My daughter started xeljanz two weeks ago and we found two new spots last night. I thought the drug would at least stop the shedding. Has anyone continued to lose hair after starting xeljanz?
Generally, it takes a few months between when the immune system attacks a follicle until it weakens enough for hair to fall out so starting Xeljanz couldn't have prevented these hairs from falling if she started just 2 weeks ago.
She should start to notice a decrease in inflammation, itchiness, and tingling. You'll have a better idea of whether it's working between months 3-6, though some take longer. Try to be patient.
My daughter started xeljanz at the end of October and her doctor said she wanted to see her towards the end of February. I take this to mean that’s when we should see visual results. Hang in there!
Hey TC- I started Xeljanz on December 4th. I have progressing AA. What type of hair loss do you have? I was thinking we could keep in touch since we both started at the same time.
Hey Brock,
Sure, msg me whenever you like. I'd be happy to stay in touch.
I started with AA patches a little over a year ago around Oct/Nov 2017, then developed some patches on my beard area, arms, legs, eyebrows. Then became diffuse AA that seemed to slow down and regrow somewhat between Apr-Aug 2018, but then it came back worse with what seemed to be headed towards AU. I still have some hair in some places but it's pretty sparse and thin. Started Xeljanz Dec 1st. Still too early to know if it's working, but I felt a significant decrease in inflammation and the itchy feeling I felt on my scalp when it was under attack within the first week. The illness itself causes a lot of anxiety, which fuels things to get progressively worse. I've found working out 4-5 days a week helps me keep things balanced.
How are you doing on Xeljanz so far?
Any progress? I’ve been on Xeljanz since December 4th. I shaved my head because it kept progressing. Patiently going to keep taking 15mg a day.
Hey Brock,
Not much progress to report yet. Started Dec 1st so its only been about 6 weeks.
Still shedding but seems to have slowed down somewhat. New sprouts in some areas, but hard to tell because it's very fine. Hair cycle can take as much as 6 months for the follicle to regenerate new hairs so for now we just have to hang in there. Most important is to do whatever it takes to reduce anxiety. I've been training 4-5 days/wk and found that it really helps me keep things balanced and in perspective. Hang in there buddy, we're going to be ok! :)
Yeah. I’ve noticed a lot of white hairs coming in on my spots after I shaved my hair down. I shave about every other day and they continue to grow after each shave with the rest of my hair so I guess that’s a good thing. I had a few smaller patches show up but I do think the progression has slowed down some too. Good to hear you are doing well!
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