Lynn AKA Mom of 2 w/AA
  • Female
  • United States
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Lynn AKA Mom of 2 w/AA's Friends

  • Liz
  • Barbara
  • Essence
  • edie urso
  • Wendy Willeroy
  • myem
  • Amit
  • Tracy and Amanda
  • rebecca finlaw
  • Lauren
  • Melani Molina
  • Tammy -mom of Ramsey
  • Toni
  • gabe inostroza
  • Kayreyn

Lynn AKA Mom of 2 w/AA's Discussions

Complete remission for son!

Started this discussion. Last reply by Lynn AKA Mom of 2 w/AA Jun 5, 2012. 13 Replies

Exposure to Black Mold Causing AA?

Started this discussion. Last reply by Siella scott Feb 28, 2017. 16 Replies

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Lynn AKA Mom of 2 w/AA's Page

Profile Information

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About Me:
I have two Children with AA. I enjoy baking pies, cookies, etc. I also enjoy hour-long exercise classes at my local gym. Other than that, my life gladly revolves around the kids. They are pretty darned awesome!!
Do you have alopecia?
I do not have alopecia
Are you age 18 or older?
No - I am not 18 or older

Comment Wall (30 comments)

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At 6:25pm on July 31, 2014, MomLynnne said…
Thank you Lynn for posting some positive feedback. 4 years! That's just great. We will hope for tbe best and prepare for whatever comes our way.
At 11:56pm on July 5, 2010, Liz said…
Thanks for the add.....
At 3:19pm on January 9, 2010, Fizza said…
Hi Lynn! I live in the Bay Area and have a 16month old boy with AA that has now turned into AT. How old are your kids? They are adorable. WOuld love to chat with you sometime!
At 1:06pm on January 8, 2010, myem said…
Hi Lynn,
it was great to hear from you. Hope that things are well with you and your family. It is good that your kids are too young to realize that AA is a life time condition. Let's hope that it will go away soon for your kids. My daughter lost all of her hair back in August of last year. After discussing all of the options with Dr. Price, she decided to let nature takes its course. Since then, she has some regrowth. Her brows and lashes are coming back slowly. She is very open about her AA. I am so amazed at her abilities to deal with it at her age. She is doing well at school, has many friends, very involved in music - She plays the tuba, trumpet, percussions at her school symphonic band. My husband and I make sure that all the supports are there for her.
Happy New Year.
At 11:56am on August 17, 2009, JeffreySF said…
Hi Lynn,

All is good here. Hope so for you as well.

I never had any sign of AA before 7/07. I tried steroid treatments in the begining but they obviously didnt work for me so I stopped.
Glad the kids AA are pretty good. Fingers X'd.
Hahaha I love the hairspray line.

Hope your day is a great one!!!

At 6:45pm on July 27, 2009, myem said…
Hi Lynn,
I read your discussion about white iodine. You mentioned that you attended the the Stanford Parent Group. Do you live in the bay area? My daughter's derm. suggested that we joined this group. I will try to attend the September meeting. Hope to see you there and learn more about the iodine treatment - May be it is too late for my daughter, she has only a few hair left.
At 2:10pm on May 15, 2009, Melani Molina said…
Hi Lynn,

I was noticing that you are one of the few people in this group that has more than one child with aa. My daughter Genevieve was diagnosed 5 months ago and has diffuse aa. I would say she has about 20% hair loss with some recent spontaneous regrowth. She is also partially losing and eyebrow. The other day I noticed that her sister seemed to be losing a lot of hair. She now has a tiny patch on the top her head and the area above both of her ears has thinned out greatly. Our pediatrician is sending us to the derm. for a diagnosis. I think that I am in shock that this could be happening to more than one of my kids. If you don't mind me asking, how did it happen with yours? Was it close together, do they have similar loss? I can't seem to find much on the internet about familial alopecia so I thought I would start asking the people who know the most about it!

Melani Molina
At 6:54pm on January 10, 2009, Kayreyn said…
Hi Lynn,
It is such a blessing to hear that your children are doing well on the iodine!! Though Haylei is still losing hair, it's no where near as much as before we started using it. So we're definitely keeping it in her regime. Now we need to find something that helps to regrow. I'm still researching like everyday! I know I'll be glad when the warm weather gets here, as the lack of sunlight isn't great for Alopecians and I just feel like I need to get her in the sun more. I'll keep you posted on anything new I hear of. You take care of those beautiful kids!
At 10:56pm on December 17, 2008, Kayreyn said…
Hi Lynn! Thank you for the link (couldn't link directly to it, but found some articles of iodine on that site). I'm glad you decided to go with the iodine in addition to the shots. For my daughter, I place the decolorized iodine on q-tips and apply them to all of her patches. I think it's soothing for her, and helps with the itching and shedding. I was doing this twice a day, but have changed to once a day, in the morning, as she continues to use the clobetasol at night. The clobetasol is oily, so by applying this at night, and using the drying/oil removing effect of the iodine is helpful. She also uses scalp cover to help mask all of the spots. As moms, we gotta keep trying for our kids, whatever it takes and by posting it helps to hear what others are doing as well as feelings. Thank you for posting and keeping up with us!
At 8:29am on November 24, 2008, Tammy -mom of Ramsey said…
Thank you for respnding. I am having a very hard time delaing with this AA. I can't get the image of my daughter being bald out of my head. She is a perfect picture of innocent beauty right now. I can't accept this yet. I don't know if I ever will be able to. At this point I will try anything safe to get her hair back, and prevent further loss. The only thing helping me right now is knowing that I am not alone in this. All of you on this site have beeen so nice and supportive.


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