Hi my 4 year old has this and i was wondering how your son is doind and the regrowth did it come in very fine at first
Hi there! He is still in remission :o) Initially, it had been a few weeks since I had viewed his spots. It was just suddenly filled in and has stayed that way. Some people say the hair grows in blonde first, but that was not the case. He is wearing a short military haircut now, and there are no spots! My daughter's A.A. is still the same, some regrowth in a spot, but loss nearby. Don't give up hope for regrowth! It can & will happen!
Sometimes it look like my hair what to regrow. how long did your son have AA before regrowth? None of spots are bold,it have baby hair, but it's been like that for over a year.I still have to cut it off so I don't look a mess.
Hi! He had it about a year, and treated with the injections of Kenalog every four weeks and Roggaine. It's been gone about a year. My daughter still wishes to treat with injections of Kenalog. I've been trying to talk her into trying Chinese Herbs - through an American doctor who studied in China. I've heard a lot of stories of remission after people have taken Chinese Herbs. They believe there is something the body is not producing for the A.A. to occur, and try to remedy the problem with natural herbs. Don't give up on remission and my best thoughts are with you!
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