Hi there everyone! I know its been a while. My son is in complete remission. For a few years now, the kids' choice of treatment has been the injections every four weeks. Their hair would start growing back in the spot - then on the edge of the spot more loss would occur. Their alopecia areata stayed about the same - just ever changing. A few months ago, we started notice a lot of regrowth atop my son's head - and now - complete remission - hurray! He is such a good guy - all he could do is feel bad that he was the one getting the regrowth and not his sister. My daughter will enter high school next year - so maybe the stress of that has something to do with it? I know the experts say stress is not a factor - but other doctors, etc. say it is. The whole time the kids have treated with injections - their alopecia has pretty much stayed naturally concealed. My daughter has a few small spots atop her head in the back - that we conceal with dark brown eye shadow. Anyhow, I used to search this website for posts about remission to give me hope for my kids. I'm sorry that my kids and you all have to deal with this - and I hope you all see complete remission. I always pray that some day there will be a cure!

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I'm so happy for your son, and wish a complete remission for your daughter with this Alopecia never coming back. Positive vibes your way.
Thank you EB. Your kind words are surely appreciated! Take care.
It gives us all hope when we hear of natural remissions.
Hi everyone! I care in such a worried way, that this disease is out there and people suffer from it. I wish I could give each one of you a big hug and help you = here is my vitual hug to you! I've been racking my brain, trying to think of what we've done differently in the past couple of months. We did start eating fish once a week - catfish - basically any fish. Also, I started baking a lot of vegitables (instead of using the crock pot so much) like brocholli and cawliflor once a week. I can't think of anything else we've done differently. And ~ my daughter's A.A. is the same (ever changing = regrowth with loss at the same time). It has to be spontaneous regrowth with my son. I'll keep you all in my daily prayers ~ right along with my own two kids!

I think that is lovely news.I hope remission comes about for your daughter as well and both children keep their hair forever and never have to deal with hairloss again!!

My daughter has remission then loss,continually. I talked to a lovely lady that had been dealing with alopecia for a very long time and she told me to make sure that when my daughters' hair regrew not too much fuss was to be made and when it fell out again the same advise. She explained to me as a child she felt like a 'winner' of sorts when her hair grew and a 'looser' when it fell out again. It became a very unhealthy roller coaster ride for her until she fully understood this was out of her control and even though it was nice when her hair grew and sad when it fell out, it wasn't anything she was doing so therefore she didn't have to feel responsible. All she had to do was understand that alopecia areata does it's thing without much input from us.

Her advise was very appreciated by our family and our daughter, so thought I would pass it on.


Thank you for the advice. Yes, the kids are wonderful with or without the hair. I did explain to my son, that it is great the hair has come back - but to understand the unpredictability of this diesease. You just never know what will happen with A.A.!!!
I am so happy for your son and hope your daughter will have the same results soon. We need people like you, who come back and share. It give us hope and with AA , there is hope. Thank you for sharing. :-)
Angie - You are very sweet for your kind words. I pray for all of you every day and send my kindess regards!

Hi my 4 year old has this and i was wondering how your son is doind and the regrowth did it come in very fine at first

Hi there! He is still in remission :o) Initially, it had been a few weeks since I had viewed his spots. It was just suddenly filled in and has stayed that way. Some people say the hair grows in blonde first, but that was not the case. He is wearing a short military haircut now, and there are no spots! My daughter's A.A. is still the same, some regrowth in a spot, but loss nearby. Don't give up hope for regrowth! It can & will happen!

Sometimes it look like my hair what to regrow. how long did your son have AA before regrowth? None of spots are bold,it have baby hair, but it's been like that for over a year.I still have to cut it off so I don't look a mess.

Hi! He had it about a year, and treated with the injections of Kenalog every four weeks and Roggaine. It's been gone about a year. My daughter still wishes to treat with injections of Kenalog. I've been trying to talk her into trying Chinese Herbs - through an American doctor who studied in China. I've heard a lot of stories of remission after people have taken Chinese Herbs. They believe there is something the body is not producing for the A.A. to occur, and try to remedy the problem with natural herbs. Don't give up on remission and my best thoughts are with you!



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