I've been watching the trial for the drug by Concert Pharma called CTP-543.  It hasn't started in my area but according to the governmt website they are started in a few places:  https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT03137381?term=ctp-543&ra...  Rancho Mirage, New Haven (CT), Portland, Houston and a couple other places.  Anyone lucky enough to get on the study yet?  It's a newer version of Rux.

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until the drug hits the market

this sounds very positive, did he have any idea on timeline? 

hello serge I also have a slight increase in potassium on xeljanz 4.5 instead of 4 but my doctor is not at all worried by conyre I have an increase in cholesterol.
like you I have a bad hair response.
is ctp 543 more effective than xeljanz.
thank you

no. i haven't had any  potassium elevations. are you fasted for your blood work? (i am not)

Hi Serg. Your results sound very exciting! I've been UU for about 8 years. I have an opportunity to participate in a Phase 3 trial in my area. I have to decide in the next couple of days or I'll lose my spot - apparently it's in high demand.The side-effects make me a bit nervous. Did you experience any? I understand my hair will likely fall out again if I stop taking the drug. Are you still on the extension study? 

do you have any idea when CTP 543 will be available in the market ? 

Once the semi local trial starts up for the open study they said they would call me to enroll. I lost 90% of my hair in a few months so im hoping this can grow it back



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