My daughter is 13 and was diagnosed with Alopecia Areata at age of 2. We have tried everything available to help her regrow hair. Recently we had a product referred to us by a friend called Monat. It has only been in production for a year and is a totally chemical free, all natural hair product. She went from having a mostly bald head on top in May to having a full head of healthy thick hair by September!
I am on a mission to make sure that all people with Alopecia are aware of this product so that they can try it for themselves. I was blown away with the results and if it can help someone, I want them to try! I signed up to represent the product even though I have had a life-long hate for selling or representing any product!
If you want to know more about it, please message me!
Do you have to have hair on your head at all for the product to work? I have alopecia universalis.
Can it be returned if it doesn't work?
After reading through peoples comments, and viewing the website, I'm just curious as to what exactly you've correlated to Alopecia, because after the website showed nothing other than a bald man regrowing his hair I am a bit skeptical. I've started using essential oils on my hair... what is different about your product?
Alopecia is unpredictable. It can suddenly grow back, never to fall out again, regardless of whether it has been treated or not. It can also fall out again, just as quickly. The girl may have had hair regrowth anyway, so we can't really know if the product works or not.
this is the same photo posted by another person pushing Monat
we all hope for a miracle treatment, but some people take advantage of how badly we want it to be true
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