! It was those "sympathetic", "poor lady has cancer and is pregnant" kinda looks which i guess people just assume. I do get alot of compliments about my wigs, usually saying how nice my hair is and have i just had it done or where do i get my hair done because they love the style. I just say thanks and laugh and say its a wig because i've lost my hair. They usually apologise sympathetically and then i point out its alopecia. It doesn't bother me to admit its not my real hair. I have however afew times just said thanks because sometimes its just easier. I have had someone once who actually has Alopecia themselves sort of say i shouldn't have any more kids because of it, that hurt!

Why should anyone have to apologize for not having hair?? I do it also, but really when someone tells me they like my hair, I am getting much better at saying "Thanks" and not giving them the details.



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