Hi Ladies.

For those who have hair pieces, what do you have? No Lucinda Ellery in Chicago, so that's not an option, but I have gone to a few other hair loss salons and I'm told I have too little hair loss to have a custom piece made for my temples, or that it won't look right.  My front hair loss is minimal at this point (fingers crossed), but I have no sideburns at all, my loss is about 2 inches back and 4 inches long at the temples.  So far I can hide it as long as the wind doesn't blow!  

I had a consult for the Cesare Regazzi system, but the salon owner consulted with them and sent them pictures and they did not deem me a good candidate.  Their system also starts at 50 cm of loss and I have 30 cm. The salon owner said she could try and make me a hairpiece with a lace front just for the sides, but I was really hoping the Cesare Regazzi system would have worked as its a bonded piece that stays on for 4 weeks.  You can swim, shower, workout, etc. in it.  It looks great if you are also missing hair in the front, so if that's you, then I would check it out. 

Toppers don't seem to address the temple hair loss issue, I have a ton of hair too, just not in the right spots on my head, so I don't see how a wig will ever work.



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I'm not surprised. Doctors may claim that FFA isn't inherited but I claim that there is an inherited predisposition which is triggered by something like a hormonal imbalance or stress or whatever. My guess is that it is something like a slightly different (faulty) gene for a vitamin D receptor. That would tie in other things like osteoporosis (rife in my family). I believe that our pattern of hair loss is as genetically determined as our eye colour or the shape of our ears. It may appear suddenly or over decades and that may be determined by the trigger that turns the gene on or off. Although my mother had a hairless body she didn't develop the classic FFA pattern until she was 90 but my daughter literally woke up one day without eyebrows (in her 30s).



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